
Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I found this list of "10 dying industries" and even though it applies to the US, I thought it would be just as relevant here, with the exception possibly of "Apparel Manufacturing".

1. Apparel Manufacturing

2. Music Stores

3. Manufactured Home Dealers

4. Photo development

5. Wired Communications

6. Mills

7. Newspaper Publishing

8. DVD, Game & Video rental

9. Formal Wear & Costume rental

10. Video Post Production


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
Six of the 10 - wired telecomms, newspapers, DVD etc rental, video post-prod, records, photofinishing - are related to technology changes.

Traditional bookshops will probably make the top 10 before too long.

But it is harder to pick the industries that are growing on the back of these top 10 declines. For example, as record sales go down, music sales via iTunes etc grows and the industry around live performances grows - but neither are spectacular success stories of the year.

As photofinishing (getting photos printed on paper) declines, people are increasingly sharing images via social netsworks - but it's hard to point to the spectacular growth industry - unless you rate Facebook as part of this success story.


New Member
Apr 23, 2011
Yes, and isn't that sad. :icon_sad: I love my books!

Very sad :icon_cry:, but books rot / go musty so quickly here, at least now we have an alternative :icon_e_smile: I missed documentaries so much when I first moved to Indonesia, but now we hardly seem to be cut off from anything. It still amazes me that you can now sit on the beach in Bali and be in instant contact with people across the world :icon_surprised:


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
I have downloaded many of the classics to my Ipad 2 and am going through a reading revolution all over again and its great. The classics are free which makes it even better .I did notice however that downloaded prices do not seem any cheaper for the more popular books which I was surprised at given the cost savings.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
I have the latest computers also with the i7 chip plus an Iphone. I have to be in touch with everything going on 24 hours a day but I must admit I love the IPod. I have a 3g company card with unlimited downloads and ofcourse wi fi where available.I wrote my first web page in 1995 and have been using computers since 1969 :)