Relocating with Pets


New Member
Feb 13, 2005
Oxford, United Kingdom
RE: Vets Fees

Hi all, I am planning to relocate to Bali , business, house and home but was concerned to read here that you cannot bring pets into Indonesia. Does anyone know if this is a blanket ban ( ie no animals from any country) or are pets from the UK allowed as we dont suffer from Rabies?
My 2 dogs need to know if they are coming with me !


New Member
Aug 2, 2005
Sydney, Australia
I currently live in Australia but intend to move to Bali with my dog towards the end of next year. Accordingly I rang a reputable pet transport company in Australia who advised me that it was relatively simple. Simple in that there is no quarantine and all that is required is a flight ticket for my dog (roughly the same price as a regular ticket), and certain vaccinations, eg rabies. The dog also needs to be checked out by a registered vet within (if I recall correctly) about 24 hours of departure. The dog flies in a cage in cargo on the same flight. Obviously this all sounds traumatic for the dog (and owner) and would require good organisation. The same company advised me that they have a meet and greet service in Jakarta, but not Denpasar, so my thinking is that it would be important to have an Indonesian dog loving person on the ground in Denpasar when the dog arrives.

I realise that you are in a different situation but hope this helps.



New Member
Sep 1, 2005
I have the same problem as Giles has .Planning to move to Bali..not soon but will do.I have 2 Rottweilers and 2 Siammese cats.Still not sure if we can bring with us..
Somebody told me that i can bring them one way.Will cost me 40.million each include ticket.But i think its a little bit too much..If we can find the new owner who can love them so we might just lleave them here as we will still cameback to Chiangmai.But if we can do as Charmian inform maybe it will be better..


New Member
Feb 13, 2005
Oxford, United Kingdom
Millie and Suki , my 2 dogs, say thankyou to you both, they are somewhat relieved. Why didnt I think of talking to a dog shipper??
Will get onto it straight away. I looked into an Oz move and got all info on that and thats easy to do from Uk in the manner you described. Sounds like it should be same for Bali. I will ask and place more info here for general interest. Thanks again.


New Member
Sep 19, 2005
Here are the latest rules! Note that the rules change quickly and make sure that you are updatet when you travel!
The Ministry of Agriculture (Departemen Pertanian) in Jakarta will have the correct information for you.

This is what you will need:

*Copy of owner's passport

*Letter of Recommendation from the Department of Veterinary Science

*Copy of Health Certificate, Vaccination Book and Rabies Vaccination required

*Local Import Permit must be obtained from the Indonesian Agricultural Department before pet arrives

*Subject to import duties and taxes

*Must be for personal/private use and not for resale

*Pets name, breed, sex, age and color on paperwork

Since there is no rabies in Bali, you can only import pets from rabies-free countries.
Here is a list of countries that are rabies-free:

o Hawaii
o Australia
o Bermuda
o Denmark
o Hong Kong
o Ireland
o Japan
o Malta
o New Zealand
o Norway
o Singapore
o Sweden
o United Kingdom
o Turks & Caicos islands
o Brunei
o Sabah & Sarawak
o Cyprus
o Taiwan
o Iceland
o Fiji Islands
o Italy
o Belgium

Obviously the best way is to simply contact the Ministry of Agriculture.

Good luck with your move to bali!


Oct 15, 2004
Adelaide South Australia
Another thing to think about is what happens to your loved pet if you decide that Bali isn't for you?. Many countries will not let you take your animal back, when you return to your home country. It's really worth checking the regulations on this. Just imagine how hearbreaking it would be, if your move to Bali doesn't work out and you have to leave without your pet.