Average range of child support


New Member
May 11, 2006
Can someone here give me an idea, of what the range is for child support per child, in Indonesia? I've read schools could run 2000.USD per child.

And on a side note, why do some indonesian women consider it an insult to work outside the home once they are married, and the husband works overseas? (after the children or old enough to attend school).

I got myself into something way over my head. I seem to have left my gray matter thats suppose to be between my ears, home. along with my common sense. Yes, Yes, I got struck by Cupids arrow. not only american men find indonesian women beautiful, but some of your indonesian men are quite pleasing to the eyes as well.
So besides having me committed, can someone give me an idea how much this child support thing is going to cost? And please please explain the divorce proceedure in Indonesia.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Yes, Yes, I got struck by Cupids arrow. not only american men find indonesian women beautiful, but some of your indonesian men are quite pleasing to the eyes as well.

When you work out your preferences, please be sure to post again! :p


Aug 9, 2005
unhappily in sydney
I think he/she meant that the indonesian women are beautiful to the western men and the the indonesian men are attractive to the western women. :shock: :?: :?:

Actually, just reading the post again i'm not sure :shock:

jvilichka i think you need to be a bit clearer. Are you the husband ??


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
I am willing to bet that Jackie is a woman..........but then I always did like to stick my neck out (Mats I said neck):)

"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much"

I just love this :)


New Member
May 11, 2006
Yes, i'm the female that married an indonesian man, that forgot to mention his first wife.
Wife #1 & 2 found out about each other, before Husband too all, returned back to Indonesia.( and things got very interesting)
Wife #2 annuled marriage here in the USA.
Wife #1 Is asking me to basically purchase husband, for a large sum of money. thats why i'm asking about child support amounts. Shes asking more than the husband makes per year, and asked me to provide the balance?

3200Euro seems like a lot of money per month to purchase a, used- husband, who does NOT cook. Actually he's sending 2000 now i've been asked for the rest 1200? for the next 8 years?
I'm joking about it now, i was madder the hell when I wrote that.
Is there any web sight, that i could look up,(comparsion shop) the costs of used husbands for sale.
Ok now the serious stuff:
I/we met 16 months ago aboard ship. traveled together on and off every 2 months or so. (i'm a per diem nurse in the states) and last aug/ sept he was here with me in the USA.
Got engage this past feb and married in april.
Asked me to email his company with a change of address request and send a copy of the marriage cert. when i got the cert copies. so, I did as instructed.
His company send a verification letter to the previous known address, and thats when the cat was out of the bag, so to speak. he arrived home to be greeted by wife #1 and her father at the airport. she sent me an email that she got from my origional letter to his company. I then started to receiving phone calls on my home phone from" government agents" that turned out to be relatives of hers. living here in the states. And one phone call"favor" from someone that had access to a US government tie line, that said he was ANOTHER federal agent at the Jakarta embassy, and did i realize the trouble i was in....well when I asked for his name again, and rank the phone call ended. that morning i was on the phone with the state department.
Well darling hubby or ex hubby has lost his renewal contract. was refused a visitors visa, and is not a happy camper. poor thing. but i have a soft spot in my gray matter located somewhere between my ears. and started to bail hiim out so to speak. Wife #1 refuses to work outside the home even thou shes college educated. its a pride/status thing? "Husband to All" is now unemployed. and living________???? in indonesia. now before you guys have me committed, i'm not going to let him stew much longer. I have a plan, but he must get a divorce, & support his children first.
Why did i not listen to my mother, and go to the local dog pound and adopt a mut!
there was a time not long ago, i did have some common sense.
Seriously, he did contact a lawyer, i just want to get a feel for what the amount of child support could be.
thank everyone


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali

EUR3200 equates to about IDR37.5 million per month!

That's an incredible amount of money, when the average salary is less than IDR 1 million per month.

Even IDR37.5 million per YEAR would be a generous amount to pay for child support.

Are you sure the figures you're quoting are correct?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Jackie and I have exchanged a PM, and I believe the "P" in a PM should remain what it designates... private. But, yes, $2,000.00 US per year for schooling per child (on a private level) is about right.


New Member
May 11, 2006
Jimbo, thanks I know your advice comes from wisdom, and you are so right and my brain agrees 100%. My heart is not listening to reason. And i know I'll regret it down the road.

Matsaleh, this is what's got me, big time. if schools are 2000.USD per year and 2000 euro is roughly 3000USD per month right now. I don't understand the ecomony out there. He wants to cut her off completely. I advised him to pay the schools directly. and subtract that amount from the 3000 USD. until the kids are 18 years old.

Roy, yes we will leave the P in our PM's, thanks for the cheering up and support. But I am coming out there, if nothing more than visiting the birds i can't import anymore, & going furniture shopping. home depot imports all the tile i'll ever want from Indonesia.

Again, thank you everyone, for allowing me to pick your brains alittle. I know this is not my problem, but I feel for the children, and want them to have the best possible. I just can't comprehend 200USD to rent a house and 500USd cell phone bills. if these are the fact true numbers.

Roy next time you pull a large hammer out, past it my way, I truly need to bang some sense back into my head?

thanks everyone


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Roy next time you pull a large hammer out, past it my way, I truly need to bang some sense back into my head?

Nope. A hammer is not what you need. A big hug would be much better.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

If your heart is that big let me be the first to wish you well. I remember being given a lot of good advice on matters of the heart many years ago. They were right in the end but the best gift they gave me was never saying"I told you so"

If you ever need a hug or advice there is both in here a plenty. You will find no I told you so's. Good luck