Some Nyepi Pics

Your photos if Nyepi

Loved them - especially the one with the boys carrying the OGO OGO. Such happy smiling faces with big brother watching in case it all went pear shaped or the wheels fell off!!
I would like them as a background on the pc both at home and work. how do i pick /select the ones I want?
Currently at work I have one of a fruit stall with a bali pedrigee dog in front - at least that is what I explain when "passers by" suddenly realise what it is.
At home we have a Bintang ad from 15 years ago -" Now that you have discovered Indonesia it is time for a Bintang" Bob is sure with his luck he would get the almost full glass at bottom left - if you know the ad. We also have the original laminated and mounted - we just scanned it.

now that I have wandered enough -to get back to the original question - can I use your photos as background and how do I separate them.

Or is it a learning curve.

Cheers and good wishes


Thanks Roy...
Talk about silence. Darn, this forum has been quiet, and maybe now that everybody has spend a day in quiet meditation, we can get a little more lively here again.
I am so frigging homesick for Bali and certain people there... I have the Blue Funk real bad.
According to updates from 'home in Bedulu' the haze of Bali Blue Funk is thicker than ever, with less tourists than ever and therefore less work and income for most.
Will the Nyepi prayers and offerings help change things around? Are the ogo-ogo's gonna leave our world? Heck, in this day and age of powerlessness over the powers that be we may as well pray and meditate. It just might work.... at least people on Bali and in stretches of the rest of the world believe that.
With the current bleak outlook, I feel so overwhelmed by the magnitude of what's involved to move my whole life to Bali later this year. I am scared that my timing is completely off, and that little devil's voice is hissing in my ear: Are you f*cking out of your mind to leave that cozy American nest of security and prosperity? for some "DREAM"? Yet, I feel I am suffocating here....
Yes, Nyepi makes so much sense: bring the demons out into the light, dispose of them, and then go within in silence to gain clarity and direction.
Day of Silence & Meditation

Roy: Thanks, great photo's of the ogoh-ogoh's in your village!

Uma: The ogoh-ogoh will never leave this world, trust me ;-) ~ and I hope you will be able to return to Bali soon!

JPB: right-click with your mouse on any photo and select "save picture as" from the pop-up menu that appears


more pictures of special offerings and ogoh-ogoh of Lovina at Wonderful Bali
Hi Uma,
Your funk strikes a responsive chord with us. Our plan is to move there at the end of July, and that same little voice in your head is also whispering in ours. Will the war have inflamed Indonesians to the point that we will no longer be safe in Bali? Will the Indonesian government simply refuse to admit US citizens anymore? Will SARS have spread to Bali, or to every country through which one has to connect on the airlines to get to Bali? On and on and on....... if we let it.

It's easy to say that safety in the USA is only an illusion (e.g. 9/11), and that nowhere is really safe in the way we've become used to most of our lives. But I have to admit, it's a persuasive illusion. We are under a lot of other stress right now, what with selling our house and the zillion chores that go along with transitioning our residence, our lifestyle, our family affairs, not to mention my professional activities. This stress leaves us more vulnerable when dealing with threats over which we have virtually no control (e.g. war, SARS, exchange rates, etc.).

So what can we do? Our humble answer is to control the things we can, and surrender the rest to those powers we hold higher. Spend time doing the things which point us to our center, be they music, art, love, meditation, hanging with the kids, whatever. Continue to dream our dreams...make our silly plans....who knows, they might just come true.

Best of luck to all of us,
Dennis and Susan
Thanks Dennis and Susan, and Ringo too...

...your post was very encouraging in two ways: that I am not alone feeling so unsettled and that yes, we need to keep on moving, tap into our sources of strength and continue following our personal vision for a better life. You offered a good reminder that now more than ever is a time to focus on what we can impact and leave the uncontrolable to our Higher Power(s).
Lets hope we will all see each other safe and sound at Puri Asri or Naughty Nuri's in the near future, be it in July for you or in November for me. I would really love to met you.
I can only say this

My only regret moving to Bali permanently five years ago is that I didn’t do it sooner. Without question, these past five years have been the best of my life. There is a unique sense of balance here, like nowhere else in the world. It is expected there will be fluctuations in the Ying and Yang, and virtually every priest and Balian will discuss this openly. There is also no question that order and balance will be restored. So, Uma, Dennis and Susan…I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting all of you and spending time with each of you. You each are very committed, and it’s normal, even in the best of times, to have “second thoughts” concerns, etc. over such a huge life style change. I’ve seen many an expat come and go here like the ebb and flow of the tide. I don’t see that with any of you…really…I’m serious! Chin up! We’ll all get through this “funk” together!
Thanks Roy and Uma,
Just talking about it openly helps a great deal. Chin up, indeed! We'll be there.....
Today (April 2 here in USA) is our 20th wedding anniversary! Congrats to us!!!!!! Interesting it should coincide with Nyepi this year.

Dennis & Susan
Happy Anniversary!

THAT'S GREAT! A good "omen" as might be said here! Selamat and enjoy! So, Dennis....what did you give Susan to celebrate? Something special for your new house here in Bali? :D :D :D
She's not supposed to know. We agreed that with everything that's going on in our lives, we wouldn't exchange gifts. Of course, I did get her something and you have devined correctly that it's something for the new house (does living in Bali that long give you prescience or what?) However, I'm not giving it to her until we get there and she sometimes browses this forum, so I'm keeping mum.
