Speedy Installation time


New Member
Jan 18, 2009
Hello all,
I am going to spend 4 months in Bali and just found a house in Balangan.
There is a phone line, the owner called Telkom to install Speedy, they said ok:
200.000 for the installation, 750,000 a month for the flat.
All cool.
Only one thing worries me: how long will it take before they do install it?
Do you have any experience?
I am fine with a few days or even 2 weeks, while if we talk months I better find another place as I work with the internet.
Thanks for sharing!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Only one thing worries me: how long will it take before they do install it?
Typically, around three days or so, once the paperwork is completed.

If your telephone line is in good condition, it should be "quick". Just be aware that if there are already many Telkom Greedy subscribers in your area, your actual internet connection may be less than optimal. The only people I know of who can tell for sure are the official telephone technicians, who know what's connected to what, and how far away you are from the "best node" to Speedy central.

The "flat" or "unlimited" rate of Rp 750,000/month does not include tax (add 10%). I assume you know you'll have to buy an ADSL modem as well. I wouldn't be pushed into buying one from Telkom, which will simply be a normal re-badged one (and possibly locked). I don't know the current prices of ADSL modems/routers but I'm sure you can find one cheaper than the company one.

I've been using Speedy for several years. Actual speeds have increased significantly since 11 months ago, but are still nothing to get excited about. The maximum download speed is "up to" 1 MB/s and maximum upload, "up to" 128 Kb/s. The speeds you usually get are considerably lower, especially lately (the last couple of months). However, it's still much cheaper than the various wireless alternatives, both to set-up and monthly costs.

Speedy does not force you into 12 month contracts (like some others do).

I hope this helps you.



New Member
Jan 18, 2009
wow...thanks for the answer!
We will go tomorrow with the owner and do all.
It seems there is a 200.000 rp 3 months offer where they include the modem to.
Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
It seems there is a 200.000 rp 3 months offer where they include the modem to.
Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow!
That sounds great...but check out the fine print for the "free modem" deal. There might be a catch.

Since you're only going to be here for 4 months, hidden clauses may not be that important, (depending on whose name the account is in).
If it were me, I think I'd just buy my own modem and go from there. It really isn't all that hard.

As an existing Speedy customer, I've changed houses (and telephone numbers), a couple of times in the past. Still had to go to the main office in Denpasar, sit around waiting for my queue number to come up, fill out some forms, and after that, my account was activated 3 hours later (the same day).

It didn't work, of course, because you have to configure your modem with the relevant details. That's not hard either, when you know the details (which they never tell you unless you ask). If you don't know how to do that yourself, ("easy"), you'll have to wait for someone to come and do it for you (could be several days).

Good luck tomorrow and let us know what happens. If you get stuck waiting, after you've created an account, feel free to PM me and I might be able to help (no charge, of course).


Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002

the modem has a username and password too, maybe handy to get it from the guy who installs it.

But it doesn't really function as a router though. It has just one RJ-45 connector :)


New Member
Jan 18, 2009
2 days and I am online!
Plus there is a 3 months offer for which I will pay 40% less on the 750.000 office package.
I got a non wireless modem too.
Now, trying to configure it for my Mac

thanks to all!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Great news and glad to hear that all went well.

The Speedy promo deal sounds good, too.
How is your impression of the speeds you're getting?



Dec 5, 2008
Larger Antipode
Hey, Luca

Sounds like you are one of the lucky ones. My experience with Speedy has been, and remains, miserable. Now, in fairness, let me say from the outset that my base for comparison is with a lightening fast Company VPN connection in Australia through my US Company, so that's a high hurdle.

That having been said, I'm having constant problems with Speedy.

I have rented a small Villa just outside Sanur whilst I build out East and am only in Bali for a few days each month. For this reason, I'm on the cheap package because I simply dont spend enough time here to consume much bandwidth.

My problems with Speedy have been pretty consistent and pretty much from the start.

1. The advertised 8Mbps download speed is a total illusion. In fact, even if my connection is up, during Indonesian Office hours, I'm lucky if I get download speeds of 10Kbps. Or comparable to a dialup connection on a 56K modem with a good line.

2. I have days when the connection is up and down all day, although the telephone on the same line works fine. Today is one of those days, incidentally.

3. When eventually possible to get a Speedy technician (And remember its all third parties who do the installation etc.) what sounds to me like a poor connection is always blamed on the Modem. I started with a Correga, which definitely had wireless connectivity problems. I was advised that a Linksys modem was the way to go, which I did.

4. Now that I continue to have connectivity problems, I'm told by the latet Speedy technician that his Company do not use Linksys modems because they have so many problems with them. According to them, the way to go is a Billion modem, another $200.

5. Etc and so it goes on.

I'd sure be grateful for any comments or similar experiences with Speedy and if, as I believe, there are many common problems, would it be a good idea to set-up a dedicated Speedy Issues thread?


New Member
Jan 18, 2009
Hey Mike,
There is the possibility that they give priority to flat customers.
It would not be fair, but it is possible.
My modem is the standard one they give (a non wireless Star Net) and I use a wireless router (cheapest one I could get in depressing RIMO, 520.000 rp Aztech WL830RT4).
I've just performed another test, here it is
[attachment=0:3ln21plk]Picture 3.JPG[/attachment:3ln21plk]

I had 7MB in Italy, so this is slow also for me, but I can live with it.

Where do they advertise 8Mbps?
THAT would be great!


  • Picture 3.JPG
    Picture 3.JPG
    80.2 KB · Views: 116


Dec 5, 2008
Larger Antipode

8 Mbps is as advertised on the Speedy fliers!

Did you compare your connex speeds on speedtest with the other Bali connections? I'm sure you will find that those speeds are the best available. Where are you based in Bali?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Hi, sydneymike
The advertised 8Mbps download speed is a total illusion..
I haven't checked Speedy's website for a while. A lot of confusion is often related to how download/upload speeds are stated in the first place.

Megabits (Mb) and Megabytes (MB) are different. My understanding, based on my current Speedy connection in Sanur, is that the maximum download speed is "up to" 1 MB/s. I think I got somewhere near that about nine months ago. It's somewhat "slower" the last two months, dependent upon the time of day.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but there are 8 bits to 1 byte. One Megabyte = 1048576 bytes (or, 1024 Kilobytes). So, 1MB/s should be 1024KB/s.

If Speedy is advertising "8Mbs", that's about 1MB/s. In other words, a "marketing ploy", to impress people who really don't know the difference. (Not unlike how many companies rate the wattage output of their audio amplifiers - PMPO versus RMS).

Few of us ever get close to even that speed, in Bali.



Dec 5, 2008
Larger Antipode
Good point JC.

It seems to me that WiMax is an ideal solution for connectivity in Bali. Does anyone know of any plans to develop such a service?

Incidentally, I was down at Telkom trying to get some help (Wishful thinking?) and picked up their latest flyer which now states "Up to 384Kbps". Frankly, I'd be very satisfied if I could even get that. The best download speed I have ever had, even using an accelerator and at 2AM was about 90Kbps. Frankly, at the moment I'd even be satisfied if I could get a reliable steady connection of any speed!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
I don't know for sure if there are any moves to implement WiMax in Bali. (It might be available in places like Jakarta, Bandung..?)

Some time ago I became aware that parts of the By-Pass road around Sanur were being ripped up to lay fibre optic cables. I was mildly excited because they were kind of just down from the street where I was living at the time (about 400 metres). The digging stopped, the holes were filled and to this day, I have no idea who or where was connected. And for how much, of course. Meanwhile, I moved houses anyway and even Speedy wasn't available, for a month or two.

That's when I got sucked into an unlimited "service" with Telkomsel Flash. If you think Telkom Speedy's services leave a lot to be desired, try Telkomsel. I lasted nearly two weeks, couldn't get a connection inside their main office in Denpasar, really wanted my money back (silly me), for a "service" I wasn't getting by any stretch of the imagination. Then almost miraculously, I got a call from Speedy Bali informing me that I could now get a connection. Not only that, the Speedy connection had been upped to 1 Mbs download and 128 Kbs upload. For the same price!

(I wrote and composed a bunch of related content here, but maybe I took too long. Had to log-in again and although I usually save things as I go, just in case, I lost it.)

Incidentally, I was down at Telkom trying to get some help (Wishful thinking?) and picked up their latest flyer which now states "Up to 384Kbps". Frankly, I'd be very satisfied if I could even get that. The best download speed I have ever had, even using an accelerator and at 2AM was about 90Kbps. Frankly, at the moment I'd even be satisfied if I could get a reliable steady connection of any speed!!!
The Telkom flyer you picked up must be a very old one. I've been downloading all kinds of files this afternoon and my "download speed" is 500-600 Kbs. When I'm lucky, it's even more.

I am not saying that Speedy is the bee's knees. Far from it. Companies like Blueline are offering wi-fi connections promising download/upload speeds of 1 Mbs, (both ways), for a significant monthly price, after you buy their equipment.

I don't understand why you're having such a bad experience with Speedy. Well, I have a few theories/pointers which I wrote down 20 minutes ago but lost and am too tired to resurrect right now.

Feel free to PM me and maybe we can figure out what's going on with your "connection" (or lack thereof).
