Investors withdraw after bomb in Jakarta


Jun 26, 2004
The Netherlands near Rotterdam
RE: Starting a business on bali

The last few weeks I was busy lining-up investors in a real-estateplan of mine. Till now I had about euro 300.000 in commitments from 6 people. Now a bomb blasts in Jakarta and they all pull back. Once again the economy of R.I. and its people will suffer the consequenses of stupid actions by a small group


RE: Starting a business on bali

yeah.. "the cowards" have done it again. they'v wasted human lives and made clear that "they" are still operating in Indonesia. A reminder that one can't be too safe in Bali or Indonesia as a whole... though i think it's definately harder to get explosives into Bali nowadays.


Mar 23, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
RE: Starting a business on bali

We are definitely not safe anywhere!!

As for getting explosives in, i think Bali beeing an island and Indonesia an Archipelago it is quite easy for any fishingboat to bring anything in.

But all this will not affect our decisions to move to Bali in a few years!!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Rien, sorry to hear that bad news. You might want to remind your investors that land prices did not fall after the Bali bombing, in fact, they just kept going up!

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Re: RE: Investors withdraw after bomb in Jakarta

matsaleh said:
Bert said:
Bert, Are you referring to the investors backing out or the forumite moving to Bali in a few years? :p

I meant the people that 'did' the bomb.

But now I think of it, why not the investors? I know a little about Rien's plans. I know too that he is not the only one with this kind of plan. The people that have the guts to make these plans work NOW, will have the fame and a big share of the 'market', I think. Because the market is there.

What are his plans? That's up to him to tell. If he doesn't, don't push him..


Jun 26, 2004
The Netherlands near Rotterdam
In a nutshell the plan comes down to this.
Al building in bali now is done for people on holidays and/or in good health. In europe there is a growing demand for houses in which you can grow old. This needs special kind of interior, suitable also for less mobile people, and exterior, smooth paths, good transportation, medical help etc. People with a lot of money can arrange this everywere.
My plans are based on the average income/fortune and I will try to seek a way that benefits all. The dutch/european because the can find a comfortbale en safe place the become old, and the local Balinese, because they can supply goods and services. One of the aspects (beside investors) that gives me to most troubles is i how to arrange that kind of medical help the dutch will expect in this plan. The education an availibility of educated staff might be a problem. Als to distance to the airport in case of a medivac is an important aspect. Also I found out that beach property becomes more expense the closer it is to the airport.
My greatest hope is now the find one or more people that wil invest enough to make it possible to buy the land. I myself can raise not more than about 80.000 euro's, because the rest is stuck in my maincore businesses. Commercialy I think it can be a great succes, if the plans can be worked out based on the dutch knowledge about the special demands for elderly people.
Retirement villages in Bali - interesting concept.

I can see the advantage in that land and building costs can be much cheaper than many parts of Europe and staffing costs would not be so significant.

Do you have interest from people looking to retire there?

The main drawback I see is people wanting to remain close to their family and Bali is a fair hike from the Netherlands - its a hell of a plane ride, especially for the elderly.

I'm interested to hear how it pans out. Good luck!


Jun 26, 2004
The Netherlands near Rotterdam
Interest enough. My planning is to build approx. 20-40 bungalows. So I don't need the whole elderly population. Financially the problem is that because my target group those people don't have the money to pay upfront. Most of them will use the profit from selling their homes in Holland to pay for the house on Bali and as for extra income. Do the need for investors is mainly for buying the land and making the infrastructure on it. The first home I can pay myself.

About distance I have heard to following. When kids are living nearby they sometimes visit, but mostly for just a few ours and in a rush.
When you live at the other side of the world an they come over for a visit they stay some weeks and you and they have al the time just for each other. So the frequency is less but the quality improves.
Just for this purpose I have the idea to build some smaller extra guesthouses for rent. The owners don't have to buy a extra room just for their visitors but they still have to possibility to have them near.

Btw. if anyone comes up with ideas of points of critic on my plan please post them. Because now I still can adjust the plans