Bedugal Pit Stops Re-Visited


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
After two days of serious spanking on the links of the Handara Country Club by my friend Ibu Laurie, it seemed to me that taking some photos could reduce the shame of my utter defeat. Some of those photos are on the link below. You may need to right clik to enlarge.

One point I would like to make about this excursion, is my choice to use Jack Daniels of to arrange all the details. Suffice it to say, that in spite of all my Balinese wife’s connections, and numerous phone calls, Jack came through with what was the ultimate and “hands down” best deal for us. Somehow, as a long time expat living on Bali within a Balinese family, utilizing another expat’s travel business never occurred to me. As Mr.Bean would say...”silly me.”

When golf was finished we all wanted to head off to the market in Bedugal for a short “walk about” yet again. This time, I decided, while Laurie was off chasing orchids, to find this Cracker’s Bar once and for all.

On another post, someone suggested that Cracker’s Bar....if for no other a great place to relieve oneself. What can I say? While “western toilets” are advertised in the market, once you are there, you are confronted with a fee! Yup! Rp 5,000 for use of their toilets! APA! In close to eight years of living full time in Indonesia, I have NEVER seen a pay toilet...and these are owned by expats???!!!

I tried my best to overlook this insanity, and proceeded into Crackers with a desire to meet the expat owners and introduce myself. Alas, although my time of arrival there was about 3:30PM, there was NO person to be found there, excepting one young lady attending bar. There was nobody else there, period. That’s OK. We all have slow days and busy days, and sometimes, we are simply just not around.

So, while trying to become un-unraveled by this 5,000 rupiah toilet, and no humans to be found savoring a beer in the bar, it was time to check out the little bakery next door. Having heard so much about the mouth watering strawberry preserve/jam that is sold there, I decided to spring the 50K rupiah price for each of two for Eri and my boys, and one as a little gift for Ibu Laurie...a sort of trophy for her serious victory just hours earlier.

Is it good? The jam I mean...Yes, it is good! Is it the best strawberry preserve/jam on Bali? No. Nor does it deserve a 50k rupiah price tag. And frankly, in my opinion, that bakery was the saddest excuse for a bakery that I have ever seen!

When I got back to Ubud, the first thing on Eri’s mind was, “did you buy anything in pasar Bedugal?” What could I say? I admitted to the strawberry preserve/jam, and she reminded me why she never buys anything there, notwithstanding her incredible negotiating skills.

Sorry, but this old time expat is giving seriously low scores on Cracker’s Bar, most especially due to their pay per dump or pee toilets. That’s “over the top”....urinals and commodes notwithstanding. Whatever appeal that place has is well beyond my ability to understand.


Aug 9, 2005
unhappily in sydney
hey Roy, i'm only seeing half a pic on that link??

I have NEVER seen a pay toilet...

I have but it's usually for a seriously nominal fee like rp100.

From my understanding on another forum, the owner, Cracker, is in northern WA on a fishing trip.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Ma'af Charlie. I "fixed" the images. One still needs to right clik, maybe, to enlarge.

A pay toilet "owned" or operated by a western expat is for me about as disgusting a thing I could possibly conjure up.

That concept is just so way, way out of my ability to reason with it.

For certain, I will never, or ever, take the time to check in at Cracker’s Bar in Bedugal.

It embarrassed the dickens out of me seeing that sign. Upon reading it, I only wished I had the “great urge” for if I had, at that time, I would have gleefully left my “deposit, no return” at that portal. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


Aug 9, 2005
unhappily in sydney
A pay toilet "owned" or operated by a western expat is for me about as disgusting a thing I could possibly conjure up

I'm agreeing with you there Roy. It's not like cleaning materials are expensive :shock: . I had always thought they were part of the bar??

I can understand that they have done it for the betterment of travellers bathroom needs, but to charge for it?? and to then charge an amount that is beyond the average local?? Did you happen to notice any 'local' toilets??


Aug 9, 2005
unhappily in sydney
After two days of serious spanking on the links of the Handara Country Club by my friend Ibu Laurie, it seemed to me that taking some photos could reduce the shame of my utter defeat. Some of those photos are on the link below. You may need to right clik to enlarge.

Gorgeous photos!! But where are you?? Once again you're missing from the pics !!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Gorgeous photos!! But where are you?? Once again you're missing from the pics !!

Once again you're missing from the pics !!

As a great black lady from Mississippi once told me, "sometimes it be's that way."

orang gila

Jul 6, 2006
Roy said:
In close to eight years of living full time in Indonesia, I have NEVER seen a pay toilet

Well Roy, you obviously wandered around with your eyes closed, and must do so on a regular basis if you've never seen a pay toilet in Bali

There are at least half a dozen toilets/squats scattered around Candi Kuning market, and everyone of these is a pay toilet, Rp.1000 is the going price.
And at every market I've been to in Bali, the dunnies are pay toilets, though I wopuld prefer not to go to a squat, can't hold my breath long enough to do the deed.

BTW; Guests of course are not required to pay.

orang gila

Jul 6, 2006
Just have to relate what I thought was a cute story.

A lady the wife knows was with a large group that visited the markets.

One lady didn't like the idea of paying 5000 to utilise the dunnies, preferring to part with 1000 at one of the squats. Then did nothing but complain for half an hour about how disgusting the squat was.

She didn't get much sympathy from her mates.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Good one Bert!

Maybe I made too big a deal out of the Cracker’s 5,000 rupiah toilets, but for me it sends out the wrong message about expat business in Bali. If they had a sign stating that all funds collected from “the toilet fee” are donated to a specified charity, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. As it is, it seems to me a desperate way to make money.

orang gila

Jul 6, 2006
Re: RE: Bedugal Pit Stops Re-Visited

Roy said:
If they had a sign stating that all funds collected from “the toilet fee” are donated to a specified charity, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

You're actually pretty close to the point there Roy.

I wouldn't consider that the intention was to set up Pay Toilets and they are NOT public toilets. They were set up as part of the Bar Complex for Bar patrons & initially there was no charge, but as you can imagine they became quite popular for all & sundry. The charge was initiated to alleviate the need to have permanent cleaning staff mopping up after the masses and to go towards offsetting the costs of buying the premises for the AdoptA shop.

The partners of Crackers Bar purchased the space for AdoptA as the widows needed a retail outlet, and it wasn't cheap, so in a way yes, the proceeds collected from non guests do in same way help a charity.

Actually, the plan was to initiate the charge, and offer a redeemable token that could go towards the costs of buying a drink, or snack, or product from the AdoptA outlet. It's just one of the many things that the partners haven't managed to get around to, but someday, it will happen.


May 9, 2006
los angeles
Roy!! Tough review!!! I have frequented "Crackers" on many occasions. Yes it can be quiet there as you say,but I'm sure you'll find the staff quite pleasant. I think by the standards in Ubud or any other more'touristed' areas of Bali, the Bedugul area is not as familiar with that level or volume of tourists. In my opinion,it also makes it more charming. Its a little more 'country'! At the same time I believe Dave and Moi bring a nice service to the area(restuarant,bar,bakery).Albiet it is simpler than many bakeries ,they do provide a good product (baguettes,croissants,rolls,etc.). These are things you just dont find in the Bedugul area. The Bar is a welcome addition to the area and I wish it succsess,I'm sure a little good conversation and a drink and your experience may have been different.
Your wife is correct in that Pasar Bedugul can be a bit "mahal" for residents, but it is made for the 'tourist'. I suggest Pasar Baturitti(lots of flies), GREAT deals on veggies! But I can say this, The craft area of Pasar Bedugul, there are better deals than in Ubud,those folks in Gianyar are clever buisness people,I say that with respect!! Come on this is not Germany... HE HE... BARTENDER!!!!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I did not mean to appear to knock the new owners of this Cracker’s Bar, but as they say, first impressions are everything and since one confronts the toilets first, as they are outside the bar itself, it is not a good first impression to see signs announcing a 5,000 rupiah charge for the use of said toilets. I could easily compare this to a door mat outside of one’s front door announcing, “wipe your feet.” That’s my opinion anyway and I can understand that alone making a bad first impression on any visitor. Orang, thanks for explaining the history of how that fee was derived and how the funds are used.

As I understand it, the whole Danau Bratan area has long been a favored spot for domestic tourism, and not foreign tourism. I understand that has changed in recent years, however it still strikes me as rather odd to see a fully Western oriented bar in a local market where some 30% if not more of the stalls are operated by Muslims. Sure, I know some Muslims drink alcohol, and some will even eat pork. But I can’t help asking myself why open a Western style bar in a local market that is otherwise the business enterprise of local Indonesians, especially when most of the domestic tourists to that market are Muslim? I wonder what the average Javanese tourist thinks of all this when they visit the market?

Dug, to say that this market is “made for the tourist” I think you mean that it has become more tourist orientated. That market has been around for a long time. Surely every tourist bus that now goes into Bedugul stops at that market, and undoubtedly the tour operators of those buses get “their pound of flesh” from the stall operators. As for the prices there being expensive, I could not agree more. We priced orchids there some years ago and found them to be as much as three times higher than in the flower markets and nurseries in and around Denpasar.

As for craft material being cheaper in Bedugul than in Ubud, that would depend where in Ubud one is shopping. If one is a serious buyer of good quality crafts, one is better off getting out of central Ubud into the surrounding villages where these goods are made and deal directly with the families producing them.

All that being said, I have nothing but wishes of good luck to the folks at Crackers. They may have fallen upon a brilliant and innovative business plan, or the opposite...only time will tell, as it always does in Bali.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
You're surely not serious Roy when you claim never to have seen a pay toilet in Bali? Every market and bus station has them and invariably, they are completely disgusting. Even free toilets in expensive supermarket complexes are often dreadful too with broken seats, stolen light-fittings and general evidence of filthy habits by users as well as complete disregard for others.

As for:
...Maybe I made too big a deal out of the Cracker’s 5,000 rupiah toilets, but for me it sends out the wrong message about expat business in Bali...
What message is that, Amigo? Maybe the owners just want to deter local riff-raff from (ab)using their toilets? As I understand it, Cracker's is supposed to be a 'bar'. If not, maybe they should have called it CRAPPERS instead.

I've yet to have a look for myself. I had plans of going to Bedugul today but had to hang around waiting for Telkom staff to come and fix my broken telephone line (victim of a kite). I'll try and get there tomorrow.

And sorry to hear that you strawberry jam didn't cut it. Try going around some of the strawberry farms around there and find out first-hand how much you'll get ripped off for the 'pleasure' of picking your own! (I wonder what kind of idea that gives ex-pats and Javanese tourists about Balinese business practices?)


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
What can I say Phil? I don't hang out at markets or bus stations. As for markets, once they spot a "bule" in their crosshairs, it's a whole new price game. Eri and my mother in law handle the markets for me, and truth be told, I don't particularly like them.

Sure I can understand why tourists are drawn to them...a bit of local culture ala commerce, but in truth, I don’t know any expats here dumb enough to shop at them. Even without a local wife or mother in law, they are smart enough to send off their pembantu to deal in the markets.

I'm also glad to say that in almost eight years here, I have never taken a bus I haven't been able to write about those experiences as you have so very well. :p

I have no complaint about the strawberry jam sold at the bakery there. As I wrote, it was very good. My point simply was, it isn’t worth the 50k rupiah they charge for it.

As for picking my own strawberries, and getting ripped off, that’s not likely. But I am amused, and often have been amused on this forum in the past with your efforts to be “penny wise” only to end up “pound foolish.” :p :p :p

Now don’t get angry you have to admit you are the only one on this forum, and likely in all of Bali, who could write about getting ripped off in Bali while picking your own strawberries! :p :p :p


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Yeah, go ahead Roy. Wriggle your way out of it by putting tai on me. I don't shop in 'traditional markets'. The main Bedugul one is just a pit-stop for me. Personally, I hate the place and many of the people there (note I said many, not all).

You amaze me at times by your better-than-though attitude and describing how successfully you've taken on-board Balinese culture. Then you say something like this:
...I'm also glad to say that in almost eight years here, I have never taken a bus I haven't been able to write about those experiences as you have so very well...
And by your own admissions in the past, you don't even speak Indonesian, let alone Balinese. All power to you. Now that's really getting close to one's adopted culture in anybody's book, right?

Whilest we are all capable of mis-reading posts, you seem to target and mis-read mine for reasons that escape me. Here's your latest example:

...Now don’t get angry you have to admit you are the only one on this forum, and likely in all of Bali, who could write about getting ripped off in Bali while picking your own strawberries!...

I did not say I picked my own strawberries. I suggested that you should try it to get a better grasp of your beloved Balinese culture, Bedugul version. I still stand by that suggestion and would only add that maybe you should try to go there by local bus, via local bus stations and relieve yourself along the way. (Rather than being chauferred around everywhere like some latter-day, new-Age Raja. Might do you wonders.)
