First impressions of yourself


May 11, 2005
Funny thing about first impressions. Here are some examples from what i've learned about how others view me...

At a "first contact" with a Balinese/Indo they assume i'm:

* German or Ozzie by the looks
* American or Ozzie if i use English
* "Indo-mixture" if i use Indonesian
* "Bali-mixture" if i use Balinese
* "some odd european" if i use Swedish (always mistaken for Swiss)

At a "first contact" with a Foreigner they assume i'm:

* Possibly Ozzie by the looks (damn u ozzies must be handsome)
* American if i use English even if i sometimes oddly "stumble" on words
* "Indo-mixture" or "something odd going on" if i use Balinese of Indonesian
* A bloody scandinavian if i use Swedish

....... by mastering a different language many can be fooled and i've had many intresting and friends "first contact" discussions just by answering with the question "So.. where do you think i'm from?" in any given language. :lol:

Oh, but everybody thinks
That everybody knows
About everybody else
Nobody knows anything about themselves
'Cause they're all worried about everybody else


May 11, 2005
Balinese of Indonesian

Supposed to be "Balinese OR Indonesian". . :). Pak Bert, it would be nice if the post could be edited at least for one minute after being posted. :oops:

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
People seem to assume I must be native north american by my looks. With mother's black hair and father's nose.
Both of my parent's were of French ancestry.
My first impression of you Tommy, was that You must be a M.D. or Phd. by your old avatar name; & fluency in basa bali.
-But then my first impression of Bli Roy was that of a grumpy b*st*rd !


May 11, 2005
I'm certainly not a MD or Ph.D as i've never like the idea of going to Uni. I've always prefered to learn things in a possibly less practical but more individual way. The difference is enormous between someone applying for a program or course and going to Uni. and someone dedicating his life 24/7 to adapting and learning by his/her surroundings. People just learn things differently. It's like music. A friend of mine from elementary school studied several years in music class to learn guitar. He knows notes, scales, odd accords, beats and different styles. I, on the otherhand, was handed over a spanish guitar with nylon-strings by my brother on my birthday in 6th grade and improvised. I adapted to everything i could hear and tried to pick out chords and scales. Several years later in comparison, my friend and i had more or less equal playing skills. The only difference was that he still knows notes and i don't! But hey.. who need notes anyway when you can pick them up by just listening once or twice.. or just improvise.

I can't remember what my first impression of Roy was, but they sure do change as time goes by. I do remember my first impression of you Bli Made. It was .."peculiar"... in a positive sense. :wink:

Viva la France! :)


Jan 8, 2006
Negara Salju
Made, sapunapi gatrane Bli?

This week I'll get a snap of my good friend here to post. He IS part first nations and my first impression of you was the striking similarity you have to him.

We worked together for 10 years. He pulled me out of a ditch that was caving in around me when the shoring let go. Strong guy...good friend.

He considers himself to be addicted to Pepsi. I once poured out half his bottle and refilled it with Kikkoman Soy sauce...He picked me up, flipped me upsidedown, then layed me out flat on the hood of the crew truck all the while yelling at me all the terrible things that he'd do to me if I ever f****d with his Pepsi again.

The next morning I stapled his coveralls to the I said, We're close.

My second impression of you was that you are bloody deep.

My first impression of Tommy was that his words didn't gel with the old "goateed" avatar. Seemed like 2 different people.

People tell me that the first impression they have of me is that I'm a jackass, or that I can be intimidating. This I don't get as I'm usually not very confident around strangers...hmmm.
Matur Suksema, Bli Gede


Dec 6, 2004
Ottawa, Canada
By looks: No Indonesian would guess I am mixed Indonesia (or even Malayu period) unless I first tell them my mother is Indonesian, even then people have to really look twice (my dad's Dutch.) Of course speaking Indonesian does not change the way I look but it does help Indonesians see the gado2 in me.

By language: Americans know I am Canadian because of how I say "about" (I still can't hear the difference myself... lol.) and of course the "eh" after ever sentence is a dead give away for them as well.

Canadians however, do NOT see me as a Canadian... guess I must still have some sort of European accent from growing up in Holland.

The Dutch can tell I have been away far to long for them to consider me Dutch which pretty much leaves me without a home land.

Anyway, I have been called just about any caucasian race you can think of and I have never been called a local no matter where I go. I don't feel I belong anywhere really... strange feeling come to think of it. Canada is a great country where one can feel proud to be a "Canadian" no matter what color or race but feeling at home in not always just about color or race. There is language, culture, climate, food... anyways I guess I still don't know WHERE I "belong" or am "from" but I DO know where I'm heading and I'll give you guys one guess where that could be. :D

Yes Bali is going to be my new home and I hope it will remain my home for as long as I live... I might not "feel" like I am "from" Bali but I certainly know it is where I "want" to be. :D... Actually, there are many places in Indonesia that would suit me just fine but seeing as my wife is Balinese it is the logical choice.


Aug 8, 2005
Hi Tom

Since you started this thread of first impression may I give you my impression of your new signature.

Tommy's signature said:
I'm like Superman with Kryptonite in my pants

Kryptonite makes Superman weak.

As you say Kryptonite in your pants.

What are you trying to tell everyone :?: :oops:

Am I missing something :lol:

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
minta maaf, Ni Luh Poochie...
Would be prefer to be called a 'nerd' :shock: , 'geek' :idea: or 'dork 8) ?
~please tell us that you did not know what kryptonite was & had to search online :?:


Aug 8, 2005
Hi Made

made marko said:
~please tell us that you did not know what kryptonite was & had to search online

I doubt there are many people in the world that don’t know what kryptonite is. Ever seen superman? But for those that don’t:
Any surviving fragment of the exploded mythological planet Krypton, home of Superman

made marko said:
“Would be prefer to be called a 'nerd' , 'geek' or 'dork ?

Why would I want to be called any of the following:


1. A foolish, inept, or unattractive person.
2. A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.


1. A person regarded as foolish, inept, or clumsy.
2. A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.
3. A carnival performer whose show consists of bizarre acts, such as biting the head off a live chicken.


1. Slang. A stupid, inept, or foolish person: “the stupid antics of America's favorite teen-age cartoon dorks” (Joshua Mooney).
2. Vulgar Slang. The penis.

Can you explain to me intellectually the reasoning behind your question :?:


May 11, 2005
Done guessing? Ok. I meant the Gold kryptonite as it would permanently rob Superman of his super-powers. In other words.. i'm a superman without any powers! :lol: (and not a superman with a dysfunctional ding-dong). :p


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
superman without powers ... so you just run around with your underwear on the outside :lol:

first impressions...

they think i'm from oz in Bali

They think i'm french or Italian when I'm in uk or oz

& back home they don't have a bloody clue! As my accent is strange
no kiwi twang , no brit twang , no ozy twang either ,( thank god )
& I can speak Italian just enough to confuse them 8)

also I have very olive skin & go very dark , with huge very blue eyes & lots of blond hair


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Are we talking about first impressions made on this forum, or first impressions made upon the joyous event of meeting fellow forum folks in person?

I ask this question, only because I have been very lucky to meet quite a number of forum participators here, and for each of them, my first impressions here, on the forum, was 180 degrees from my first impression upon personally spending time with them here in Bali.


May 11, 2005
Are we talking about first impressions made on this forum, or first impressions made upon the joyous event of meeting fellow forum folks in person?

Well i didn't talk about the impression from this forum or forumites at all in my first post.. not until Made brought it up. So, anything goes... :p

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
I did not wish to offend you Ni luh.
I was only joking.
Maybe I am the only one unaware that there WAS more than one type of kryptonite?
It is very popular these days to be considered a geek-dork-nerd...Thanks to 'Napolian Dynamite'.


Aug 8, 2005
Hi Made

made marko said:
did not wish to offend you Ni luh.
I was only joking
No problem and no offence taken :)

made marko said:
Maybe I am the only one unaware that there WAS more than one type of kryptonite?

So you don’t read superman :lol: I bet Tommy does :lol: Do you reckon he has the whole costume :?:

made marko said:
'Napolian Dynamite'

I have never seen the movie, but will have to watch it now. Is it worth buying or renting :?:

Ni Luh