The dreaded Bali belly


Well folks, I,ve been laid up sick for a couple of days with ?dysentry/Bali belly. I tend to think this was dysentry as so many of our patients have it with the same evil symptoms. Feverish,sweating, chronic diarrhoea and vomiting and extreme collicky pain. After spending today and yesterday in bed most of the time,in the w.c the rest....the local people in our village got to wonder where I was and a healing delegation arrived bearing gifts of natural Balinese medicine. The hot green, slimy drink which they insisted I swallow was unforgivable...I don,t know how I kept it threatened to come up again and again but actually I did feel surprisingly better after an hour or so. Then came the three green bananas...they were OK but tidak manis....not so sweet...Then to my horror I was asked to take my clothes off for a sort of Balinese massage with a mixture of what smelled like onions,garlic and other smelly things in a coconut oil base, mixed together in half a coconut and poured over my shivvering body, and onto my feet and inside my navel...I was sure the next step would be to put an apple in my mouth and kebab stick elsewhere and turn me slowly over a hot fire, but they didn't get that far..I was certainly marinated enough to smell almost delicious. Now, almost three hours have past and I have been able to stay put without dashing outside to the loo so it looks like it worked. It would be good to know exactly what was in the green slime and the marinade....but usually they wont tell you...How about we get some info to put on our forum about traditional Balinese medicine...has anyone got some ideas they can share....G....
These things

should maybe fit into the Tips & Tricks Forum.

"Severe gastro enteritis" or 'Bali-Belly' - what should I do?
I came down with a similar thing the day after my friend arrived from was hell...lasted a week and two weeks later my stomach still suffers...I keep teasing him that he brought Bali Belly to me (nice gift...I would have prefered some tuberose). Gloria, I think it's the same with all traditional medicines...the chinese doctor (acupuncturist) gave me nasty, foul-tasting herbs (I didn't get marinated) and all became well. You never know what it is or how it just does. I'm bringing a chinese medicine with me called "curing pills"and boy do they...we still don't know what they are, (little herb balls of something) but they're amazing for travelling...they cure any stomach ailment and will keep you from getting food poisoning if you take them after eating something bad. Even better is they only cost about .20 cents.

hope you're feeling better!
Dog poisoning

Never eat road kill Gloria (Unless you run over it yourself and can vouch for the cleanliness of your tyres). On occasion the rabbits on the Geelong road were tempting, but... the shovel wasn't in the car.
This is a personal policy that has stood me in good stead for 287 dog years.
Hope you are felling better. Like seasickness such a malaise is unrelenting.
Bali Belly.

Thank you one and all for your good wishes.Actually we think we have traced the source of this as my Satpam is also sick,so this isn't your ordinary run of the mill Bali Belly...We were "treated" to some Babi Guling and Lawar a few days ago as part of a baby ceremony celebration, and have been violently ill for three days since then. One minute sick as a dog and then rallying, thinking its gone...but no...still suffering. ' spose the only good thing about it is the waistline has dropped a notch or two but not a good way to get slim and lithe.Lothar asked is it B.B. or Gastro Enteritis...must be the latter methinks.Have lived in Bali for nearly eight years and never had this...treated lots of people for the runs etc..but this seems to be different.Now am weak as the proverbial cats pee,still cant eat or smoke (good) and can only sip water and eat peppermints.Can Doctor Lothar confirm the diagnosis ? Love and Chrissy wishes to you all...G...
Food poisoning

may also have occured, Gloria. Reading your symptoms, esp. in your last post, I tip on this. E-Coli, Campylobacter, Ptomaine or else.
If you can, drink bouillon (hot plain beef or chicken broth) a lot, and orange juice.
However, this from-afar diagnosis is not reliable of course, as I can't see you physically.
A friend in Bandung cooked us a special dessert one night

Next morning, up at 5:00 to catch a plane. Indonesian airport toilets are not the best place to be ill are they. Caught the Fokker, it wiggled through Jawa between the volcanoes to Bali. There was a merry music all the way there from the back of the plane. Turned out it the conductor of the orchestra was Salmonella. Hung around on and off for months. Yuk
Not a very cheery subject.
SOunds similar to what we had, but yours could be anything Gloria. Would it be a good idea to take Flagyl Lothar?
Get well soon Gloria.
My Belly

Well thank you thank last I think we have turned the corner to wellness, thanks to Rulide...a wonderful antibiotic which seems to work for me. Unfortunately I am allergic to most anti-biotics so do not take them for anything but RULIDE is OK. I actually had some food today (after three days) and lots of water. We think this was from the Babi Guling as all the staff have had the same illness in varying degrees. NO MORE BABI GULING...thank you everybody for all your good wishes...G...