High Speed Internet Connections


New Member
Jul 7, 2006
North Bali
Would like to know about options for connecting to internet with broad band. What companies provide service - I assume wireless but perhaps there is som DSL type. Any info. on costs, quality of service, etc. is greatly appreciated.


Jun 13, 2006
Denver, Colorado USA
There are actually already a number of posts on this very subject, so you might not get a full response here. See if you can find some of the other threads (look under "Bali Tips and Tricks"). :)


Apr 10, 2004
France, Bali now
There's "Speedy" from Telkomnet, based ADSL (384 kbps - down stream), you just have to sign up in Telkom office at Jl. Teuku Umar. But you can't get this internet connection if your phone cable is optic. Ask for more information about your phone cable in their office. You just have to pay Rp. 300.000 monthly then you can use it 24 hours a day for 750 MB. If you passed that limit (750 MB), you have to pay Rp. 700 for exceed usage fee per MB.

Then you have to get ADSL modem, the price is depend on what kind of mark and how many port do you want to use.

Administrative documents:
# ID card (passport/driving licence)
Tax registration number (for company)
# House/company address direction drawing
# Fill the subscription form


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi Iris (and everybody else hanging out for "affordable" broadband access in Bali).

There are several things to understand about Telkom Speedy:

1. It's a very entry-level "broadband" service: the maximum speeds are 384kbs coming down and 64kbs going up.
2. It's not available everywhere in Bali yet but the south seems to be covered.
3. The activation cost is Rp 150,000, then you pay Rp 300,000 per month (+ 10% tax).
4. The fine print states that you sign up for 12 months, so if you don't like it, you still have to pay.
5. You have to buy your own ADSL modem/router. A basic one costs around Rp 500,000.
6. The monthly fee covers 750MB of downloads/uploads (after that, it costs Rp 770 (including tax) for every extra MB.

An acquaintance of mine near Sanur has been using it for a few months. He's a computer professional from Holland and invited me to try it out a while ago - the day I did, I found it a bit sluggish and not all that faster than my highly tweaked dial-up connection. I can only attribute this to the fact that the service is relatively new on Bali and there are bound to be teething problems and down times.

Having said all that, I'm still prepared to give it a go. I went to the Telkom office this morning to make sure of the "facts". I asked the Customer Care woman "when will Telkom offer a 512kbs service?" but she became confused and couldn't answer. Now I have to wait several days for the technicians to check my existing phone line to see if I can receive the service with it, or have to buy/install a compatible one. I'll let you know what happens, when it does.

Oh - and just a warning: 750MB might sound like a lot but one can quickly eat into it downloading multi-media stuff. And one last thing: ADSL is on all the time so users should make sure that they have a decent fire-wall installed on their computer, up-to-date anti-virus software and a couple of anti-spyware/malware/crapware applications.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
A mistake on my part regarding Telkom Speedy that I apologise for. If you subscribe for 12 months, you get an ADSL modem for free. If you don't, you can opt out at any time.

Also, talking with a technician today, the cost of a modem varies with your location (some work better than others depending upon where you are). In my area (Sanur), I'm looking at Rp 950,000 - a wireless version capable of connecting up to four computers is around Rp 1,500,000.

My phone line passed the test. We got 343Kbs straight away. The technician claimed that the slowest it drops to is 200Kbs and downtime is about 2 hours/month. I'll have to wait and see about that.

And one last thing that I forgot to mention before: you don't have to pay for Telkom "air-time" using ADSL, which means a significant reduction in your monthly phone bill if you're a dial-up user.

So - kiddies "broadband" here I come.


New Member
Jul 7, 2006
North Bali
Thanks for great info. Does anyone know about satellite / wireless service? Understand that it is available in Singaraja / Lovina area perhaps from a local man named Andi. Anyone heard about it or use it and know about its speed, etc. ?? Or this type of service in other areas of Bali. Thanks much.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
There are all kinds of satellite/wireless services available around Bali but as far as I know, they are all quite expensive. (I've looked into many of them and they're all our of my price range even for the lowest speeds. Centrin Satellite, for example, costs Rp 7,000,000/month plus the equipment you have to buy.)

I've just successfully installed Telkom Speedy (more details in my previous two posts above) and it seems to be working very well.



Dec 29, 2004
Almere - The Netherlands
Sanurian, intresting to see that you have a good telkom speedy connection. We got speedy already for several months. In the beginning it was very fast but the last 2 months its slower then a dialup connection. (Arround 29 Kbps average)

ps. next month they will start with a unlimited version of telkom speedy in Bali.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi sander

It's stuff like this that I don't really need to hear:
...the last 2 months its slower then a dialup connection...

Mine is OK right now - I hope it stays that way. I presume you've asked Telkom for an explanation. If so, what did they say? I'm starting to freak-out now...


Dec 29, 2004
Almere - The Netherlands
Hey hey, dont worry about it, if yours is ok. I did not call them yet, I only use Speedy as a backupline for my wavelan because the traffic is to expensive for me at the moment untill they release there unlimited package.

However will try to call them tomorrow about it will let you know.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Sorry Sergio for taking so long to address your question.

I'm not sure about all the current locations (in Bali) where this is currently available. All I can suggest is that you visit your nearest Telkom office or try its website...look for Telkom Speedy (the Bali version).

My connection seems to be going pretty good so far. Of course, there are a few ups and downs at times but overall, it's far superior to the dial-up connections I've used in the past. We can live and breathe better with this, believe me.

Sometime in the near future, we will get a faster service (512 kBs). I hope so because that'll mean we'll be able to afford a 'broadband service' that's almost a real broadband service. I'm stuffed if I know why Indonesia takes two steps forwards and twenty backwards. Maybe it's trying to build yesterday tomorrow - or something like that.



Dec 6, 2004
Ottawa, Canada
Thank you Sanurian,

build yesterday tomorrow... OMG that's IT, thanks for putting in to words for me, I've been trying to figure that one out forever but now I know. 8)


Dec 29, 2004
Almere - The Netherlands
I called telkom speedy today not sure if you want to hear this. I had to do a speedtest on IIX (Indonesian Internet Exchange) which showed that my speed was 63.7 Kbps. That is not 384 Kbps but they say that this is normal. However when I do a speedtest on a international connection its about 12Kbps and telkom just told me that they are not responsable for international connections.

Not sure what I am gonna do about this but I got pretty angry about it.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
If you got angry with Telkom, Sander, chances are they'll take a long time to check your line, if they even process your request.

My telephone line got hit by a kite early yesterday. I reported it first thing this morning and nobody has turned up yet (it's 6:45pm as I write this). However, I expected something like this and called some Telkom guys who, as far as I can tell, are sort of 'free-lance'. (They've got all the gear and drive around in Telkom trucks.) They turned up in about an hour or so, fixed the break and I paid them Rp 15,000 (my wife's suggestion).

I looked into some online forums in Java recently regarding Telkom Speedy. There were quite a few posters who call it Telkom Sucks. Again, while I'm sure I'm not really getting anything like their advertised (maximum) speeds, I'm still finding it much faster than my previous dial-up. Any speed increase on what I used to get is welcome to me. (And not having to pay for 'air-time' using the phone is a big plus, in my opinion.)

Regarding connection speeds: this is an area of confusion for many of us (the bytes versus the bits). 1 kbs = 1,000 bps and 1 kBs should be 8 times bigger (or have I got that wrong?). People often interchange the two, which only adds to the confusion. Right now I checked the Speed tester that comes with the Telkom Speedy service and it reckons I'm getting 272 Kbps down and 33.3KBs up. A few hours ago, it reckoned something like 565kBs which made no sense to me at all (given that the maximum is supposed to be 384kBs). An independent meter is showing me something else. So - sure as hell I'm confused.

One last thing. I've run Broadband Tester (from England) which claims it can test connections anywhere in the world. I've done it a few times and get a whole bunch of errors from servers in East Asia and all of my ping times are supposedly screwed up.

I intend to persevere with Telkom Speedy for my previous reasons and perceptions of increased speed over dial-up. It's still early days yet but if I had to give it a ranking out of ten, it'd be less than 5. But that's 'technology' in Indonesia all over, isn't it?


Dec 29, 2004
Almere - The Netherlands
Hi Sanurian,

You're almost right about kb and kB. 8 bits is 1 Byte and actually not 1000 but 1024 bytes is 1 kB but everybody says 1000 because thats more easy to calculate. When downloading your browser shows the speed in Bytes so multiply it by 8 to get the kbps.

About your ping times being screwed up you're right as well. This is because telkom blocks pings so if you ping something it wont work (They always did this with telkom@instan as well, I guess some kind of security)

Same go's for traceroute etc. I'm sure its one of the reasons for technical users not to use telkom speedy, however if you dont need that (and most users don't) and the speed is arround 272 as you say it is in you're place, its a great sollution.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Thanks Sander

I did know about 1000/1024 - just tried to keep it simple like most others. I didn't know that Telkom blocks pings/trace routes...if that's the case, it explains a few things I wasn't aware of. And that both makes me feel better and saved me some time hunting around for 'answers'. And BTW - my connection still seems to be working OK.



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi sander

I've been running all kinds of tests lately on my Telkom "Speedy" connection. I think the bottom line is that we're all being ripped-off. That doesn't particularly surprise me but it's definitely a pain.

You mentioned you were waiting for the "Unlimited download" package. I checked today, out of interest...Telkom already has them...but, they cost! The "Office package" is Rp 2,000,000/month (plus tax). The "Warnet package" is Rp 3,000,000/month (plus tax). (Various "activation fees", of course.) There's another one that gives you 2GB/month (Rp 700,000/month plus tax) and extra is Rp 770/MB (including tax).

Anyway, it's all so woeful it can make a grown inetrnet user cry. Nevertheless, with enough tweaking, download accelerators, etc, it's still noticeably faster than dial-up. I managed to clock up 700MB in 12 days...I'm still too scared to try a major download (for me, that would mean a file about 100MB or more). Maybe soon, very late one night. Wish me luck.