

Hey folks,
Lots of news here in the States about a new bug called "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome" (SARS), that is infecting people in Asia. Health officials are not certain whether to call it a form of pneumonia or influenza. Today's latest posting from the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta says that over 160 people now appear to have it in Hong Kong, double the number from 4 days ago! The most frequently infected so far are medical personnel caring for those with the infection. At least 9 people have died, including 2 in Canada (who recently returned from a trip to various places in Asia).

CDC says it is still unclear whether it is a bacteria or a virus, and none of the usual treatments for pneumonia or flu are effective. There are several suspicious cases in the USA which CDC is monitoring, but they don't know if its SARS yet or not. In fact, they don't really know how to tell if something is or is not SARS, until the person is non-responsive to all routine treatments. At this point, it appears to be more of a diagnosis by process of elimination of all other possibilities. CDC's best guess is that it is transmitted by close personal contact (close enough to breathe aerosolized respiratory material from coughing, etc.), though they really don't know for sure.

Officials also do not know the geographical origin of the bug, although early signs are pointing towards southern China, specifically Guandong province. However, cases have also been found in people who have traveled only to Hong Kong or Hanoi. Also, a Singaporean physician was diagnosed with it and taken off of a plane in Frankfurt on his way back to Singapore. Alarmingly, it seems that China has known about cases since last November, but has only recently made any announcements. In addition, the Chinese government has banned any mention of it by Chinese news media.

There are several conflicting reports in the news, which is not surprising given the early stage of these events. One report says that cases have been diagnosed in Indonesia, though as usual they don't say where in Indonesia. So far, I have heard no mention of cases in Malaysia. Anybody out there know anything about this?

SARS & BaliNuts

After posting the above, I skipped over to the BaliNuts forum, and see that there is quite a bit of info on this posted there. Taking care of us as usual, aren't you Lothar. Thanks to you and the other posters.

Pnuemonia ???

Go to Reuters News...and you will see how serious this is...already one suspected case in Bali, a tourist in transit. No confirmation yet only rumour. But this could be the plague of the century unless some scientist can pin point more information....G...
WHO link.

Somewhat interesting link with constant updates. Still nothing about confirmed cases in Indonesia that I can find. Nothing in yesterday's Jakarta Post, and today's issue of the Bali Post hasn't been delivered yet, but will check it out soon. Anyway, here is the link: http://www.who.int/csr/table/en/index.html

This is of course bad for Bali just as some amount of tourism was being restored to Bali...mainly from fellow Asean member countries who are now being advised to curtail non-essential travel. This, plus Bush's war to start later this week...none of it good for Bali!