Bali Entertainment/Business Visa


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
San Francisco, CA
Peace to all.

I have been to Bali twice within the last year. I am heading back again in late Aug or early Sept with intentions on staying for a couple of months and then returning to live.
I am a singer/songwriter/producer from San Francisco and my good friend Adias from Java but living in Bali is a very good singer. The first time i was in Bali, I recorded an acapella version of him singing a song he had written. When I arrived back home, I produced a track to the accapella and it came out very well. I have been contemplating the possibility of producing a cd with him and the possibilities of performing in local venues. I have a few questions;

1. What is the entertainment field like in Bali? Specifically concerning musicians and singers who are performing and/or recording artists.

2. Would i be correct in assuming that these artists would make most of there income from the tourist industry (performing at resorts/hotels/etc.) ?

3. Are there Balinese or other Indonesian performing artists that are popular and perform for mostly Balinese audiences?

4. I know that many traditional performances take place, but what about non-traditional performances? Rock/Reggae/R&B/etc.

Any insight into this would be appreciated.

On another note, i have a question concerning getting a Business Visa. It seems the main requirement is a sponsor, which at present i do not have. I would like to know;

1. How much do the services of Ardjuna or BaliIDE cost?

2. Which service do you recommend?

Any help is appreciated.



Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Go & check out the bands at bars already playing in Bali..
Like at Hard Rock, in Seminyak & all the other various places in Bali there is a massive amount of Muso's...!