Some help


New Member
Jun 24, 2004
Hello every body.
My name is Narciso. I am the owner of some travel agencies in Madrid Spain.
Some year ago I visit Bali and from that moment I am thinking to make bussines there.
My idea is to rent a hotel with 20 rooms to send my spanish clients to Know Bali
I read to much this frum to take information and try to know what problem I can find.
I have many question and I don´t find response.
I will be very gratefull if someone could help me in my questions.
Do you know the salaries of a waiter, chef, fromdesk man, gardener, woman to clean rooms.......?
Do you know the price of the whater, light, the food.....?
Do you know what is the taxes for a hotel in bali to pay to the goverment.
Is complicated to make the steps to havea hotel in Baly.
Do you know more or lees the steps that I will need to make.
Sorry if I make many questions but I will like to have more clear my ideas before to go the nex september, to talk with the real states, goverment.......
Thank you very much to read this post and sorry for my basic english.
Narciso Borja