Has anyone been to Lovina Beaches recently?

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002

This one "disco" is closed, but now there is the Volcano Club, a big disco just outside of Lovina, and quite busy on Saturdays.

In Lovina itself, there is Poco, Ziggy's, as THE places to be.

A few new restaurants, like Kwizien (Belgian). Tropis Club...

I think Lovina (North Bali) is doing quite nice, plenty of foreigners buy houses.

Lovina, the "New Bali" ;)


Jul 27, 2006
Norland Norway, Banjar Bali
I am in Lovina right now. I have been here for 1 week and will stay for 5 more weeks. It's not that many tourists but it's nice to be back. I hope that the new visa will bring Lovina back to how it use to bee. :D


Nov 16, 2006
Warwick Qld Australia
We spent a week in Lovina in early February and thoroughly enjoyed it...stayed at Gede's Homestay and were spoiled a little bit by the lovely family running the show.

The beach was quiet and not many tourists at first but things were picking up just before we left...maybe they found out we were leaving?? hmmmmm


Oct 11, 2006
Perth, Western Australia
Re: RE: Has anyone been to Lovina Beaches recently?

SteffandShaz said:
We spent a week in Lovina in early February and thoroughly enjoyed it...stayed at Gede's Homestay and were spoiled a little bit by the lovely family running the show.

Hi Steff & Shaz....glad you enjoyed yourselves at Gede Homestay. Mr Gede and his family are just lovely - we stayed there last July and had a great time with them.



New Member
Nov 8, 2004
I'm going to Lovina on Tuesday - directly from the airport. I like staying in Lovina even if there is few tourists...
Last time I was in Lovina, I had many meals in Tropis Club - great restaurant-great food-great prices :)
Looking forward to try the other new restaurant also...

Can't wait to be there.. 8)


New Member
Mar 21, 2006
sydney nsw
I was recently in Lovina for the first time and i was quite amazed at how quiet it was. But i did find a very nice place called Jax Bar and Grill on the main road Kaliasem? It is run by a young guy called Kadek and he had only been open 1 week and not many tourists had visited him so i stayed and put some money in the till to help him on his way!...The menu is very basic but Kadek is a very good cook!
Go see him, he will appreciate it. :)

jogry blok

Sep 28, 2005
Lovina is a very nice place, the only thing wrong is the pestering by the locals on the beach, even when you say no, they keep on following.


New Member
Mar 21, 2006
sydney nsw
the prices are pretty good and i guess average really.
When i was there, the hotel I stayed at, The Bali Lovina Cottages had no meat,fish, or chicken! they told me it was because there were not enough tourists!

My mind went straight to deep freezers! I had to do with something that resembled a ham and cheesburger which was disgusting and the salad?? well, it was a VERY small slice of raw cabage ( I dont mind raw cabage)..and an even smaller slice of tomatoe, some chips dripping in whatever it was they cook in, not a hamburger bun but two slices of toast.

It did me a favour really because they day after I discovered Jax bar and grill, good prices and a great open air place.

Yes, the sellers on the beach....they drove me away but they could see me sitting on my balcony and kept pestering me so I just went inside,these people don't realise it, but they keep tourists away with their constant sell,sell.

I wouldn't go back there I don't think,Amed would be the place I would visit again.

peter turner

New Member
Jun 3, 2007
i was in lovina quite recently as in 3 weeks ago its still pretty quiet but not as bad as 2 years ago when i was last there .
stayed at the lovina beach cottages on the beach and spent most nights in jax bar which is recently opened bar and a nice place for winding down watching football and having a game of pool with the locals !
the solo guitarist was pretty good by balinese standards and apparantly they have a live band on at weekends ...
food at the aria restaurant opposite can be served to your table at jax bar which i found was a nice touch and it was hilarious watching the locals trying to sing on the karaoke .
the melka hotel was also amazing with its zoo in the grounds and dolphins in the swimming pools whom you can swim with for a small fee
take in the hot springs , git git waterfalls and the buddhist temple and lovina has enough to keep anybody occupied for a week or so !!
i do agree the beach vendors are a pain but hey it cant all be good !

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ok people here we go again.

I really hate it when people pretend, and play stupid.

Oh yeah I should be nice to people etc etc

Peter, why don't you fricking don't just tell you recently acquired the jax bar in Lovina

"apparantly they have a live band on at weekends"

Yes and you pay them.


Well, now we have got that out in the open, hows business?

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Peter asked me by Email (via an other website) to take Panorama pictures from his bar, because I have made some from other bars in Lovina, he never replied.

I quote "just opened a new bar in lovina called jax bar how do i get it installed on you web site ?"

I will send Dasha to practice his night panoramas, ok?


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
I can see your irritation Bert, surely this isnt the "pennyless Peter that cruises ubud,nuries,fly, etc.. waiting for everyone else to buy a round? Dash I'm sure you met him...bought him a beer and had to put up with his endless stories,,(not unless you want to hear an hour story about a Bmw motorcycle- avoid eye contact!) yes people there are worse out there than me!!! Good guy though, but Beware!- Peters lurking....

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Peter send me an email:

> you are nearly right but far from the truth .............. a loan to a friend is nearer the answer i have no intention of owning WORK !
> but owning a home in the future near singaraja is a possibility
> i will just use your forum for references only in the future .
> sometimes in your life people stand out and if i can put a smile on a few peoples faces by giving them a start in life it makes me very happy .
> sorry to have crossed your path

Sorry to have crossed you path....


After Peter send me an email, and didn't reply to my answer, I went to the jax bar to meet him. I asked the staff where the owner was, they said he went home already. I said, ok no problem, Can I have his phone number?, thinking home was anywhere near Lovina. When the phonenr came, I saw it was a number abroad.


Then Dewi and I, and some friends, spend some time in the jax bar, Dewi sang some Dangdut songs with the band, to great enjoyment of the visitors.

Peter, I am sorry that you will use the forum for "reference" only.

and :

"sometimes in your life people stand out and if i can put a smile on a few peoples faces by giving them a start in life it makes me very happy"

I agree.


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
I understand your irritation Bert.

Peter, your first post was promoting a business you have a financial interest in. You would do better to just be straight with people about things - honesty is always the best policy. As you no doubt know, it's a small community you have bought into.


peter turner

New Member
Jun 3, 2007
ok my first step into your community was a foolish one and i would like to apologise to anybody offended by my postings but i truly would like to see the people involved in my venture have a better life .

i really love the area and the people and once again please accept my appologies after all i now realise you are the people with all the knowledge and know how to help with questions that will no doubt arise in the future .

your sincerely peter