Dear Bert


Why don't we have a Dear Bert column? I'll go first:

Dear Bert, can we please have a new emoticon with its hands over its ears, for when you are tired of hearing something, like when someone keeps bugging you about the same thing? Yes, I know it's really a matter of reading it rather than hearing it, but still...

-She be moth (you and Py have me doing it now, too!) :roll:

After you write your Harriet/Edgar story I will make one for you.

So , be a good girl now, AND WRITE :evil:

I will do something about my new Harry today, it will be a nasty one... and that is a promise, I think I need to be moderated, strongly moderated....
new Harry story

Way swank, as Py says that Lolita says. Will you send me a copy of the unexpurgated version via private message? It sounds like my kind of story.
West Virginia JBR?

NO, of course not! I am well aware of the fact that you guys think JBRs are trivial and inane, and that you started this forum so you could class off by yourselves and talk about dental floss! But my reading-on-the- airplane book was V.S. Naipul's interesting and provocative "Half a Life," and it gave me an idea: how about a forum virtual book club? We could choose a book a month or more ahead of time so everyone who wanted to could have time to read it, and then we could all mouth off about it or use it as a jumping off point for miscellaneous flights of fancy. We could take turns picking the book, or take a poll, or YOU could decide (now that Oprah Winfrey has abandoned her book club, the field is wide open).

The above book isn't actually one of Naipul's best, imho, but raises lots of issues that seem relevant here. Here's a brief quote from the cover blurb:"Spanning three continents and an entire history of caste, class, exile and dislocation, Half a Life is a beautifully resonant study of the fraudulent bargains that make up an identity..."etc.

What do you think?
Yo Computabert!

Bert said:
To quote a famous dutch writer: I am not a reader, I am a writer..

BTW where to get books ? ( and classical music )

1) OK, I'll bite: Who is the famous Dutch writer? I've mentally tried the quote out on everybody from Erasmus of Rotterdam to Cees Nottebohm, and it doesn't fit anyone.
2) OK, writer-boy, YOU write the book and we'll all read & discuss it. Deal?
3) Where to get books? Beats me--sounds like one for the Tips & Tricks column. Is it totally impractical to order from on-line vendors like or
4) How about MP3 for classical and any other music?
5) Happy New Year!
1) OK, I'll bite: Who is the famous Dutch writer?

He wrote "The Discovery of Heaven"

I am quite Nabokoughing at the moment, but my Lo ( woman ) Hita ( black) lost her interest, if she ever had, but I paid her school so she is happy. Harry did it again. :shock:

How about MP3 for classical and any other music

Fine, put them on a CD and send them to me. The internet connection is lousy. Forget the "any other music". Our new ScrubTurkey however seems to have loads of it, and is somewhere on this island, so before you run to the postoffice, just wait a little....

Selamat Tahun Baru to you too !
Great job, Amsterdamster!!!

That was quick! Well done, it's my turn to say thank you, thank you! :D
