Reject and Revise RUU Anti Pornografi/Pornoaksi


May 11, 2005
For those who wish to reject and revise the proposed RUU Anti Pornografi/Pornoaksi there is an online petition available.

Jerinx and "the boys" organised a concert for "Tolak dan Revisi RUU Anti Pornografi/Pornoaksi" on the 4th of March at Bali Galleria. I went there and listened, took pictures and recorded some of the bands. Here's a compilation of pictures and a suitable song (sensitive listeners turn down the volume :shock: ) to go with it. It's a Windows Media Video file (.wmv). Size 4.46mb. Some of the pictures possibly got or will be published in Kompas. I'm not sure as i gave them away and havn't checked... :oops:

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Nice Movie !!!

It shows in B&W on my PC?

Specially like the shot where the singer is right in front of the RI logo...

Good music too!


Oct 4, 2005
Seattle, Washington
You have the right to reject RUU. Read this letter :

Diketik ulang sesuai asli, dengan format yang lebih baik.

Jalan Jatinegara Timur III no.26 Jaktim-13350 Tlp/Fax: 021-8517718

Nomor : 01/03/MM-DATIN/06
Lamp. : -
Perihal : SOMASI

Kepada :
1. Gubernur Propinsi Bali
2. Pimpinan DPRD TK I Bali Di Tempat

Setelah memperhatikan pernyataan Gubernur Bali I Made Dewabrata,
Pimpinan DPRD Tk I Bali, dan sejumlah tokoh masyarakat Bali dalam menanggapi rencana pengesahan RUU APP, maka kami ajukan SOMASI dengan alasan sebagai berikut:

1. Logika pariwisata sebagai tulang punggung perekonomian Bali untuk
menolak RUU APP adalah mengada-ada, karena masyarakat Bali sebelum ini
hidup tanpa pariwisata. Justru dengan mengundang wisatawan asing,
kemaksiatan merajalela, prostitusi tumbuh subur, narkoba bersimaharajalela, sehingga rakyat Bali menjadi budak di negerinya sendiri.
2. Logika budaya untuk menolak RUU APP sama sekali tidak berdasarkan
fakta sosiologis dan filosofis, mengingat pakaian adat Bali relatif
menutup aurat (tidak telanjang). Bahkan patung-patung di sana pun diberi kain penutup.
3. Ancaman Gubernur dan masyarakat Bali untuk memisahkan diri dari NKRI merupakan bentuk tirani minoritas dan arogansi yang bernuansa SARA serta ancaman perang terhadap kedaulatan NKRI, di samping melecehkan penduduk mayoritas muslim.

Mencermati pernyataan tersebut maka:
1. Kami mendesak Pemerintah cq TNI untuk segera bertindak tegas terhadap anasir disintegrasi yang nampak jelas dengan memanfaatkan momentum penolakan terhadap RUU APP.
2. Jika pemerintah SBY-JK membiarkan ancaman Gubernur Bali tersebut berarti pemerintah secara langsung maupun tidak, telah merestui separatisme di wilayah hukum NKRI, sehingga pemerintahannya merupakan pemerintahan subversif, anti NKRI, dan menyulut konflik SARA.
3. Jika TNI tidak sanggup menanggulangi dan menghentikan sikap arogansi dan anasir separatisme tersebut, maka Majelis Mujahidin bersama institusi Islam lainnya siap untuk menyelesaikannya.

Ya Allah, saksikanlah, kami telah menyampaikan, Allahu Akbar!
Jakarta, 12 Maret 2006

Drs. Fauzan Al-Anshari, MM
Ketua (HP.0811-100138

Bert if this post is unappropriate, you can delete it. However, I think the Balinese and whoever interested in Bali need to know this letter.



May 11, 2005
Intresting. Not only does "Drs. Fauzan Al-Anshari" show arrogance towards foreigners and balinese but tops it off with empty threats. Not much to say about it really. The man don't know what he's talking about and my spontaneous recommendation for him would be to look for another job more suitable to his qualifications... that is if he has any.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Dahlia writes:

You have the right to reject RUU. Read this letter
Dahlia, what do you mean "the right to reject RUU?" There is NOTHING in this letter that suggests Bali has any rights at all! Tommy's analysis of this letter is spot on!

Frankly, I find the letter very scary...full of threats to call in the TNI, and even his own Muslim organization to straighten Bali out.

The author starts out his letter by stating that the Balinese reliance on tourism income is not a logical argument against this law. After all, as he states, the Balinese have lived without tourism in the past. Is he kidding????

Dahlia, what is your view on this letter? Ni Luh, Kadek, what are you guys thinking?


Oct 4, 2005
Seattle, Washington
What I was going to say is that we have to reject this RUU. Obviously the writter has no knowledge of Bali or other Indonesian cultures whatsoever.

Logika pariwisata sebagai tulang punggung perekonomian Bali untuk
menolak RUU APP adalah mengada-ada, karena masyarakat Bali sebelum ini
hidup tanpa pariwisata.

It shows how stupid he is. I wonder where he got his master degree.

Ancaman Gubernur dan masyarakat Bali untuk memisahkan diri dari NKRI merupakan bentuk tirani minoritas dan arogansi yang bernuansa SARA serta ancaman perang terhadap kedaulatan NKRI, di samping melecehkan penduduk mayoritas muslim.

He speaks about tiran and arogancy from the minority, but can he see that the RUU itself is a "bentuk" (I coudn't think of an english word...sos my brain is dead) of arogancy and tiran from the majority ?
Indonesia is not a moslem country eventhough majority are moslem, the majority should respect the cultures of the minority, and not to thread to attack, instead.

It is scary if this RUU will pass, even with a revision.



New Member
Feb 28, 2006
Re: RE: Reject and Revise RUU Anti Pornografi/Pornoaksi

dahlia said:
It is scary if this RUU will pass, even with a revision.

I cant imagine what kind of revision can be made for more by such makers.
I really disagree with this RUU, especially if it mentions and makes women's parts of body become illegal - it's my body anyway and i have no intention to disturb others or even sell it to anyone - 8)
A lot of ethnic in Indonesia use open traditional clothes, and our culture is so various, if some people want to uphold their religion, they can make rules for them - they're people who have religion anyway...
It's better to do better job to regularize prostitution, sex business, traficking, or other more sensible matters instead of making such RUU like this :?


Dec 6, 2005
It is worrying and disappointing that the RI government is busying itself with discussing such issues as trying to regulate how its citizen – especially women must conduct themselves in public and how to dress “appropriately” based on the “holier than thou” opinion and belief held by some sections. :shock: :shock:

What good will the country have if its citizen will be jailed and fined hideously huge amount for showing a bit of leg in public, while those in power can swindled billions into their private pockets and got away with it. This is stupidity to the max, or maybe super sized that with extra French fries on top again :shock: :cry: considering they seem to not do much with regards to other more pressing economical, environmental, health and other issues that would benefit the people.

How is this law supposed to protect the people from pornography, if the production and distribution of such materials are not the one being stoped? I think, it is but a disguise used to promote or is an attempt to promote an agenda that if passed will see the forced adoption of one particular ideal in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnics and multi-religious country!

The letter above shows that the person/organisation he represents feel that they have got the ultimate truth with regards to morality and societal values and thus other people must submit to their ideals and belief. And what more, they are willing to force their ideals and belief at any cost. Also disturbing is that they are calling on their threats to “straightened up the objecting minority” by also citing their religious belief. Surprisingly, he accused the minority, who are voicing legitimate concerns for the propose law and acting on their democratic right to voice opinions, as inciting racial and religious tensions.

What is this man thinking? This guy is so full of himself and blinded by his truth and ideals that he can’t see that the one inciting these tensions is in fact him and the organisation he represents. These people know exactly how to manipulate the system of tolerance (they only expect other’s to be tolerant but have no intention of being tolerant towards those different from themselves) as well as manipulating people’s fear of being labelled as racists – as we are almost non-capable of even hinting that they are being racists by way of their views and opinions).

This fear and also perhaps the generally accepted need to placate just to make peace, were perhaps also the reasons behind the banning of the previous two threads relating to the propose law.

I feel the moderation with regard to this topic hasn’t been consistent, why banned the other two threads, while on the other hand, not banning this and the one regarding this law but in Indonesian (Sekilas tentang RUU Pornographi………). Aren’t these also political discussions, which may as yet lead to the same direction as the previous threads? :?

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
I feel the moderation with regard to this topic hasn’t been consistent

This may be so.

But.. It is not really "political" that makes me lock topics. It unrelated "political", and specially when people start to feel uncomfortable with it.

Allthough I think this topic is also important for Bali, remarks like "It shows how stupid he is. I wonder where he got his master degree." make me wonder about the purpose and function of this forum.

I find moderation quite difficult at this moment, I simply don't know anymore. Why people cannot just disagree without being "personal" beats me.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

Everything is personal in such a topic. It almost impssible sometime to be totally objective and therefore subjective views shine though.

Implicit in Kadek letter is that the moderation is also subjective. I believe less and less people will write or discuss if you do not let things be discussed. My belief is that the moderation should not be about topics but the way they are discussed.

You are spot on when you say no insults but Kadek was not insulting anyone who had written here but expressing and opinion like for example " He is ugly" referring to say George Clooney ( Never did see what woemen see inhim :))

This is not in the same line as me calling Roy an idiot because he holds a point of view. Its your forum mate but not many are posting and you might want to take this into account.

I really am trying to be helpful but if you think I am wrong run a poll and I will be happy with the result.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Its your forum mate but not many are posting and you might want to take this into account

Its not the number of posts I am looking for Jim...

I feel that allthough this forum has plenty of interesting posts and discussions, the number of Bali Expats, is far too low.

Its a pitty, but as it seems they have something better to do then discussing things on a forum.


Sing Ken Ken.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Kadek, I think your post is excellent as it relates to the topic at hand. This topic, as you well know, is far beyond political in nature, and it has far reaching consequences to all of Indonesia. This country prides itself as a democracy founded on the principle of “unity in diversity.” In that phrase, “diversity” is just as important and meaningful as “unity.”

Selamat on your excellent post, that in my opinion shows a great understanding of the underlining aspects of this proposed legislation, as well as great patriotism for your country.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Its a pitty, but as it seems they have something better to do then discussing things on a forum.


People are leaving the forum or not writing in it because (IMHO) they do not know what they can write about. If you want to have rules fine but publish them so all, especially new folks know what they are.

Nothing is worse than having a subject locked because you decide on that day its not an appropiate topic.

Sorry mate but there are rules about having rules so to speak :)


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Jimbo writes:

I have just read an article saying that the Indonesian Goverment is packing away from this law due to the protests received especially from Bali.

Well that is good news. Fact is though, that the greatest amount of displeasure and outright disagreement with this law has come out of Java. But, it isn't surprising that they would blame it on Bali!

All the major Indo networks carried news this morning of vast demonstrations all over Java. Many of these demonstrations included local "indigenous" forms of dance and entertainment. If one were a "navel gazer" the news coverage alone would have provided much enjoyment! :p

I say, "good for the Indo media" covering this story as well as it has. Then again, I suspect that most of the male contigency of correspondents jumped at the opportunity to cover the stories we watched this AM. :p

We'll see what happens next, but I suspect you are right Jimbo....the authors of this bill are licking their wounds. l