Forum Advice from Thorsten


Nov 30, 2002
Dear forum members, dear FA,

over the years this forum is attracting more and more people, active members and postings have increased constantly and silent observers have increased over-proportional, I don’t know the statistics of this board, but without any doubt several thousand people are reading the posts here.

During the last weeks (especially when I was on holidays) I have realised, that it’s getting more and more difficult to follow the different threads, or to extract the content of information out of these threads, when somebody is absent for a while.
Under consideration, that not all active or passive users on this forum will be able or willing to frequent it within a relative short time span, I think we should find a common way to improve the current situation for those.
People visiting this forum should be enabled to find information where they are expecting it, this is not ensured at the moment.

I full awareness to look like the forum nerd and with the main intention to bore you to death, I will explain my thoughts regarding this problem!

What or where is the problem?

First statement, I know I’m also part of the problem, so I don’t differ from what I will describe now!

The problem is:
The subject of a thread does not reflect its content in many cases, many threads are too long, lots of interesting information or discussion is not displayed in a subject, information regarding the same subject is spread over many different threads.

Why is this a problem?

People’s interest in gaining information will always differ from person to person, in general people are selecting information due personal matters, which is interesting for one will be not of any interest for the other.
The forum is growing and we cannot expect, that users will read everything exposed on the board, so also the casual user should be enabled to choose the topic of his/her interest, it will be necessary to get the things into an order, the current situation is not suitable to achieve transparency.
Another point is, lot of valuable information is “hidden” in threads where the original subject of the thread doesn’t provide any context in respect to the embedded substance of this information.

Somebody clicking on the thread ““How did you become a Hindu?” will find himself/ herself soon in a discussion about caste system on Bali and in India, some later in a archaeological/ ethnological dispute regarding India/ Java/ Bali until he/she is bumping straight into a discussion about abortion!
Don’t get me wrong, there was really valuable information provided and also some points of the other discussion were at least interesting, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the original thread!

Who would ever look for an abortion issue in a thread named “How did you become a Hindu” or vice versa???

Who is the problem?

We all are creating this problem (including me of course)!
Somebody will start a new topic another one will reply to it, then the next is picking one part of this reply and response to it and so on, and so on, and so on…
Sometimes a pretty interesting discussion comes up on this way, but the thread is also drifting into somewhere!
Many times several parallel discussions are mixed in one thread, in an isolated view quite interesting, but in the context of the original thread confusing.

Why not simply solve the problem?

Yesterday I was discussing this topic with Bert and Matsaleh, the surface of this type of forum makes it difficult and in most cases impossible to split the threads and sort them.
Unfortunately Bert doesn’t really want to get a type of forum (or program it by himself), which would enable him to spend 24/7 by sorting the contributes of his forum members and organise a kind of order in this mess, he is not willing to employ (pay) one or two fulltime moderators, doing this job for him – stingy Dutch!
So it looks like – we (all users) will have to improve the situation by our self.

What to do?

We should split the threads by our self!
With a little discipline, it should be possible to avoid that threads are drifting away from the original topic, or at least to achieve some improvement.

Ask yourself, if your response is still related to the headline above the thread before you press the submit button, if not – simply create a new thread with a link to the thread you are referring to.

“How did you become a Hindu”?
Threads will always develop, but when out of this development already a new discussion is launched and you realise this, then post your reply in a new thread.

Start a new thread:
Subject: The caste system in Bali

In reply to Roy on “How did you become a Hindu”
Link: ... 9&start=32

When a thread already exists about the caste system in Bali, then post under this thread and link to your previous discussion.
It will be always difficult to define the borderline, which belongs into this thread and what should be posted under another thread, opinions will certainly differ and everybody will have to find a personal definition, but I guess it could be an improvement of the current situation.

What to avoid?

Don’t spoil the threads with your personal crap!

People are different, from different culture, race, religion, stand of education, nationality, knowledge, economical or political background, interests, from different experiences or points of view, this diversity is also reflected by this forum.
The status underneath your username or the numbers of your posts means nothing, as long your username is displayed in black letters you are not more or less than any other member of this forum, will mean new members do have the same rights to express their points and deserve the same respect.

When you think you have to criticise, correct or express your disagreement due a statement of an other user, so do this based on facts, provide additional or better information, bring in your personal experiences, but do this with respect and try to do it constructive!
We can learn from different perspectives and a crossover of thoughts and nobody should claim for his-/herself to have eaten the wisdom with spoons!

Best regards

PS: Maybe or hopefully somebody else has a better suggestion, how to improve the current situation ?!

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
RE: Boring Stuff

Thanks, Thor !!!

Maybe you want to help out and become a moderator?

I am sure nobody objects you are only a tourist....

Actually, so am I !


Aug 19, 2004
Sounds good Thorsten.

I agree, I was away for 2 weeks and as with Made I am still trying to catch up.


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Thorsten said:
What to do?

We should split the threads by our self!...

...Ask yourself, if your response is still related to the headline above the thread before you press the submit button, if not – simply create a new thread with a link to the thread you are referring to.
This is an excellent suggestion, Thorsten!

As we discussed yesterday, once several topics are interspersed in one thread, it's not possible to split the thread, post by post, into existing or new threads. It's only possible to "cut the thread in half" (so to speak), and rename one section or the other.

A little discipline on the part of members would go a long way towards solving this problem. 8)


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
I love this Forum because of what it is and see little reason to change it. It is an amateur forum and not a professional one and as such it is difficult to expect such discipline as Thorsten suggests.

Folks are not using this for professional reserch nor does it maintain archives for such a purpose.

I can appreciate where Thorsten is coming from and for new folks it can be somewhat daunting. However once you start something, it needs to be done correctly but do we really want to? My suggestion is for Thorsten to write a FAQ on how to behave and write in the forum for newcomers. This should ensure "forum rules" are followed.

For my 300th posting a semi serious answer :)


Nov 4, 2004
I somewhat agree with Jimbo on this. Personally I like the way a thread changes direction, much like a normal conversation.

I always start with the oldest post first and go through to the newest post, I guess if it was reversed, newest post first, it would get a bit confusing.
Surely if someone is looking for something specific they can do a search.

Congrats on your 300th posting Jimbo. I still have a long way to go.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Jimbo, we have had our “moments” but when the “chips were down” we always found a way to reconcile, and give each other a “cyber hug.” From now on, I’m calling you “Ba Pak Jimbo” and I hope you are not upset. It really has more to do with your wisdom, than your age. Is that OK with you? I have no doubts that Ni Luh and Kadek would approve, and embrace this new “title” for you! Trust me, it means a LOT to be a Ba Pak in Bali!

Thorsten, I like you, and we spent some really good times, (two crazy nights), in Ubud together. Ahhhh, where to go next?

OK, let me start with this....was this post really necessary?

I’ll start with this complaint:

“Been away a few days, and had difficulty catching up.”

So what? Try not to be away too long if you want to keep up or if you want to know what you missed....then read!

As Jimbo points out, this is a very lively forum, and sure, within any particular string, the subject can change...just like ANY conversation. Isn’t that normal? For me, I don’t respond to “string topics” but to the posts contained within those strings. If they are “off topic” do I care? Should anyone?

Thorsten writes:

Don’t spoil the threads with your personal crap!


Isn’t it the “personal crap” that makes this forum so damn good? Thorsten, while you expanded on this comment, I am still in the dark. In my humble opinion, it is exactly the personal experiences by the Balinese, expats, and visitors that one wants when they read this forum!

And, when we share these personal experiences, should we do this as we walk on rice paper, or egg shells? Please!

The one thing in your entire post that was absent, was the point of this forum. Last I checked, it was, and still is, the Bali Expat Forum. Oddly missing from your suggestions about this forum was it’s basic format....the topics should relate to BALI!

I'm with Jimbo on this 100%!!!! I say, let this forum go, and let it go its own way. This idea of constraining it, constantly modifying it, and editing it will only lead to its demise, and a place among other forums about Bali that have come, and gone, before, or, live today as absent minded “tour guides.”

Jimbo, I've got a nice bottle of single malt scotch with your name on it. In the event that I am no longer here when you come to Bali, you are welcomed to pass it through your kidneys first, before you share it with me. Good post Jimbo!


Aug 9, 2004
Roy i agree with you about being in the dark about Thorstens remarks about people putting their personal experiences down. :? :roll: :roll:

Also threads do twist and turn 'like the amazon rolling through the forests of South America' as you would expect as each person causes the conversation to swing back and forth sometime violently but always intersting and amusing.

I no for one this is why i log on and read people blogs to hear what has benn happening in their lives and how different or similar it is to mine. I also may object or disagree with what somebody has stated but still it is their right to have a view even if i agree or not.

So sorry Thorsten but your post seemed just a tad long and just the sort of thing i think you were trying to say people didnt want to lookup. :D :D

So carry on folks, tell us all bout your life and experiences and each person can be their own judge on whether they waant to read the threads.

Over and out
Sparks out.
:wink: :wink:


Apr 20, 2005
I have to agree with Jimbo on this one . The only reason I read this forum is the people ( personalities) and how they sort out the many issues they confront together , The personal opions are exactly what Im lookng for . Ive seen many times a question asked and answered In the first few replies and then the string takes a turn and the assuies are blamed for breathing ( that last bit was for comedy only , I ment nothing by it, if you cant have fun with a bunch of ex british convects lifes not worth living ,,,oops there i go again ) ..Thor has a major point though , if someone feels something very important comes from a strings evolution , mabe a note to Burt or Mats to seperate it is in order ...Thor I work with a bunch of germans (agfa) you guys just love order and orginazation , ya just cant help it :D


Aug 8, 2005
Dear Thorsten

Great post, much appreciated.


Dear Bapak Jimbo

Jimbo said:
For my 300th posting a semi serious answer

Happy 300th, you are the Lord Protector of the forum now. Oom Roy beat me to the whisky so here is some cake:


Your middle name is Stewart isn't it :oops: Well I hope the real Stewart will not notice his cake is gone :lol:

Ni Luh


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
You lot are terrible however I can assure you that praise, flattery, good scotch and anybodies cake will get you firmly established in my good books.


Bapak indeed!!!!!! I believe you should call me adik..... but then I suppose we enter the real world. At least Poochie did not call me Nenek. That really would be the icing on the cake.


Back on topic (see I can be good) I really think a welcome to the forum FAQ would be a great idea. For instance you can tell them that Roy and Jimbo have the ocassional spat (or everyone in the forum has the spat....with Roy from time to time :) ) but we all get along in the end because lifes to short to do otherwise.

You could tell them how Jimbo is in love with Mats amd Poochie and Kadek and just about all the girls. How thick Alans skin is and of course never, ever argue with the "angels" ( who are just too damned smart especially Kadek)

Tell them what we are and what we do and that we can sometimes be serious and sometimes not. Especially tell them about that dutch ogre who goes by the name of Bert who will remove your post immediately if you insult others.

Most of all welcome them to something that is unique, fun and for me has to be a daily occurance.

truth sayer

Dec 10, 2005
Jimbo writes:
Most of all welcome them to something that is unique, fun and for me has to be a daily occurance
Here! Here! Jimbo! :D I couldn't agree more, and again thanks everyone for listening to my "Tales of Bali in the 70's" My experience was so unique, that this seems the best group to be able to share it with :)


Nov 30, 2002

MY title/ subject for this posting was simply „Boring Stuff“, it was Bert who changed this and maybe he had his fingers somewhere before changing the headline, so it became sticky!

I will certainly not write anything like a forum FAQ or a manual how to use this forum or how to take its users, I will also never become a Moderator here – told this Bert already several times!
I don’t live on this forum Jimbo, you can easily recognise this by the numbers of my posts (joined Nov 2002, posts 293), and have probably wasted too much time, which could have been better used.

I was just thinking about how to get a little more transparency in this forum, so I suggested to create new threads more frequently and to avoid continuing threads endless when the matter of discussion has already changed.
The idea behind this was, to consider that not all readers of this forum will hang on forums all day long and to improve the orientation for these kinds of users.
I thought my intention was pretty clear expressed, but obviously it’s not – anyway, I have even asked Bert to delete it, but he refused – so live with it, or ignore it!


It’s not surprising me at all, that a forum junky like you will not get the sense of my posting, you will certainly not have any problem to follow the threads here, of course not!

But for the thingy with the “personal crap”, YOU should really know, what I was talking about!

The status underneath your username or the numbers of your posts means nothing, as long your username is displayed in black letters you are not more or less than any other member of this forum, will mean new members do have the same rights to express their points and deserve the same respect.

When you think you have to criticise, correct or express your disagreement due a statement of an other user, so do this based on facts, provide additional or better information, bring in your personal experiences, but do this with respect and try to do it constructive!
We can learn from different perspectives and a crossover of thoughts and nobody should claim for his-/herself to have eaten the wisdom with spoons!

And for PMs Roy, after so many posts, when will you finally learn that most forums do have a South Bronx filter, I only read BEEP here and have no clue what you try to tell me!

Best regards


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Thorsten, your motives and intentions are honorable, and you are well respected on this forum.

PM’s in my view anyway, are just that, the...”P” which stands for, bringing them up on the public forum seems to me to change the meaning of the “P” from private to public.

My other advice for the day...given free of charge...would be to try working on being a little less German. To be honest, you have driven me to watch re-runs of Hogan’s Heroes!

Ba pak are truly a hilarious man...full of wisdom and wit. I can’t imagine any “junkie” (as Thorsten might say), on this forum who wouldn’t love the opportunity to meet you in person.

I know you are back in SA, and maybe prone to depressive times as you work there. We “junkies” are here...always enjoying the privilege of reading your words, and happy for them.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

I appreciate your thoughts and the intentions behind them. I suppose I and what seems to be a majority do not agree thats all.

As for writing a FAQ ok no problem if you do not want to. It was only a semi serious thought anyhow and in my second post became a humerous one.

Take care and keep writing whenever and whatever you want its fine by me,


Jan 27, 2004

Good post & well intended, however I have to agree with Baaa Pak Jimbo :wink: Oom Roy & the other "junkies" I'm afraid!