A humble tribute to Masako!


Is Masako bumbu (stock powder), whether rasa sapi or rasa ayam, not the greatest culinary gift Indonesia has given to the world?? Truly, it is magic in a sachet with the ability to make even the crappest cook (like me!) produce mouthwatering dishes so so easily!

Sorry for getting a bit carried away, but I love that stuff so much! :) :) :)

Anybody else tried it? I'm sure most of you with Indonesian partners have, for sure :wink: . If not, hunt some down!

I'm sure I've tried it before, but I long ago pulled the trick of pretending to be a terrible cook (instead of just a not very good one), everytime my girlfriend asked me to try and cook something. She doesn't ever ask me to try and cook anymore! :D
Yep, probably why it tastes so good!!! :mrgreen:

But then, I haven't seen to many people who don't cook with MSG (aka mononatrium glutamat) anyway.....
Hi Adam,

I was just skyping the other half. I asked her about masako bumbu. Her response "eeew that so sucks" followed by the puke symbol. Sorry mate you did ask if others with Indo partners had tasted it :lol:

Unfortunately she doesn't have a kitchen so I haven't had the pleasure of her cooking very often but when she does it's sensational. I presume its just an alternative to fresh spices? Fresh is best you know :lol:

But then, I haven't seen to many people who don't cook with MSG (aka mononatrium glutamat) anyway.....

monosodium glutamate :wink: and we dont usually cook with it :) Though we have been known to use the odd packet mix containing it. You wont find Masko in our kitchen though neither in Bali nor Lombok.