I am in Bali!


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
hey guys!
I'm here! Man, it's been a crazy week! They pretty much threw me stright into teaching as soon as I got here. They were ahving this big fight when I arrived, becasue both the english and chemistry department wanted me. In the end they decided to split it, so I have 16 classes in each. It's crazy though, I am constantly running for one department to the other, trying to make my classes on time. Never mind joinging a gym, these stair'll work me faster! The school is unbelievable! It's total madness all the time, just trying to handle everything they throw at you! You just have to flow with it, everyone tells me. I'm getting better already, I was totally frazzled last week, but I"m learning. The kids are quite smart, but there is no discipline at this school, which makes it hard. Still, they want to learn and that is the main thing. There are probably school's like this all over Indonesia anyway, it's just I'm not used to it!

Last weekend I went to padangbai with some of the other teachers and it was awesome! Coming straight from a freezing cold winter in NZ to lovely warm Bali is just Bliss. I just lay on the beach and swam and talked to all the lovely guys and went snorkling ( whic was amazing) and chatted to people in the bar and just chilled out. I was going to go diving, but I woke up with a bit of a hang over, and I just couldn't be bothered. Next time! We went over the hill to the white sanded beach too, which has massive crashing waves and dark blue sea. Beautiful! The boats here and crazy, they're like tall and thin and they would totally tip over if it wasn't for these big arms that stick out to which they attach bog styrofoam pipes! And they have this tiny motor that gos putt putt putt. Ineffiecient, but funky as hell! Everyone here is so friendly, almost everyone I pass on the street says hallo and mostly they want to chat to me too. English is pretty weel spoken, but I'm trying to learn Indo. Especially for bargaining, but it's hard, you say Berapa and they mumble something, so you say Apa? and they just say it in English.
I haven't had Bali belly yet, luckily! I have a very good immune sysytem, so hopefully it'll see me through. I'm having a bit of trouble finding vegetables though - al they seem to eat is chicken and rice! There's an indian guy living in the room next to me, and he says he'll make me some yummy curry. All the teachers here are really lovely and ffriendly. It's crazy having to buy bottled water....in NZ the water is really clean. I'm trying to stop drinking so much coke, but it's hard when you go to a shop and see coke right next to the water!

My name is funny. At school, I can't be called Cassienne, cause it's pronounced Cassie-inn, which is really close to Kasian which means What a pity. So I'm called Cass, which to them means money or fee. And while I was in Padangbai I told people my name was Cassie ( which I really don't like being called) and that means Thanks. so really, what a choice I have! But I least I'm luckier than Heather, they pronounce her name Hed-er - and that means big dog!! Poor girl.

This weekend I think I'm going to Sanur. The others are going to Kuta, but I've been there, and it's nice but very touristy. Sanur sounds beautiful from what I've heard. Can't wait.

I can't believe how awesome it is here! Bali just rocks. Really, I feel like it's been made just for me to enjoy! there are so many things about it that are really important things in my world. I can see why you guys all love it so much!

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
RE: I am on Bali

Thanks Cassiane for your JIR! (just in report)

they pronounce her name Hed-er - and that means big dog!

I comes from Herder(shond) wich is Dutch for German Sheperd.

I can't believe how awesome it is here! Bali just rocks


I'm trying to stop drinking so much coke, but it's hard when you go to a shop and see coke right next to the water

I gained about 10 kilo, take care...


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Awesome news Cass, hopefully it will continue to be as enjoyable & full on as it is!!!
Sounds like fun... Thabnks for keeping us updated & please continue to chat with us & fill us in....
When's pay day!? 8)


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Chemistry AND English? Wow! Does that mean you can make explosive malapropisms? :oops: Ma’af silly joke. But indeed let me join the others in welcoming you to your new home, and as Tracey wrote, we all would like regular updates! Selamat! :D


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Hey guys! Thanks for the welcome! It's just like Bali - friendly and helpful. :) Explosive melapropisms? I'll suggest it to the DOS. This school's pretty crazy, they might just go for it :lol:
I'm living at the school, in a nice big room among some other teachers. It has a beautiful view, cause we're on the third storey, and it's really quiet (at least in the evening. After school all the kids are still running around.) When I first arrived, jet lagged and disoriented, I wakled out of the airport at three in the morning (NZ time) and suddenly hundreds of people started yelling at me and waving signs. Argh! It took me quite ahile to find the sign with my name on it, and then they drove me through Denpasar to the school. I couldn't believe the motorbikes, I kept thiking every second there would be a crash, but there weren't any. Actually when you're on the motorbike, you can see why, everyone's so attuned to everyone else on the road, so it looks like people are just swerving randomly, but it's not really. Anyhow, they took me to my big white room, and as soon as I stepped inside the ffloor just started cracking all over the place. Man it freaked me out, and I just about burst into tears, I was so tired. then one of the tecahers said I could stay at her house, so that was cool. then I mived into one of the other rooms in the school, and now I'm finally back in the first one. They fixed the floor.
Oh I gotta go, they're throwing us out of the IT lab. It's har to find time to get in the net here, but I'll try and keep you posted!
It'd be great to meet some of you who live in Bali sometime~!
Love Cass


New Member
Jul 30, 2004
Queensland, AUST
um... this is going to sound really anally retentive, but I hope that when you're teaching English, your grammar and spelling are better than on your posts! :oops:
Other than that, it sounds great...
Good Luck!


Apr 17, 2004
You go girl!

Can feel your excitement from here.

Look forward to hearing all your adventures.

Stay healthy and safe.


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
:lol: don't worry Lizzied....it's my typing skills that are at fault, not my grammar! Also it's becase I'm typing at high speed to fit as much into the short time as possible.
I'm off to Mata Hari now, on one of those crazy Ojaks to buy a whole heaps of stuff for my room, and then I'm going to Sanur for the weekend! Thank god, cause the students were really playing up today - I feel totally frazzled! Hope everyone has a good weekend
See you, Cass


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Fine thanks, Jen, I've just been super busy. Tests, tests, tests to write and I always go away for the weekends. Last weekend I went to Uluwatu, which is simply beautiful. I loved the beach with its white sand and gorgeous rocks. And the surfers were amazing! I wantd to try surfing, but something told me this wasn't the right beach!
I also did a sort of road trip awhile ago with a guy I met in Kuta. We went to the Git Git waterfall, Batur, we stayed in Lovina and then Bedegul. lake bedegul was awesome, it's such a lovely quiet village, and the hot springs were lovely to lounge in. I got the best massage ever while I was there, three girls doing me at once :D It was supposed to only be one, but the others came along and insisted on joining in, and who am I to say no?
I've also been to Ubud and Padangbai a few times. Ubud is great, especially the monkey forest! first time I've ever seen monkeys and I looove them! They are so cute. I took about a million photos of them. Oh man, and I put my water bottle down for a sec, this monkey snuck up behind me and ran off with it. He got the lid off in about 2 seconds and downed the whole bottle! It was so funny, I couldn't believe it. The monkey was totally laughing at me too.
Hey, next week is indil fitri and we get a weeks holidays, guess where I'm going.......the Flores! I can't wait! it's going to be so amazing. And now I have a camera too, so I can take heaps of pretty pictures. It's going to be great after all this exam stress. Teaching at an international school is very different from teaching at a language school.
Hope everyone's well, love Cassienne

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Cassienne, great to read such enthousiatic story!!

Hope you find the time once to upload some pictures on our gallery... (is it digital?)

good luck with your teaching...


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Sounds like youtr really enjoying your experience there!
I do hope we get to see some of your pic's added!?
It's spelt Idul Fitri, but I bet you were just typing super quick to get back out there & enjoy Bali!!!
Hope you will keep us posted more often...
Can't wait to see some pic's & enjoy Flores too! :D


Apr 17, 2004
This is so great to hear. I know a lot of expats in Bali who never get out there and do or see much at all! So glad you are enjoying yourself and taking the time to explore what Indonesia has to offer.

Look forward to hear all about your travels and adventures!

Yes, Uluwatu is not the place to learn surfing. Try Kuta area first. There are plenty of schools to learn. Its great fun and once you start you will get hooked! I mean, hey, you can't live in Bali and not learn to surf!


New Member
Jul 30, 2004
Queensland, AUST
Hey Cassienne, if you like, I'm happy to help you learn to surf when i finally get to bali... that's what I'll be there for, as a surf coach/guide! I'll give you mates rates if you'll be my friend... :lol:


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Thanks for all the replies! It's nice to know people care about how things are going here. Specially at the moment when I'm at the end of my rope. But I had my last class today (tomorrow I'm going on a field trip to an elephant park. The funny thing is, no one seems to know if there's elephants there or not!) And then...... 9 days on the flores island, relaxing and swimming and no kids anywhere! Not ones I have to teach anyway! Although I love watching kids playing on the beach, they're so cute, speaking indo in their cute little baby voices.
I really need to find a yoga guru. I need kind of regular de-stressor relaxation. I miss yoga, I haven't really done any since I arrived. I want to get into doing it everyday. The other teachers go to the gym, but I've never been a gym kinda girl. At home, I throw boomerangs and go rock climbing, but I can't really do that here.
Surfing I really want to try. That would be awesome if you could teach me Lizzie! So when are you hoofing it over here, soon I hope!
I know what you mean, about the people who just come over here and want to hang around Kuta and get drunk and shag. They don't even care that there's beatiful sights, not half an hour away. Some of the teacher at this school are like that. I don't understand it at all. you can get drunk and go to night clubs in any country. This is Bali!!!!
I should put some of my pictures on the site. I hve heaps already, and some beautiful ones from Blue Lagoon.
See you all soon, love Cass


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Yep, get those photo's up there for us...I miss being in Bali & after buying the house we won't get back until 2006, unless we get preg :p soon & then maternity leave will allow us a 4 week return home!!!!



Apr 17, 2004
Are you going to visit the tri-coloured lakes in Flores? I would like to go
there one day, so let us know what you think and post some photo's.

How are you getting there, where you staying etc etc. (Hey, I'm a Virgo, I love lots of detail!)