
Feb 14, 2010
A MAN in the company of Kingsley Football Club players commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Bali bombings has been pictured urinating on the Sari Club site.

PerthNow has obtained a photograph showing a man urinating on the Sari Club bombing site, not long after a minute’s silence was held at the site on Friday night.

The damning photograph comes amid outrage after it was revealed last week that the site of the Sari Club was being used as a car park and public urinal.

David Marshall, whose father Robert Marshall was killed in the blasts and was a trainer at South Australia's Sturt Football Club at the time, said the photo was repulsive and should be publicised.

“I for one am extremely disgusted that he has no respect what so ever for the lives that were lost as a result of the bombing,” Mr Marshall said on Sunday.

“I believe every effort should be taken to find this person, even as far as printing the photo to try and get leads to whoever he is and have him totally shamed.”
Bali Bombings 10th Anniversary

Several Kingsley players gathered in Bali last week to remember the seven players from the club, who were among the 88 Australian who lost their lives.

The emergence of the photo comes just days after Bali bombing survivors, including former Kingsley Football Club captain Phil Britten, labelled the current state of the Sari Club “disgraceful” and “disrespectful” to those affected because too many people are desecrating it with their urine and treating like a public toilet.

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Sep 16, 2011
bukit bali
FarKin Typical junk sensationalistic journalist crap ..... the rediculous article says , " lets publicise and find this guy , disrespecting the dead etc etc " ...., what a load of codswallop... , its a derelict vacant block where drunks urinate in every night . Its not the monument , and its not a sacred place either . Its just a place (ie; a privatly owned piece of commercial real estate ) where some really bad sh*t went down 10 years ago ..., if it is soooo sacred - then so is most of Asia , the Pacific , and Europe ....., People died in those places from bombs too ..., You better not find a place for quick Pee in those areas , or this Journalist Idiot will hunt you down.
The only people needing " shaming " is the media for wasting ink and paper for printing such dribble.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
I more or less agree, but if the guy consciously knew the background of the land on which he was pissing it seems a bit insensitive on his part (though he no doubt felt better afterwards). In any event, the name and shame crusade is way over the top and any serious journo wouldn't bother with a story focused around a guy on holiday taking a leak.


Active Member
May 23, 2011

An Australian man was photographed urinating on the Sari Club site, which was flashed all over the Australian media during the weekend.

To the disgust of families of victims and survivors, the man, reportedly part of a football group attending the Bali Bomb anniversary, was caught urinating against a wall after the ceremony at the site on Friday night with a Bintang beer perched on the wall above his head.

The condition of the site was the subject of many reports in the Australian press last week comparing it to a makeshift urinal.

A member of the Kingsley Football Club, Adam Nimmo, who also attended the ceremony, refused to comment on whether the man was a member of their club.

“My hands are tied,” he told Perth Now after viewing the photo that the news site had sent him.

David Marshall, whose father Robert Marshall was killed in the blasts and was a trainer at South Australia’s Sturt Football Club at the time, said the photo was repulsive and should be publicised.

“I for one am extremely disgusted that he has no respect whatsoever for the lives that were lost as a result of the bombing. I believe every effort should be taken to find this person, even as far as printing the photo to try and get leads to whoever he is and have him totally shamed,” Mr Marshall said on Sunday.

The emergence of the photo comes just days after Bali bombing survivors, including former Kingsley Football Club captain Phil Britten, labelled the current state of the Sari Club “disgraceful” and “disrespectful” to those affected because too many people are desecrating it with their urine and treating it like a public toilet.

There were fresh calls this week for the site to become a peace park and an area of reflection and remembrance for the 202 victims killed in the bombs.

Aussie yobo urinates on bomb site | The Beat Magazine