Advice re bringing kids for short 'educational' stay?


New Member
Jul 18, 2005
New Zealand
Hi there - have been flirting with the idea of bringing the kids (4 and 9 yrs) with me to Bali for up to a few months, maybe in Sept or Oct. I know that even just a long 'holiday' in Bali would be an 'educational' experience for them, but I want a bit more for them, I want them to be able to have actual hands-on experiences with Balinese music and art and dance and crafts.

In my years in Africa (a long long time ago) I took the advantage that my 'wealth' (in relative terms, I was not rich!) afforded me to have private workshops with artists I liked, to have tennis lessons from top tennis players, private language lessons, to invite entire music and dance troupes over for parties where everyone joined in, that kind of thing. It was brilliant!

I wonder if the same would be possible for us in Bali - to find artists (of any/every medium), musicians, dancers, weavers who would teach us or allow us access to their 'workshops' to learn in depth about what they do and how they do it? Any thoughts or advice?

I've been to Bali only once by the way - Kuta, Ubud - and that was 15 yrs ago...



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
RE: Advice re bringing kids for short

Nice post “Mo.” Sure, in my village, we could put the anak di NZ immediately to work, in pursuit of their adulthood.

You could drop your kids off at my mother-in-law’s compound for a month or so, and when you come back to collect them, don’t be surprised that you don’t recognize them.

I’m not bashing this idea…actually I support it greatly. Bali is great for kids. That’s why I live here.


New Member
Jul 18, 2005
New Zealand
Thanks "Roy", the kids working towards their adulthood for a month and being returned 'unrecognizable' sounds intriguing, but not quite what we (they anyway!) had in mind I would guess, though thanks for the offer! If you have any less dramatic suggestions or advice...?

You say Bali is 'great for the kids' which is why you live there - the fact that your wife is Balinese and has all of her family about must be atleast part of the reason, plus they (your kids) no doubt speak the language as well? Besides that I wonder what it is about Bali that makes it special for children. (Maybe this topic has already been expounded on elsewhere on this forum, I can see a number of you have kids?)

Anyway, I'm sure if we just turned up in Bali in a few month's time we'd be sure to be atleast somewhat successful with this idea of mine - I just thought that as any of you living in Bali are obviously surrounded by artists, musicians, craftspeople, (and some of you work with them too) you might be able to give me some thoughts about how easy or difficult I might find organizing such a venture, and suggestions about how I might go about it. Was thinking that in or around Ubud might be a good place to start - but really want to avoid arriving with no plan at all, and then have to waste alot of time trying to set things up....

I know that unless things in Bali have changed drastically in the past 15 years we can always find artists at work who will be happy to let us watch, but I'm after the kids (OK, and me too!) actually learning techniques hands-on and I'm not sure how easy or difficult it will be to arrange that. There will be Balinese we meet who will take us under their wing and try to help us, of that I'm sure. But I don't speak (aaagh! what is the Balinese language called!), well. the lingo and thought I'd try your forum for some thoughts in English!



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Mo asks,

Besides that I wonder what it is about Bali that makes it special for children.

The Balinese love kids, nurture their kids as best they can, and it's safe for kids. We have no worries when our boys wander about our village. Everyone here knows them, and we know their kids too. Raising kids in Bali is not just a family affair, it's a village affair.

Balinese villages, or banjars are communities. In these communities, we are all family, regardless whether or not we are truly related. Seriously, I can’t imagine a better place on earth to raise kids than right here…in Bali.


Feb 6, 2003
You could drop your kids off at my mother-in-law’s compound for a month or so, and when you come back to collect them, don’t be surprised that you don’t recognize them.

Hi Roy,

Can we use this offer when we visit Bali aswell with our two Belindo's? :D
Sounds great to have your Ibu mertua looking after them. Pity for us Nenek is living in Medan, so we are looking for a 'substitute' nenek while we stay in Bali end of around nov/dec.



Feb 6, 2003
So is it only me that gets nuts of them every now and then??? :wink:
We let you know when we are around Ubud!



Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Definately as Roy says, kidds are adored in Bali, by all..

Plus the entire village is family to the kids. I know my daughter aged almost 7 goes off with her Aunts & Uncles (12 & 15yrs) & cousins all around 5-8yrs.. They disappear but unlike in the west I am not at all worried, as the village knows her & everyone looks out for everyone else, the community take responsibility for everyone whom is part of it!!!

It is like having 500 Adults all looking out for you at once!!!!