Aaron Brown and My Neighbor's Suicide


Active Member
This morning was not a usual morning in our modest and normally quiet little village of Bunutan. Even before it was light, the fresh dawn air was broken by screams of horror coming from our neighbor’s compound next door. Our neighbor Gabor, had hung himself during the night. Distraught over financial problems, most recently manifested by the reclaiming of his refrigerator by the credit company, my friend and neighbor for over five years decided to end it for himself. In a few hours, we will carry his body to our Banjar cemetery, where it will be interred until our next Banjar cremation.

As is normal in my “regimine dejour,” I put on CNN’s nightly news with Aaron Brown that airs for me at a most convenient 11AM. Still in shock over my neighbor’s suicide, I watched what I thought must be a surreal newscast of what is going on in the US with the elevated terrorist threat. From my own hometown of Hartford, Connecticut, I watched coverage of a man covering his entire house…his ENTIRE house…in plastic wrap to protect its occupants from a biological/chemical attack.

For a few seconds, I thought I had gone mad. But the reality hit soon enough…I had woken up in a mad world. Even in Bali, where as one poster once reminded me, “there are plenty of beaches to stick your head in” this mad world had ferreted me out of blissful comfort, and shaken me to a sobriety I did not desire.

I grew up in the 1950’s “duck and cover” years. I used to think the worse of my living history was McNamara and Vietnam. I thought I was well past all of the phantoms I acquired during those years. Wrong! They’re back, and this time in aces of spades!
a weird world

These days the world is really looking absurd to me, while at St. Moritz during the skiing world championship people spending 130 U$ for a hamburger with some caviar, a damnd refrigerator is reason enough for a man to end up his life.
Have seen some people dying the last weeks, the worth of life gets another meaning to you, when you are personally involved, death is nothing abstract, a human being is a human being,
no matter where, if in Germany, USA, Bali, Palestine, Congo, Ivory Coast, Cashmere, or in the Iraq, different places, different dreams, different fears, but the grief will be everywhere the same, its not like in a Bruce Willis movie.

Reminds me to "brothers in arms" …we have just one world, but we live in different ones…

The blood is always red, the tears always taste salty, the pain is to everybody the same, the weeping children, the widows, the orphans, the smell of a corpse is also the same all over the world.
Who is allowed to play God, who is allowed to decide, which life is valuable and which one is not, who is allowed to kill another human being, or hundred, or thousand, or hundred thousand, or a million ?

Dear Roy, while you will mourn with your neighbours today, while you will try to spend some comfort, some old men in New York will decide about the life and death of thousands of children, they are dealing with numbers, they will calculate the "collateral damages", they will formulate a statement for the necessity, they will look for an excuse for their own behaviour, they will find the responsibility at the other side.
Would be curious, how the same men are able to look into their own children's eyes tonight, are they still able to caress them, to take them on the lap ?

Send my condolences to the family, I know how they feel now and give your boys a big hug.

Sorry to hear about your neighbor's suicide - it is most unfortunate and as the economy in Bali (and the world) gets worse, we will hear more and more of these sad news. But whatever the case, suicide is just a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

As for people in the US buying plastic covers and duck tapes, well this morning we received an e-mail from Jeff's mom who lives in Florida, she mentioned that indeed it is true people are busy covering their houses with plastic... but she decided to go out to the market and stocked up on entenmann's cake, ice cream, jelly beans, and she said that if she's going to go, she's going to go eating things she loves but shouldn't eat... Now that's a spirit I love!!!!!!!!!!! :p :D :p

The Price of a life

So sad dear Roy, so sad...this is now so common here in Bali and probably the World....nearly every week we have a suicide to deal with. From an old man in his seventies to young people in their teens....ending their sad lives by suicide,hanging themselves seems to be the chosen method...In this case he may have felt so malu sikali, seeing his asset taken from him because he couldn't raise the payments...the price of his life a mere $100 or so...maybe less. The Balinese are generally a proud race and cannot ask for help...maybe he felt this was his destiny.The shock his family and friends feel will take a long time to heal...my prayers are with you all.The story goes on and on...innocent victims of these troubled times....and it will get worse as the threat of war hangs over us all across the World...I will whisper a prayer to the wind and blow it to Heaven for his soul....much love to all his loved ones and to you my friend, stand strong, as always you will find the special words needed to comfort those who need you now.....God Bless you Roy, my love to you...Gloria
So saddened to hear of your neighbor's suicide...every culture perceives suicide differently in some ways, but as thorsten said so well:

"The blood is always red, the tears always taste salty, the pain is to everybody the same, the weeping children, the widows, the orphans, the smell of a corpse is also the same all over the world."

As for the duct tape and plastic sheeting craze sweeping the US, what can this loyal American say? It's the dumbest thing I've heard of since.......yesterday! We Americans are actually quite smart, except when we begin to believe our own B.S.

Roy, you and I are of the same generation (yes, yes, I admit I'm a tad older, but still...), and it seems to me that in 50 years all we've managed to do is go from "duck and cover" to "duct and cover".
