Remembering The WHITE DEVIL...


Active Member
and other expats who passed from us this last year is most appropriate I think. It is painful to recall them in our minds, and doubtlessly we all wish them spiritual fulfillment.

I think we all suffered the loss of a kindred spirit last year. So, we all grieve within this common loss. And, we have to come to grips with this fact on a personal level. least I do.

In virtually every Balinese compound, there are the ancestral temples and when the family prays there, there is no grief, and we all know why.

All of us that call Bali home shared gut wrenching losses this past year. All of us saw and experienced first hand events that none of us would ever think we would. Nightmarish images haunt each and every one of us every night. But, I believe we can all find a personal peace and acceptance. Isn't this directly at the heart of the Bali we love and call home?

The year 2002 sucked. It was a monumentally shitty year. Not just because of October 12, the day that changed Bali, and us forever, but because of other factors too.

I sense that we are being challenged and very challenged at that. We have virtually no control over this world's events, but we do have a complete capacity to control and direct our daily personal life in a manner which is more ennobling than we way we lived last year.

A new year's resolution? I don't know. All I am certain of is that 2003 will provide us with even more challenges than 2002. Happy New Year, and God Bless us all.
yes Roy

certainly 2003 will have historical events the world will remember not for the good.
I personally wish you and all my other friends in Bali will have a 'stay-away' from whatever will happen, and you all will have a chance to bring the smiles on your faces back - as they must come from the heart.
Hi Gloria, Roy, Bert and Ringo (Hoy!), Behemoth, the California Gang and all the others.
Hallo, ihr anderen beiden Teutonen, Thorsten und Lothar ( I guess some good things Teutonic come in Three???wink )
Thank you for the nice welcome.
Lothar's wishes sound really good to me...
Thinking of Bali and Moscow and all the other horror, not only last year but also the years prior, the nightmare in parts of Africa, starvation, Finnish people drowning by the hundreds, Enron and cohorts, the moron and his handlers in makes one want to despair.
And if illness strikes you or loved ones, and you don't know what it is and what chances you have....
I found I hard to 'dig deep' in times like that and look for that , you might call it 'beacon light' or whatever Higher Power works in and for you.
I wish you strength, Bert, and any other who are struggling.
I feel for those who had personal losses, I lost my younger brother three years ago in a tragic event. Another reason why I wanted to be around during last Galungan and make some special offerings.

Well, risking to sound Pollyanna-ish, there are all the blessings too. And the daily things that can bring a smile to your face (if you choose to) or even a roaring gut laughter. The glass is half full also!!!
This forum has brought smiles to my face. I love the wittyness and the heartfelt sharing, the insights and human rawness that come through at times. I feel drawn to that commitment that some of you have to make a difference, to be more caring people, and you all love Bali.
I always hope that whatever happens brings out a better, stronger me. I feel drawn to Bali, and to qualities I see in the people I encountered and their spirituality, because the lack of values, community/family and spirituality here in the West is becoming a cause of distress to me. I left Germany 20 years ago, because, I couldn't 'breathe' , thought I could really stretch my wings in the US. Now, the US just leave me feeling empty on the inside, because 'buying' into all the 'stuff' is not my thing. At this time in my life I want to be some place that has 'soul.'
There is something in Bali, and I think I need to walk down that path. You aren't continuing to live there, just because there is no other place to go, right? No matter what has happened on 10/12, Bali is still your choice, or?
And you'll be writing down your thoughts here, will you? What do we personally want to learn and apply, here where we are, and now, after the distressing events in the world?

Rambling along... but glad to be here
Thanks uma

for your very nice post. Hehe , I have a chance to speak German then with you - I very seldom do.

Besides of that I'd find it a pity to close what has started so well - measn I stay put here :)
Hi all,
Good things are rolling again. I was so unhappy when I came across the "forum does not exist" message.
Take good care all of you.
