Hey Guys Just Saying Hello


Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
Firstly thanx for having me!
Been a long time lurker reading posts and gleaning info on living in Bali. The amount of info you people have is amazing.
Over the years we must have visited Bali in excess of 30 times and finally my wife and I are planning to retire here in the near furture.(hopefully next year).
We are looking at maybe the Canggu as we like the feel and it reminds us of Bali from the ealier days. We are going to be over from the 19th Sept for about 3 weeks for another fix and a bit more of a explore around Canggu so maybe if anyone wants a beer for info deal hit me up
cheers and thanx again


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
Welcome Juggler, good to have you talking. I am curious about your "Bali from the early days". What are the features of those times that you yearn for?

If you are planning retirement, my suggestion would be to look more widely than just around Canggu. Your priorities in retirement are different from tourist requirements and becomes more focussed on monthly costs. How you travel is important, will you ride bikes, drive a car, or depend on drivers?

Good luck.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
Hey Ron
hardly a "yearn" (and yes I know this is going to sound stupid) but Canggu is more open and the congestion is less, this is what I meant by the ealier days. Our first visit was in 82 and Kuta was similar to how Canggu is now. That being said we want to be close to good eateries, so at this stage it seems a good choice. We paln on renting for 6 months or so to check things out and explore other areas as well.
As for transport we will have scooters initialy and see how we go with that.
This will be a work in motion and will be quite "fluid"