Just a Few Tidbits


Active Member
Living in Bali, it’s rather easy to find one’s perspective lost in a sawah. While pursuing our own dreams and visions of the perfect life on Bali, totally immersed in village affairs, ceremonies, and seemingly trite activities as preparing and making daily offerings, the “big picture” evaporates into no concerns of any other world. The “big picture” looses its “bigness” and that IS the essence of Bali.

My Balinese wife had a great perception of the Columbia shuttle disaster. “Why” she asked me, “go there, into space, when so much here on earth is not understood?” In her view, it is arrogance for man to desire to leave the earth until complete balance and karma is achieved on earth. When I tried to explain man’s hunger for exploration and scientific knowledge, she just laughed. “What good is that knowledge if you are still ignorant of your own heart and the meaning of life here on earth?” Hard questions…and I had no answers.

There will be many more hard questions to answer in the weeks to come. For me personally, I may not find the answers, but I will certainly find peace within chaos among the pura and sawahs of Bali, guided by my mentor and her family. I think Eri’s wisdom can be a source of comfort for us all.
...find peace within chaos among the pura and sawahs of Bali...

Thanks, Roy, and thanks to your wife. What wonderful perception!
How I miss Bali right now, but it won't be long...
and there'll be that time when there is nothing more important to do than to sit there (bale bengong) gazing around and listening for the voice.
a double life

is what most of us expacts actually lead. One foot in this world, one foot in the other. I'm happy to be part of both, and would rather not miss each one of them. To explain that would need another thread....

Apparently, as for the shuttle, the US has always money enough to go to war. They don't have enough to fund NASA to it's needs, that's why these desasters happen. A shame.

Look here:

http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/world/ ... 45,00.html?

Many thanks! Hope we get to meet when you come back, (March?) You'll enjoy my wife Eri. Let's all pray the war will not be in "full bloom" at that time. Stay well!