

New Member
Hi Lothar! Sorry to say, but your reply leaves me kind of in a very cynical mood...First, - of course we all know, how things are working, always it`s about money, or natural ressources ( have been sitting in my bar today, and suddenly one person says - tomorrow probably the war will start, it`s kind of so absurd, nearly unbearable...), but we all know about that, so I think, we don`t need to give each other good advice about that...Second - Your advice of leaving the rotten tree - do you think, that there is still any tree on that globe which has not started to rot yet ...So where do you propose that we should go?????Until now I always tried to look for a solution on the spot where I am living, but you talking so wise - if things are going on like that here - maybe I come back to ask you for a proposal where to move from here, if we loose. But please don`t you propose me Malaysia...Not meaning to offend you, but in a way I can read in between the lines, that you are in way very pissed off with Bali...???For me - I still love it. In terms of garbage, I can tell you, that there is a garbage project on here now, called "Clean Up Bali", and 3 weeks ago, we managed to clean up most of the North coast. I was the coordinator of "my" area, a strip of probably 4 km of Lovina Beach and I was positively surprised to get more than 100 local volunteers showing up on my place at 7 o`clock in the morning that day. So things start moving here, slowly but...
I will hang on to that project of course, having quite a few ideas about and it seems also having support by my neighbourhood ( after the cleanup, village people did come to my house me and asked me, when will we have the next action like that...) but with the permanent threat of that powerplant thing, for me it gets a bit schizo in a way....

I feel so sad for you,in your huge campaign to prevent this monster from happening, it did/will anyway. Thats life. Hard to take right now while you are feeling the stress of trying so hard. The monster makers will always win, its the World we live in my dear.It happened to me too and countless others. What we all have to do in circumstances like this is take a break refresh your soul and dust yourself off and start all over again.Look to the positive, your restaurant may have to make some changes and cater for the monster employees who will want food and drinks, a pool table etc...Change your image and your goals to cater for the here and now even if its against the grain. Make what you can out of a bad lot and ressurect yourselves into making enough out of the monster to get out and start again somewhere else...it makes good business sense, and when the hurt subsides, you will see...Love you all...Gloria...

..... your restaurant may have to make some changes and cater for the monster employees who will want food and drinks, a pool table etc...
I can assure you, Gloria, that that will never happen. 2 reasons – First - my morals still being intact, although having experienced many times too, that the monsters win.- Second - In terms of catering the monster`s slaves, there will not be too many of them ( except probably security...), as this project will not give work to many people, although they are trying to put that in the peoples minds...So it does not look like we could all survive on selling them Nasi Bungkus ....
Another thing, it`s not all about business...and you know, running a project like you do, herewith I want to express my most honest respect for what you are doing !
After living on this strip for 11 years constantly, this is my home and it is breaking my heart to imagine a possible oilspill in the sea in front of me, seeing my friends and neighbours going bankrupt, because there is no more fish for them to catch and the rice and fruit gets poisoned by the acid rain.
..... it did/will anyway. Thats life.
I do not believe yet, that it is like you say, that it will happen anyway. People here sometimes may appear a bit passive, but if it comes to the point, they are tough like hell, ( as we should know from looking at Bali`s history, as Bert already mentioned ). Also an attitude like that I think is not supportive at all. May we not give up, as long as there is the slightest chance to stop it!!!!
A group of 18 of “our” people went to Denpasar today, having been invited by the head of PHRI ( tourismboard ) The next plan is to head to Jakarta and try to get hold of President Megawati. As you might know, her mother`s family is of Singaraja origin. No one knows, if that will help, but nothing, and I do mean that literally, nothing should be left out trying.
Side information, all this efforts are financed privately, people having telephone - and internet cost far above 1 Mio a month, just to mention something...If we go ahead to put that responsible people to trial, we will need money to pay good lawyers, which until now none of us has got..

In terms of cost, Ringo, they are talking about 51 Mio US....There are German firms, that offer us to pay up to 50%!!!!! of the total cost, if the local government could be convinced to use alternate energy, including worker`s training etc.. We are talking about sun, wind and garbage burning in order to produce electricity...
Singa – Raja – you got that wrong, it`s the king of the lions, not the tigers, ....Pop in for a coffee or so, if you got time!

Thanks for your moral support Uma!!!!

P.S.:Would it be possible, Bert, to put the 2 correspondences about PLTGU into one, actually I did a mistake, as with my second letter, I pushed the wrong button and created a new topic instead of reply....Sorry
Fight on

Sorry if I offended you but it was just meant as a "pick me up" as I can relate wholeheartedly as to how you feel...I am a strong supporter of people power as you know, especially in this instance.Absolutely agree with alternative energy sources,it makes sense to utilise the power of the sun to supply all the energy Bali needs to take it into the modern technology mode.Environmental issues are sadly ignored here,on every level. Why is it that antiquated processes are still employed by the "POWERS THAT BE". Its the same with health and I have fought long and hard for that issue and of course I would never give up. I am not suggesting that you do either, just keep plans B C D up your sleeves. Unfortunately,the Indonesian Government does not,and never has, thought of the future.I feel it is a mistake and could cost a fortune to Bali in particular should there be further pollution to this already spoiled Island. Have they done an environmental study on the impact of this monster? Have they considered the overall "cost"? They say that the cost of alternative power is beyond their reach, but if they do go ahead with this ludicrous plant,using obsolete ideas...the long term cost would be prohibitive and the MONSTER would be also obsolete in a very short time...but it seems that hasn't been thought of.Why buy something inferior because it is cheaper....take a look at Indonesian Industry overall and most people dont consider it value for money.....not sustainable. Power from the sun is plentiful and sustainable,in the long run preferable. I hope you will get new personal energy to fight on....exhausting as it may be for you now, " A Thing worth doing, is worth doing well"...Good luck...G...
A B C and D

If plan A doesn't seem to be working the way you wan't it to ,change to plan B and if you find plan B is not so good, change to plan C and then D.In other words, if at first you don't succeed,try try again.....I have a very good friend who is a journalist if you need any help. I am aware that some have already been involved but if you feel to try another avenue,please let me know.I can only offer ideas at this stage but if it is of any use to you come over for a chat,come anyway. Many hands make light work....or people power in other words. The right kind of people could make a difference, its just a case of seeking another avenue for possible solutions. Power to you all...from the sun....Best regards...Gloria..(my Balinese name is Ketut Suriani....from the sun)
Singa Raja

Silvia: Quite, you are right ~ Lion King. My head has been too full lately, now I already start to mix up Lions with Tigers. Lucky they both know how to fight! :wink: so let all animals unite, fighting for the same cause. However I doubt the pigs will join them, for already a long time ago they profiled themselves to be a little more equal than the other animals, if I may quote George Orwell......

I wonder, the decision-makers in casu the Power Plant...... are they Hindu?

And yes I will soon (early next week?) pop in for a coffee, you can count on it.
I am a doctor, not a lawyer

but I have many friends who are lawyers.

The reason for my subtle advice was well intended. I have meanwhile taken the trouble to ask one of my lawyer friends on possible legal repercussions for tourists/expats protesting against Indonesian development policies and projects.

May I please advise you to abondon your ideas on public protest, and better also hidden protest. A denouncer can hide just beside you, you never know.

You may be arrested and deported, no joke.

My advise to move was not meant to move to another country - just away from the plant. Stay in Bali, try to enjoy your lives, but don't mess with local authorities.

I'm 100% sure Roy will totally agree with what I say.
Hi Lothar! Good to hear from you! To be honest, I was a bit concerned, that I might have been too rough to you, sorry...I feel a bit more mellow this evening ( although the war might be starting tomorrow....), fullmoon is over and our people came back from Denpasar, carrying bits and bits of positive messages...In another 2 days we will have a concept from a German consultant about what could be done in terms of alternativ energy with exact figures for Bali, which will be presented in Jakarta.
Thanks for your inquiries and advice. After having been living long time in Asia, I am well aware of what I can do, and where it starts getting dangerous. Also the spy system, believe me, I know, what you are talking about...
I would never join a demonstration for example, or pass out our flyers personally, not yet being Indonesian citizen. I am mainly working on the computer, writing and translating, and as I have a bar, we are having meetings here once in a while, and I do talk to people coming to my place, tourists as well as Indonesians, and try to discuss the project and pass on information. That might be called hidden political work. But sometimes you have to take some risk, considering a situation like that. If “they” win, I, all my friends, my employees, all the area, I consider my home, will be in the shits anyway...So what?

Gloria, I would like to catch up with you, also I would be very interested in meeting your journalist friend. Just propose a date, I come to your place, as I also have some medicin left. I will be off to a 6 weeks mission to Austria on the 29. What about somewhen on the weekend? Give me a ring.

Looking forward to have a chat with you, Ringo, lion warrior, beginning of next week! I am usually in the bar from 11 a.m. till late.

of course, do what you have to do :)
Myself also usually acts against my own good advise, and had to suffer consequences from time to time :cry: , but that's what life is for.