My story - Relationship advice sought


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
Hi everybody!

This is my first post, so hopefully everything goes smoothly. I have viewed this forum for quite a while but never got around to registering, I have a bit more free time on my hands now so here goes.

Firstly, I wish to thank everybody who contributes to this forum. I have read with great interest the issues and stories discussed and hope that some of the great wisdom you people possess can be shared with me, as an often confused but willing and eager young man trying to understand the world around me and in particular the Bali I love and hold close to my heart. My story might be long winded and probably one you have heard before, but I need to get it of my chest and also seek some advice about where to go from here.

At the grand old age of 25, I have been a visitor to Bali 12 times, though the purposes of my visits have morphed greatly over the years. Mt first trip was when I was 12 on a family holiday and indeed was my first overseas experience. My family, including me, loved the place and subsequently visited every few years as my parents could afford it. During my university years I was fortunate enough to take part in a study trip that took us thru Java and Bali and I spent some time learning about aquaculture at the Gondol Fisheries research facility (I am a marine biologist). This trip introduced me to such places as the Sari Club and Paddy's pub and subsequent trips were the usual 'party and shop til u drop affair that most Aussies are familiar with.

After not having visited Bali for a few years, February last year saw me returning with a couple of friends for the standard bali tourism itinerary. I made friends with a girl who was working in a restaurant, Wayan (i think its probably anonymous enough to use Wayan?) and by the end of the trip we agreed to keep in touch by email, though nothing serious was implied by either of us, I guess it was just the typically obliging friendliness of the Balinese people, it is never hard to get somebodys email or handphone number.

July saw me pining for overseas travel again and I decided to go back to Singapore, where I had stopped for a night the year before en route to Europe. I decided that I would come home via Bali and stay for 3 weeks, catching up with the people I had met a few months before, especially Wayan, who had regimentally stayed in contact with me, always replying to emails and creating just as many as my own.

That trip was a real eye opener for me. It was the first trip I had made truly by myself, without the distraction of friends and family and I immediately started to discover another side to Bali that I had always appreciated but never truly investigated. I found myself actually shunning and avoiding contact with western people, prefering instead to sit in the shade of a warung with Wayan and a cup of kopi bali down various little visited gangs and talking about life in general. When Wayan was working, I would spend all my time sitting in her restaurant, talking to her when she wasn't busy, when she wasn't working we would eat in a warung, hang out in malls all over the place or just stay inside my hotel room and enjoy each others company. By the end of this trip we were pretty much what you'ld call a couple, much to the discust of many of her co workers, who started a lot of innuendo and slander about her, but she is a strong woman and initially it didnt seem to bother her.

Two months later and I fulfilled my promise and returned to see her. Things pretty much ran the same as the last visit, though our relationship intensified and was the first time we became intimate with each other. Our time together was running smoothly however it was becoming increasingly apparent to me that the attitudes of her co workers was changing. Many of them were shunning her and giving her a real hard time with name calling (taunts of 'whore' etc were common, despite there being almost no economic benefit to being involved with me). Often she would come to me after work in a real state of tears and I felt increasingly unwelcome at her restaurant (even though we had completely changed how she and I interacted at her workplace after some words of wisdom from my good (male) friend Nyoman, whom I love very much). We pretended that we weren't together at her work and in the end I stayed away all together.

Our relationship continued, I wanted to give her a holiday to Australia but that was impractical in the short term so I promised to come back as soon as I could. I called her from Perth every second day and we sms'ed sometimes 20 or 30 times every day. We talked about marriage candidly and openly and it seemed as though that was the way it was heading.

January this year I returned to my beautiful girl, with excitement in my heart and an engagement ring in my suitcase. The plan we had both 'dreamed about' was to go to Jogjakarta for a holiday (she had lost her job so was free, and had returned to her village) where I intended to pop the question after consulting with her father (who has always been friendly and hospitable, despite understanding limited english and me even less Indonesian).

Within 6 hours my world came crumbling down and we were both emotional train wrecks. Wayan was pregnant to another man, and married.

Wayan is not a drinker and had been invited to a party by some workmates. After getting stuck into a few 'strong' drinks some things led to another, I think u get the drift, (fueled further by unrelenting taunts about her relationship with me) even though I'm lead to believe this is uncommon for Balinese girls. It was only meant to be a 1 night stand, but soon enough she discovered she was pregnant and her father insisted that she be married. To his credit, the man involved agreed to take responsibility for his actions and marry her. All the investigating I have made with very well trusted friends into what happened stacks up and the possibility of a two timing girlfriend died very early on in the piece.

Maybe thinking to much with my heart instead of my head, I forgave her very quickly and our time together last trip was much the same as the previous trip, despite her now having a rather disinterested husband. We spent almost every minute together and did the usual things, though I could tell the strong and resolute spirit within her had been broken. While she felt blessed and was excited about being a mother, the circumstances were not what she had dreamt about, nor her husband, whom she really barely knew and was not comfortable with.

Now this leads me to the questions I have been stewing over for months now. I realise Balinese obligation controls a lot of her (and my) destiny and I wouldn't want it any other way, though I am struggling to understand fully, especially seeing as I was unable to discuss a lot about the situation with Balinese friends last trip to maintain face for both her and myself. We still behave like we always did, maintain contact like we always did, But is there really any chance of us being able to spend our lives together like I had dreamed of? I am more than happy to do what ever it takes and my commitment is as strong as ever, to both her and the little boy that was born 3 weeks ago, but what problems do I face? Is it possible for her to get a divorce that would see her maintain custody of her child, or is there ways of encouraging her husband to let her go and still maintain contact with the child?

The boy is bound to his fathers family temple and Wayan is bound to her little boy. These bonds are and should be stronger than mine to Wayan but is there any hope for us? I'ts hard just to walk away.



Jun 18, 2005
SOUNDS LIKE "THE HOUSE OF PAIN". 8) I would seriously loom at the situation and make decisions as to what your doing. Things dont just happen like you wrote. They happen for a reason and you must look deeply at that in order to underestand both your girlfriends behavior and your own reaction.
Good Luck


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Adam, I think Rhondo is giving you good advice, difficult as it likely is to read it. Given your emotional involvement with her, I would stay out of her relationship as it could make her situation worse.


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
Thanks Rhondo and Roy, your advice is taken on board and appreciated. It is much the same advice as that given by my parents, both of whom have been very supportive during all of this (Wayan speaks to my mother on the phone on a weekly basis, often for longer than we speak together). However they don't really understand much about Balinese life, everything to them is the stardard western black and white solution 'just put her and the baby on a plane and bring her back here', 'just pay the husband out', 'whats this family temple nonsense'. You get the drift...

I realise I am probably being very naive, especially of being so forgiving so quickly of Wayan, but I am a forgiving person. I dont like holding grudges nor making enemies, I am a placid person by nature. I have no misconceptions about Wayan being an angel, some of her stories of when she was younger really surprised me to be honest, but everyone has their flaws.

I guess the hardest thing for me to take, is if I wipe my hands of all involvement, what kind of life does that leave her with? Her family is very poor and neither her nor her husband have jobs now after the last bombings. I don't know if I can watch a friend struggle like that, when I have the capacity to help.

Roy, could you please elaborate further about what you mean about making the situation worse. I would rather have a good friend than have nothing at all.

Best regards


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I realise I am probably being very naive, especially of being so forgiving so quickly of Wayan, but I am a forgiving person.

Nope, not naive at all. It’s the exuberance of your youth. Enjoy it to the fullest while you can. Best tip in life living is to hang on to that youth before the curses of age, like pessimism, regret and bitterness can take hold.

What I meant about making the situation worse, is that in my opinion, you need....and Wayan also needs, to accept that continued romantic involvement is not possible. Once in that mind set, sure, keep up the friendship and discourse.

To an extent, and I would start small with this idea, you might want to consider being a sort of "Om" or uncle to this boy, and a "brother" to Wayan. But even here too, you have to remain cautious, and not allow yourself to be taken advantage of, and to keep those romantic feelings under control. Of course I know that keeping romantic feelings under control is like keeping a herd of raging bulls from breaking any china in a china shop. So, I am sure this sounds like, “do what I say, not what I do.”

Good luck to you amigo. If you ever want to converse via e-mail, you can send me a PM and I'll reply with my e-mail address...but in all honesty, whatever I can offer as advice, or anyone else, is just opinions. In the end, you will regret far more in life what you didn't do as opposed to what you did. As they say so many times in Asia, it’s “up to you.”


New Member
Jun 30, 2006
Sydney Australia
Hi Adam,
I do feel for you. You sounds like a very thoughtful person. You have been wise to come on the forum and ask advice. I think Roy is particularly well-placed to advise you.
I am HEAPS older than you - even heaps older than Roy, and I am female.
I have a Balinese friend also called Wayan. She always made friends with the tourists and sort-of rejected Balinese life. She was not particularly young, or particularly pretty, but she met a man, let's say from Europe, who had a very desirable profession and he paid her way over there. She went to live with him, and after a while came back to Bali. I know that he beat her up, he wouldn't introduce her to his friends, he just wanted her in the house doing the housework. We said "B***ard ".

But last week I found out that she is back there and married to him! Her brother told me, and I said in my blunt Aussie way "Is she HAPPY?'. They said yes, but I think she will also be saving face.

What I'm saying is, that I had the feeling she may have burnt her bridges with her community in Bali the first time she went to Europe. So that may have been what was happening to your Wayan.

I would be interested to hear what Roy has to say about that. Good to have a chat with you last week Roy, and I hope we can have a drink together nexttime.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
A heart-rending story, Adam and one, in one form or another, more than a few of us have heard before. It seems to me you have fallen hopelessly(?) in love with your woman and for sure, are thinking more with your heart than your brain.

There are various aspects of your story that don't really ring true to me, at least as far as your interpretation of them goes. I certainly hope I'm wrong in this but I feel strongly that you're being used. Maybe have been all the time. If that's the "truth", it will definitely hurt. The chances are that you're so "in love" that your judgement is clouded. Perhaps you'll only hear what you want to hear from others in this forum. That's entirely up to you.

If you're giving money to your woman or members of her family, I'd be inclined to either stop completely, or at least back-pedal a bit for the moment. I'd also be looking at a thorough check-up for yourself for any sexually transmitted diseases (just in case). I can imagine how hard it would be for a sensitive-sounding guy like yourself to "just walk away". I'd be inclined to run as fast as I can.

(I wrote this before reading the other posters' responses. rhondo, Roy and quirkyartist are spot-on. You do need to tread a little cautiously - remaining life-long friends is a wonderful idea and well worth pursuing. Who knows what the future will bring?)


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
Hi Sanurian and quirkyartist,

Thanks for your replies, they are really appreciated and the reason I chose to ask you guys for assistance in this matter. Sanurian, like you say "your judgement is clouded", you are absolutely spot on, which is why I need/ed an informed and objective opinion and advice and I'm all ears, gotta take the good with the bad. I am the first to admit that situation bamboozles me but it is an experience (whether bad or good) I dont regret getting into and am enjoying what I learn along the way.

Little pieces of what everyone has said are starting to make sense. Pelan pelan I think, I'm back to Bali soon, just have to wait and see what happens.



Jun 18, 2005
In order to maintain some perspective here I ask you if the same set of circumstances occured to you in your home country or city would you view it the same way ? :?: Why would this be any different with this woman once your married ? :?: People always have some reason for their behavior, the question is "Is this someone you want to make a life with ? Is this someone you can make a life with ? The answer to both of these questions is "yes ! If you like pain and dissapointment ! You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken sh t. People show us, through their behavior, who they are now. All we have to do is see. :cry: Relationships are a kind of "sh t to sugar ratio" too much sh t and they rapidly get to a point of deminishing return and need to be jettsoned. :arrow: good luck and keep your eyes open; and one more important thing. It might be diificult for you to understand her behavior or for you to see clearly as your judgement is scewed; but you can see two things. What are you doing ? and How are you doing it? Never mind what others are doing. You may be trying to get water from a well where there is no water to be had ! :idea:


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
I wish you luck but personally feel it's a disaster waiting to happen. My advice would be to let your head rule your heart not vica versa. From your post I feel you want her back for yourself rather than as a brother sister relationship.

Roy has lots of experience of the Balinese and will give you good advice on their relationships. For me I would say accept your fate and move on. Time heals all wounds is one of the truest sayings. Either way good luck.


Apr 20, 2005
ADAM ..sorry for the pain your have right now , but Im sanurains camp ...your 25 years old ! Snap out of it ! Even if you love each other ,she had another mans baby and she married ! I hope this next statement dosent hurt too much but "she got drunk " and had sex once with a guy she"s "not comfortable with " and got pregnant ...I dont buy it , If she loved you she wouldnt of had sex with this guy to begine with ! Sorry for being so rough with you , my advice is do the friend thing and more along ...good luck jamie