Colonialism vs. Immigration


Active Member
Nov 2, 2022
Tabanan, Bali
With all the outrage surrounding the "New Moscow" prank on Google maps (click here if you don't know what I'm talking about) I thought this is a good opportunity to discuss a very controversial topic on the island.

Bule are often given the "neo-colonizer" tag for coming over here, buying property, starting businesses and pricing out the locals. But why is it when Indonesians - or other citizens form developing countries - move to a new country, it is called "immigration?"

In many American cities, they have "Little Italy" or "Chinatown" but there is no outrage about it like there is with the New Moscow thing. In fact, those American cities are even proud to promote such cultural diversity. Yet here, if people want to move to Bali and start a community, much like immigrants do all over the world, then it's considered some sort of invasive colonialism.

In my opinion, colonialism is an invasion against the will of the country being occupied. Indonesia is welcoming this type of behavior and can stop it anytime if they want. Yet, they don't. They see it as beneficial.

I'm curious to hear BaliPod's comments on this topic.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
Yeah, I read that article and it made me smile.
BTW, they have the same view as you.

One difference need to be mind !

Bali is a small island. Islanders tend to have a special mentality. Think Sicilia or Corsica ! Or the islands in front of Brittany or the British isles like Guernesy...

You think mass immigration would be accepted there ? They are happy to see a limited number of people coming spend their money, but after a few days off you go.
In Corsica they will simply blow up your house ! Well, except if you make the right contributions to the "people in charge" ....

Edit : See what is happening in new Caledonia ! Setting on fire industries, malls, stores etc...
The idea is simple : make life unconfortable for Metropolitan French so that they feck off back home and let the island to the locals.
If it happened, they'll probably be taken over by China or end up like Haiti..
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Active Member
Nov 2, 2022
Tabanan, Bali
Yeah, I read that article and it made me smile.
BTW, they have the same view as you.

One difference need to be mind !

Bali is a small island. Islanders tend to have a special mentality. Think Sicilia or Corsica ! Or the islands in front of Brittany or the British isles like Guernesy...

You think mass immigration would be accepted there ? They are happy to see a limited number of people coming spend their money, but after a few days off you go.
In Corsica they will simply blow up your house ! Well, except if you make the right contributions to the "people in charge" ....

Edit : See what is happening in new Caledonia ! Setting on fire industries, malls, stores etc...
The idea is simple : make life unconfortable for Metropolitan French so that they feck off back home and let the island to the locals.
If it happened, they'll probably be taken over by China or end up like Haiti..
Let me preface my response by saying I am not Russian and in general, I am frustrated with some of the rapid development going on due to many of these Russian and Ukranian "refugees".

That being said, not all of them are bad and many islanders here are quick to generalize the whole lot due to a few bad apples. I agree with you that it's unfair to compare the mentality of a massive country like the US, who has a long standing relationship with immigrants, to that of Bali, a small island who is experiencing this relatively recently.

Fun fact, the biggest lynching event ever in USA history was not against African-Americans, but against Italians! So I think it's just human nature to hate outsiders until they integrate into society.

The question is, will Bali be able to weather the initial immigrant storm or will they go the route of New Caledonia, scare away all the whites and revert back to the stone age?
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