So, What's Next?


Active Member
What’s next? What’s next are more photographs like this one taken by my friend Philip Griffiths during the Vietnam War. Whether or not such images are caught on film makes no difference. Such images of the realities of war will be played out over hundreds of square miles. Recorded or unrecorded, each horror will be just as real, just as painful, and just as unnecessary as the last horror that was caught on film.


I remember so well our jubilant celebration of the new millennium and century as we so welcomed it here on Bali. Real change seemed to be in the wind! No more “cold war” and promise for the advancement of all mankind seemed as inevitable as the clock’s hands advancing towards that monumental last second.

That jubilation is long gone. It has been replaced by the ghosts of the 1960’s and 70’s, …a time I thought would never be replicated. God bless those young men and women in uniform, but in the end, they are only pawns on the chess board. Directed by a King, whose world power seems now to be absolute, these are the most scary of all times. God bless those poor men and women in uniform, disallowed to think for themselves, but directed to follow orders. God bless those those poor Iraqi men, women and children, the ones who within hours will be classified as “collateral damage.” President Bush…YOU pick up the severed head of a five or six year old girl, drop to the ground and while holding it in your lap, pronounce her as “Miss Collateral Damage.”

This rush to war is most vile, most unnecessary, and as evil as the acts of 9-11 itself. At this very point in history, without an opposing “super power”, i.e. the former Soviet Union, America could really demonstrate its commitment to freedom and a better way of life as a world power dedicated to end poverty, address global warming, clean water, a world court of justice, etc.,etc.

Maaf…enough said, and maybe too much at that. At this point, voicing opposition is like farting upwind. All that is left now is prayer.
All has been said

My dear friend Roy you have been able to put into words what we all feel right now, and I thank you for it...the World must stand by to do whatever we can and offer whatever prayers we feel to utter to the Gods that we trust. May our Gods be with us all and unite us with love for each other...