The Way it is Today


Active Member
God bless the French…something I would never had thought of saying as little as six months ago. BUT…God bless the French!…and the Germans and the Russians too!

And, good also on the other “minor” allies who do not see war as the ONLY answer with Iraq. Writing this, on the eve of world wide anti-Iraq-war protests, I hope and pray that the world community comes forth and tells President Bush, Jr. “NO THANKS.”

YES, Saddam must disarm. But if his disarmament requires the sufferings of a war, with thousands of innocent lives reduced to indescribable human carnage, the likes of which would haunt the memory of anyone who has seen this…then NO!!!!

Mr. President, Mr. Secretary of State. The world implores you to put your best assets to work, and within the framework of the American Constitution. Consider your options within the context of the Iraqi people…and NOT its current leader.

PLEASE…embrace the people!…Show us the wisdom of the great men who laid the stones of democracy some 250 years ago. Rise above the belly felt desire for revenge, and offer us wisdom to accept the unacceptable, and strength, to end off the unthinkable. Even within the face of mass destruction capabilities, held by what is called, the “axis of evil states” there is no reasoning for war. The US intelligence capabilities could easily “fingerprint” a ballistic missile being fueled up and ready for launch, anywhere in the world. Please do not take us as fools…too many of us KNOW!

American military technology is THE best in the world. No one…virtually NO ONE has a chance in hell confronting it. Its power is not only awesome, it is indescribable. Death, in incalculable numbers, is etched on the warhead of every American ordnance, smart bomb, and cruise missile.

So…can we give peace a chance?
I agree

To those who think our voice means nothing to Bush - that's not true. As more voices join, as more voices are heard. During the past month alone more than 300 million voices worldwide shout the same as us: NO!

let's continue shouting.
old Europe is shouting

some numbers of people joined demonstrations against a Iraq war.

Rome: 1,5 mio
London: 1,0 mio
Madrid: 1,0 mio
Berlin: 500 k

Think boy George, his Dick & Donald are not amused tonight
