internet business

  1. S

    IT...internet business type experts

    Any on here ? I am looking for some info from people that have experience in it...yes, can google it, but I prefer info from actual humans that know it and use it and such forth. I am a member of another forum that this would be more suited to, but banned from there for a couple of weeks...
  2. B

    My business ideas falling apart - any comments / ideas to hep please?

    Hi everyone Another new member looking for some help / experience please ... We had plans to develop a small web-based business but that offered travel guidance on locations for holidays etc. Funding for our time to set it up would be paid for by direct hotel booking commissions. We are...
  3. R

    Online Businesses in Bali

    HI All, this is my first Thread and I'm new to the forum. Very excited! I have read many threads on Balipod but thought i would start raise more questions and answers around internet based businesses. I recently sold my internet business (based in sydney) which was a website selling men's...
  4. M

    House for rent

    Fully furnished house for rent, year contract. - 270m2 house - 150m2 garden - 15m2 shed - 1 car garage - small swimming pool - 5 bedrooms (2 with AC) - 3 bathrooms (shower, toilet & baths) - gas & hot water - telephone line (+ADSL internet currently installed) - 4.4 kW electric (7...
  5. O

    Im On My Way To Bali. But First, A Few Questions....

    Hey Guys, Ill be moving to Bali in a month for around a 6 month stay. (probably more!!!) I basically want to learn how to surf, work on my internet business, meet loads of people, enjoy the nightlife... but also be able to easily get away from that and find some quiet villages to spend some...