A great pit stop in the middle of Bali

Have finally found a great pit stop which is roughly half way between Lovina and Denpasar, a trip I do at least once a month. Right in the heart of the bustling Bedugal markets in the center of Bali you can find this amazing toilet complex of which I have never seen anything like anywhere in Indonesia. Spotlessly clean, tastefully done it would win any competition if there is such a thing for toilets.

Right next to these loos you can find a great bakery selling whole meal bread and western styled cakes. You can then choose to eat them in Crackers bar and grill next door, which is another place you would never expect to find in the middle of Bali. A lovely bar with comfy seats and lots of footy paraphernalia to look at.

On the way back from Denapsar decided to stop in and say hi to one of the people (David) who was responsible for these things at his lovely Hotel/Restaurant in Pachung which is situated just south of Bedugal. The sign says a view to dine for and it certainly was that late afternoon, with Mount Agung dominating the background in all its majesty, with the foreground of terraced rich green rice paddies. I decided to order Rendang, which is thick cubes of beef marinated and cooked in spices and I was not to be disappointed, as it came out spicy enough to cause a sweat upon my brow. Often in touristy type places I’m usually disappointed when I order Indonesian food, as they try and tone it down but not here, they made nice and spicy just how I ordered it.

David then showed us around his lovely Hotel, with the rooms all having this amazing view that you get from the restaurant. The rooms and villa were all very tastefully decorated and certainly a place to stop over at, or even for a few days as there are quite a few things to do in the local area.


May 9, 2006
los angeles
Richard and Family, I agree with you I know David quite well and His little bar in Candikuning market is a nice place to have a beverage. The Bakery next door makes excellent baguettes. David and Moira(owner of PACUNG INDAH) have done much to help the widows of the Bombing get on their feet again. We enjoy it also!!!