nyuh kuning

  1. Steve Rossell

    Digital cameras.

    After exhausting the batteries that I have to fire up my camera I've discovered that I didn't pack a charger for them. Doh! I've sussed out a Sony joint in Denpasar and they may have them in stock but there are cheaper generic ones available. Here though? It's a Sony nex7 and it doesn't run on...
  2. T

    Seeking reliable driver in Ubud

    I'm seeking a reliable safe English-speaking driver with car for occasional work around Ubud, including collecting me and my groceries from Delta Dewata and pickups from restaurants at night. If the price is reasonable, there could be frequent work. Any recommendations?
  3. K

    Ubud - six months each year - accommodation advice requested

    Does anyone have advice on what to do about accommodation if my wife & I spend six moths each year in Ubud, with the other six months back in Australia. I don't want/need to work, we have been coming for a month each year for a few years now, staying in a hotel, and know some locals. Language...
  4. divewench

    Caterpillar: poisonous?

    Watched with wonder yesterday as my landlady cautiously removed something from my garden shrub using laundry tongs, is it a scorpion, a snake, I wondered? Why the look of terror? Closer inspection on the offending critter...............a fat green caterpillar, about 3-4 cms she took about 10...
  5. D

    Interesting areas right now?

    Hi guys! I've been staying in Bali for 6 months and during this time I have been looking around for a small plot of land about 3 are in the south. My budget is quite small and the prices are going up quickly so I feel it's time to buy soon or I wont be able to afford it. The plan is to build a...
  6. MAXD

    Septic tanks, BSTP .. any ideas?

    Good afternoon. Thinking about alternative variants of constructuring septic system. 1. make it in common, usual way using beton and local workers. 2. buy ready one system like www .amanaid .com/product-detail.asp?id=6 second variant is good but the price for this kind of septic tanks is...
  7. L

    So.....anything planned for Christmas and New Year?

    Hi Guys First of all I'm a fake. I am not an ex pat per se. However, I come here 4 times a year and might as well be one. Only a few more years and I will retire here. OK now that's off my chest. I am going home to Australia on the 11 Dec and returning to Bali two weeks later. I...
  8. balinews

    World’s largest bamboo commercial structure being built in Bali

    Off Bali’s beaten track, past a towering banyan tree and next to an ancient Hindu temple, the world’s largest bamboo commercial structure is slowly taking shape: a chocolate factory. The three-story, 23,000-square-foot building — made from more than 3,000 long, flexible poles — is crowned...
  9. tintin

    Yanpu the Owl

    I recently received an email from a good friend living in Bali (who also lives in Merida, Mexico). She is very integrated in the Balinese community, and she has always some interesting and very unusual experiences in her life on the island. For your enjoyment (I hope), I am posting part of her...
  10. D

    Help! Mom's coming over! Recommendations for Spa hotel in Ubud and "quiet" beach ?

    Yep! Mom is coming over, first time in Bali/Indonesia, together with a friend and it's me who will do the booking. BUT I have about zero experience of holidaying in Bali. They want to stay at some nice "Balinese style" Spa Hotel in Ubud for a week. After that they'd like to stay at some nice...
  11. M

    Will You Buy/ Rent Near Local Cemetary?

    Hi guys, first, I love this blog/forum. You all come from all over the world but still maintaining to be respectful and peaceful to one another. Big thumbs to the moderators ! YAYYY !!! Next, we are about to close a land deal but one thing that concerned me the most right now is the location...
  12. ronb

    Indian in Ubud - Warung Om Namaste

    Recently I have been staying in Penestanan (just west of the Campuhan Hotel in Ubud), and from time to time drive south of Penestanan on Jl Campuhan 3 to Jl Nyuh Kuning. Half way along you pass this striking new 3 floor bamboo building with banners proclaiming an Indian Restaurant - Warung Om...
  13. B

    living in sukawati???

    hello all. we are moving to bali for 1 year 2011. we plan on renting villa, maybe around 30-40 mil/year. is sukawati a viable place to live? how long to travel to ubud? and to denpasar? are there many expats there? any info on the area would be greatly appreciated. cheers
  14. K

    Looking for a house around Ubud for one single person : 9 sept - 5 Nov

    Hi, I'm a french architect living and working in Sydney. I'll be in Bali for the next 2 months in order to develop my business network. I'm looking for a nice and quiet place to stay around Ubud. I have some friends living in nyuh kuning. My budget is max 400 US dollars/month. Feel free to...