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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
A prenup in Indonesia is very useful if your wife would like to own property in her country in the future. The prenup would need to be written in Bahasa Indonesia, signed before a notary and then filed with the relevant authorities before the marriage. A valid prenup 'works' in Indonesia in that it is enforceable according to its terms. An Indonesian notary can handle all aspects of this exercise for you.

Regarding US law, you should consult a US lawyer, who will probably have you sign a separate prenup for your US assets that would meet the legal requirements of your state of residence. Personally, I would not rely on a prenup prepared under Indonesian law to apply in a US divorce court. You will also have to ask your US lawyer about whether prenups of the type you envision (e.g., waiving financial support) are generally enforceable in your state.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
seattle pekutatan
As a follow up on what Mark has written. U.S. states that are Community Property states honor properly documented Separate Property Agreements. These documents work much the same as a pre-nup in that they permit both parties to separate property owned prior to the union to remain separate. Don't mean to overkill here, but if funds such as bank accounts are subsequently co-mingled they can lose their separate identity. So best to keep separate bank accounts which have their origins not with anything that is jointly owned in later years.