Hello and thanks for having me here :)


New Member
Jun 23, 2018
Hello everyone and I sincerely thank you for accepting me into this community. I have been coming to Bali for about 22 years now and lost count after about 40 visits. A good portion of my visits have been over the last three years since I met my Indonesian husband.

We currently travel back and forth from Bali to Sydney / Sydney to Bali as I'm a full time carer for my darling mother. I will eventually move to Bali to live, sadly when mum passes, however we are doing great with our current circumstances.

There are a few things I would like to get advice on in this forum for when I move there including accommodation - I would prefer something that's in a safe and / or gated community, information / options on purchasing versus rental, visa's, and I have an on-line business currently and would love to hear about any implications (ie tax etc) when living in Bali and having a business in Oz.

Thank you all for accepting me and hopefully will be able to chat and interact very soon :)
