international primary school


Sep 2, 2004

I'm new at this forum, so first I'll introduce myself! I'm Margriet, I'm 22 years old and I live in least until next summer, because by then I'm planning to move to bali for a couple of years!

I'm a teacher at a primary school and I hope I can find work at an international primary school in bali. I already know there are many international schools there, but maybe somebody has contacts at the board of the school? (of maybe somebody even works in an international school?) or does somebody know which schools are looking for new people? I know I'm really early in the schoolyear to ask this, but because I think it will be difficult to find a job I already start searching now!
Bert, I saw your reply about the Bali international school. Do you have more details from the add, because I can't find it on the site of the jakarta post....

And, does somebody know what's the best way to apply for a job....first phoning? (because many indonesian companies like that....they think it shows you're willing) or just sent a letter/fax?

Thanks in advance, I hope to hear from you soon!


New Member
Sep 2, 2004
Hi i'm quiet new at this too. I'm from australia and myself and my cousin live in bali. My cousin works in an international school in canggu they cover british curriculum its a small school but a great environment. The web site is there are a few other ones that are quiet good such as sanur independent school and many more you are able to find the schools on the bali advertiser You should start maken contact now as it can take time to get your feet in the door although it is easier if you have a degree in teacher they snap you up in a min. Hope that helps out abit keep me informed


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
A bit off topic, but I sure wish someone would start a good international school in Ubud. If operated as non profit, and allowing English speaking Balinese kids as students, Rotary funding would likely be available.

For us in Ubud, we have no choice but to send our kids to either Denpasar or Sanur every day. I hope some educators out there catch the hint!


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali
Starting a "good" international school is a fairly expensive venture, Roy. I started one years ago in Irian Jaya that was funded by a mining company so we had the bucks to purchase what was necessary. I once was asked about starting one up in Singaraja area, and when I came up with a budget, the interest flagged quickly. First off, you need land, a building, permits, and lots of paperwork. Then supplies, books, computers, support staff, and, of course, teachers. That's the stuff that you have to pay for. The other - academic - parts of the equation are time consuming but cheap. For instance, a mission statement, a curriculum, lesson plans, scope and sequences, behavior plan, etc.

Teachers generally account for about 70% of a school's budget. Good international teachers aren't particularly cheap to hire, although Bali can get away with paying less than many places. Still teachers want to be able to live like anyone else. In short, it's a complex undertaking - starting a new school. It can be really exciting and a lot of fun, but it's logistically challenging.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Saya mengerti Dr. Bruce…otherwise I might have added this project to my already very full plate. Are you volunteering? If so, huh hah and off to Rotary we go!

On a more serious note, if your plans are to come to Bali anytime soon, I would love to “sit you down” with many of the expats here in Ubud that share the same dilemma with me….and exchange ideas, that who knows…may germinate into flowers?

Hope all is well with you and yours…always.


Sep 2, 2004
thanks already for the replies.....and thanks for the web addresses, I will check it out :) I do have a teachers degree for primary school already, so that's not the problem...
drbruce: your school doesn't need a new teacher for next schoolyear? (sumbawa souds nice too. haha) :wink:

Ehm...I saw that the topic is changing a little bit into starting a new school....that's not really my planning, so I hope somebody has advice for me to get a job on an international school!


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali

I'm just about to finish up another term in a few weeks. The plan was to make a run over to Bali to pick up some excess furniture from the house in Singaraja and bring it back here for the Sekongkang house, but we're still moving very slowly on getting it completed. In fact, we've decided to have the contractor finish up two bedrooms and a bathroom and just move in so that we can get out of the hotel and quit paying rent and "encourage" our contractor to get his butt in gear and finish things up.

In short, the big moving trip is off, but I may drop over for a few days to check out prices on air conditioners, water heaters, furniture, and some tools over at Ace Hardware. Unfortunately, our new airline here in Sekongkang seems to have already folded so I would have to take the bike at least to Mataram. I'll give you a call if I can get over there. I'd like to finally get a chance to meet you in person, and I'd be glad to sit down with the local expats to discuss education - a topic dear to my heart. By the way, my eldest daughter scored a perfect paper on her first physics exam in junior high. I took a look at a few of the questions and they were comparably difficult with what she would get at a decent international school at her grade level. But,...Oh well, too long a discussion for today. I have to go coach the season final for my baseball team.

Margriet, getting a teaching job overseas is quite difficult unless it is as an English teacher (no offense to English teachers, but the requirements are quite different and more rigorous with a corresponding difference in salary levels). You can check out the employment page of my website at for more information on working overseas.




Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Sounds excellent to me Dr. Bruce...looking forward to finally "hooking up" BIG time :!: :!: :!:

Did you happen to catch the Little League World Series on ESPN last week? Awesome game that Curacao played...beating the US champs, California. Gotta love that spirit in those 11 and 12 year olds!


New Member
Sep 2, 2004
hey roy

how long have you been living in bali for? By the sounds of it its been awhile? May i ask what you do for a living over there? I am maken the move in 8 weeks i was there last year for 7 months but had no luck seeking employment 2nd times a charm. I guess my qualifications arnt really needed in bali child protection but i was hopeing to get into some of the schools as a welfare worker but no such luck yet. My long term goal is to start up some kind of organstaion but not sure what area i want to go into yet. Hope all works out


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Bali has been my home for some six years. Married to a fabulous Balinese lady, with whom we have shared having three very healthy and active sons…Bali is indeed “home” for me.

As for our living, we sell top quality “Pusaka” or Indonesian heirlooms…antiques, or whatever your chosen term may be. In the past, the venue for us to sell has been the internet, but as of now….it will also include a really first rate gallery in Ubud.

I am a very lucky man, and I will not attribute my success in my life in Bali to anything less than the grace of
Bali, my wife, and the family I married into. Years later, I still pinch my skin when I wake up. “Am I here, or is this just a dream?”


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali
No, I didn't get the Curacao game. Sunday I saw California beat Texas. Great game. The level was somewhat higher than my players here. Baseball is one of those things that I miss about the US.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Yes, ESPN is re-running most of the final games. The final game is on now, as I write. Curacao is about to devistate California and for the first time, be the Little League Champs of the world. GREAT game...hope you catch it!


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
8) Bruce & Roy...
I have the perfect p[erson for teaching these kids finger painting, making playdough, cooking, singing & having fun...
ME!!!!!!! :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Talk soon, about a contract!!????? :twisted:


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
That's Ok...My nick name in Bali & in the village is "gila" :twisted: but in a loving way... I think...

Competition is always a good thing... 8)

Roy & Dr Bruce you both look exceptionally handsome this morning....
Is there anything you want/need??? Just let me know...... :lol: :lol: :lol: