How safe is Bali / Indonesia?


New Member
Apr 21, 2006
Dear Irma and other members:

We also support the family of my wife in Java every month. Everything has become very expensive and for most of the people its very difficult to cope with. If they already have an income, most of the money will go to
housing, food and transportation. Transportation has become very expensive due to the oil prices. Poor countries are first hit by rising oil prices. One of the things Indonesian people do to save some money is that families start living together in one house.

Now, talking about this subject, my wife is still not sure about living on
Bali. She is afraid that when economics go even worse, there might be
a `revolution` and poor people from other Islands like Java will come to Bali and chase out the rich and take over there properties..etc ...etc.

How big is the chance that something like this would happen???
Is my wife overeacting and do we have not to fear things like this.
And if not, why not?

We are not worried about terorrist activity because thats taken place all over world and more incidental. This is about bigger political and / or social movements.


ps. Would be interested also to know Berts meaning about this.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
RE: How save is Bali / Indonesia?

Now, talking about this subject, my wife is still not shure about living on Bali. She is affraid that when economics go even worse, there might be
a `revolution` and poor people from other Islands like Java will come to Bali and chase out the rich and take over there properties..etc ...etc.

No chance of anything even remotely like that ever happening on Bali. When needed, the Balinese can be extremely fierce warriors, totally able and capable of defending their way of life.


Jan 27, 2004
Alfred said:
Now, talking about this subject, my wife is still not sure about living on
Bali. She is afraid that when economics go even worse, there might be
a `revolution` and poor people from other Islands like Java will come to Bali and chase out the rich and take over there properties..etc ...etc.


Obviously there is no guarantee in this ever changing world. However, we can't be worried about the unknown all our life. Although I have mellowed in my "golden" ish years (turned 40 last year, aaaargh!), personally I just go & do! (Within reason of course) So if I want to move to Bali, then I will do so when I am ready.

Poverty has always been a big problem in countries like Indonesia, so I really cannot see what difference it would make now or in the future! The Balinese, as Roy pointed out, are totally capable defending their way of life. I can't see how the poor people from Java could actually chase out the rich either. Poor people are everywhere, even on Bali.

Living in a country like Indonesia normally means living with poverty. You see it everyday unless you lock yourself indoors in your beautiful villa! You have to really ask yourself, can you cope with it? What can you do to help improve the situation? Every little bit helps.


Dec 19, 2005
Dear Alfred,

Your question surprising me ..I mean --sorry to say-- how you are so paranoid like that?

there might be
a `revolution` and poor people from other Islands like Java will come to Bali and chase out the rich and take over there properties..etc ...etc.

If the poor people will run riot-- as happen around 1997-1998-- I think they will not and no need to have trip to bali ???

Why should go to bali ??? There are many rich people also live in outside bali.. In jakarta I heard to believe there are poorest people in Indonesia..not after i read statistic info in web site or newsapaper..(in Papua there are many people suffer for hunger..)

There are too many great mall/ plaza in Jakarta, just want to describe it, nearby my office there are 4 Luxury MALL !!! This "fact" will make us -- jakarta people-- blind about the real reality in INDonesia..

Sorry, as indonesian who spend almost whole of my life here, I don't understand your fear...


New Member
Apr 21, 2006
Dear Smusdar,

The idea about this revalution come not from me but from my wife who is from Tegal / Java. Maybe its a little paranoid. I hope so!. Nevertheless, I do remember that during the riots back then many Chinese (business) people had to flee out of Java because the were tread in whatever way and felt they had to go.

The difference between poor and rich in Indonesia is indeed best visable in Jakarta. I have friends in Pondok Indah and family elswhere in town so I know. I also know the malls your are talking about and for many people its only a place to walk around in stead of shopping because all prices went tru the roof. Its a dilemma. Many of the problems in Indonesia are in the system wich is simply corrupt. Even your president cannot change that.

I`m waiting for more replies on this topic because I cannot convince my wife yet about safety on Bali / Indonesia.

Anyhow thanks Irma for your reply.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I think comparing the late 90’s riots in Jakarta to a “revolution” that overruns Bali is like comparing apples to oranges. They are totally different issues. I was here in Bali during the late 90’s riots and Bali was just fine. In fact, a number of those Chinese who decided to get out of Jakarta came over to Bali.

Anyway Alfred, to help calm your wife, why not bring her over to Bali for a few months before making the “big move?”


New Member
Apr 21, 2006
Hello Roy,

We are talking about going to bagus Bali in december this year. So, who knows. If we go, we will go for 3-4 weeks. I would like to rent a car.
Most likely we will stay in the Sanur area.

Do you happen to know a car rent company there with reasonable prices?
I would like to rent also for 3-4 weeks. Car must include AC.

Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
There is a good firm in Bali called Three Brothers. I am fairly certain they have an office in Sanur. They rent very nice late model Kijangs which are great for getting around. All have air conditioning.


New Member
Apr 21, 2006
Thanks. Happen to know their website so I can check for prices?

I have seen the late models Kijangs and they look great.

thanks again.



Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
I realize this is an old subject here but I was scanning through and opted to make a comment.
Compared to Los Angeles Calif USA. Bali Indonesia is in my oppinion 100% safe.

Bali has always had such negative publicity,truly sad for those that live there that need the support of incomming visitors to make a living.I would have NO problem enjoying my retirement yrs on bali.Live simplistic ,live holistic at peace with the abundant nature bali so provides.What many do not know about life in LA (calif) death comes around all corners at many intersections,due mainly because there is NO GUN controll in the USA. Anyone and everyone ;lunatics/gangmember/sycopaths/childabducters/irate husbands/pissed off co- workers- all can carry a weapon(guns)-----not all are registered,not all are legally obtained off course,but that does not matter,many innocent victims die on a daily basis,yesterday i saw the local news and there were 4 random acts of shootings(in one day) on the local hyways-neighborhood streets(mostly by Gangmembers).Poor or filty rich it does not matter,you end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, dead on these public streets.

Of course this is not exposed in the media for all the world to see,tourism would suffer,no more disneyland,no more hollywood,no more malibu beach visitors."HOW SAFE IS BALI?" Here is your answer. :|