Most Embarrassing Moments on Bali


Active Member
I would guess we've all had them. Mine just happened to be caught on film by my late brother Matt, (aka, White Devil on the BTF).

The caption used to be, "Roy caught trying to sneak a kentut at temple" The new caption is "Roy caught in plasma gasification, at temple."

Whatever you call it, it was truly embarrassing. So, what's your most embarrassing moment on Bali?

Embarrasing moments

Beat this one guys and gals....We were in the middle of a flu epidemic at the clinic and I was suggesting some old fashioned remedies for the hot lemon and honey drink Grandma used to give us... so I explained to put lemon, maju, and air panas into a glass, stir and drink it three times a day...the patient looked at me wide eyed and nodded. The other members of staff were all giggling and then one of them took me on one side and explained the word for honey in Indonesian is MADU.....I was telling the patient to mix MAJU with lemon and hot POO....I just hope nobody decided to try my remedy for could have had disastrous consequences....G...
that time

at the cremation ceremony when i found a nice place in the shade to sit on the ground a while. Though noone else was sitting there, and some Balinese gave me a few dubious looks, it didn't seem like hallowed ground or anything.
Within 5 mins, i felt the first nips. I 'd made myself comfy on an ant hill. Ran back towards the village to the nearest house, to find a mandi.
No Bahasa Indonesia ,so had to mime my predicament to a puzzled householder. Jumping up and down on one spot, miming pincer movements with hands, all the while with a frantic look on my face. Maybe she thought it was some western funeral ritual, or i was drunk and performing my cultural dance, or had heat stroke. I don't know. Then I started stripping off my clothes on the spot, couldn't help it, and a stunned ibu backed into her house. :shock:
2 embarrassing times

The first wasn't altogether embarrassing, it was something I just didn't want to happen. I had been hanging around with 2 Danish girls in Kuta for a couple of days. Was out wandering looking for them in Seminyak, and ran into these 2 rampantly gay guys who were friends of a gay Aussie friend from the same hotel. They liked the look of me (see pic:it's obvious why) and I was quietly, urgently, but as ever stupidly politely, trying to get away. They invited me to a private party, so of course I HAD TO GO leave them then and there. They accepted this and one, before I knew it, gave me a kiss on the cheek. It was not so much that the Danish girls walked by at that point, it was more the look they had on their faces. That just made it all too hard from then on with them.
The second was a gout attack. Couldn't get crutches anywhere, so I was determined to get around like an able bodied person. So I hopped for a couple of days. It was like the circus had come to town.
Only this...

That I moved mountains and braved fiasco to live on an exotic tropical isle outside the tides of contemporary simultaneous and consumptive culture... and what do I do? Live on the Damned computer! Bloody shrinking sacrilege!
Py, I've wondered about that...a lot of ticka ticka'ing going on. I did accept your 'waiting for the paint to dry' excuse, however.
Being a little dramatic here maybe...

A little more time on the www. than is wise would probably be a more prudent way of putting it. After all, I spent two days this past weekend surfing flawless waves alone with two friends in the unspoiled wilds of west Bali.

Wednesday we went up to The Bali Purnati Center for the Arts in Batuan-Sukawati to get a privileged preview of the rehearsal/presentation for the international sponsors of Robert Wilson's new magnum opus, 'La Galigo'. An experimental theatre extravaganza based on the Southern Suluwesi creation myth of the same name. The energy was palpable in the air, Dancers,traditional and modern, actors, acrobats and martial artists from all over the archipelago and ancient 'Bugis' Eunuch mystics. The orchestra, musical score and minimalist composition, which was sensational, was all directed by none other than Rahayu Supanggah, A pioneer avant guard Indonesian composer who employs traditional instruments and techniques.

The whole experience was so vastly moving, I have yet to fully recover. It will open in Singapore in 2004, later traveling to Barcelona, Amsterdam and Lincoln Center in New York amongst other venues.

And just now I watched my five year old catch wave after perfect wave against the backdrop of another flaming rainy season sunset.

I guess I just like to complain...

I was just teasing you...

By the way, Zoe woke up this morning and said to me, "Mama, when are you going to take me to see a REAL rooster?" She has no idea what she's in for!
off to hong kong/china on monday

no I havent packed. That has to be my worst habit leaving things to the last minute. I am spending chrissy in Hong Kong then travelling through China and seeing the three gorges before they dam it all. WIll miss reading everyone's thoughts but I will be back about January 7 I think. Hope you and everyone has a great chrissy and New Year and I will be thinking of you all whilst I am enoying my break.
La Galigo

Thanks for the heads-up, Py. It sounds like something I won't want to miss, so I will circle 2004 on my calendar!

Merry Christmas, y'all. I am disappearing for a few days (off-line in West Virginia).
