Hello everyone!


New Member
Jan 29, 2017
Hi everyone!

Just said id introduce myself to the forum. My name is steve. My wife and i currently reside in newman western australia, im irish originally and my wife is from karagasem.We are goin to move to bali in the next few weeks where i will fifo in and out ( very excited to be back in bali every two weeks)

Just looking for some advise on a agent to do our spouse kitas as it would be good to have the benefits of that amd any other advise people may have for me for my fifo lifestyle



Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Hi Steve, welcome to the forum. There are agents who can help with a spouse kitas, but they can be expensive and many would suggest they are unnecessary as the process is relatively straightforward. One thing to note is that it can take up to a month to process the kitas, during which time your passport would be quarantined. Not sure if this will be an issue for you. I'd suggest you check expatindo dot org where you can find loads of information and detailed instructions on how to obtain a spouse kitas and the various documentation required (which is the same whether you diy or use an agent). Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
If you do the visa yourself it is easy enough, but since you are fifo it might be difficult since you are probably on here max 1-2 weeks. Since the VOA is free now, maybe it is not worth getting a KITAS. If you have plans to stay here permanently the advantage however of getting a KITAP/KITAS for 10 straight years, then you get a visa for life. An agent might be able to get it super fast.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Hi Steve and welcome...
I concur with Spicy....there are still some Australians living in Bali who are FIFO (not so much as before) and they find, for themselves, a free VOA is the best visa.
Their issue is their WNA wives and children, who need a more 'stay' type visa, is required.
If your wife is a WNI.... then you're really set with her living here and you doing FIFO on a free for 30 days, or paid and extendible to 60 days..... VOA.