Jun 9, 2006
Hi its me again Cap, you may remember me a while back as one who was waiting for the citizenship laws to be approved and passed.
So it seems they have but I can only gleen bits and peices so far.
What I can find out so far are as follows:
1- Kids of bule husbands can apply for dual cittzenship that will be vailid untill they are 18yrs at which stage they will have to choose one or the other.
2-Bule men married to Indonesian women who have lived in Indonesia for 5 yrs can apply for Indonesian citizenship but they will have to give up their home country citizenship first.

If any one can clarify the new laws I would be greatly appreciated.
If the points I have mentioned above are true then I think it would be fair to say that they could harldy be called fair.....more a case of prolonging the kids agony and for the husbands not a good deal either.
Son whatv does the new laws acctually say ???and what of the costs ??
I am intersed in others comments.
Regards CAP