fair trade

  1. Braveheart_shaped_box

    A test post hello kitties

    Hi a Scottish Lass currently in and around Singapore visiting friends heading for Bali and the area in December to spend Christmas and new year there might stay longer might not, see how things go. From Aberdeen originally no ties no baggage just traveling the world having fun and writing a...
  2. B

    Fair Trade in Bali

    Hi Everyone, I am currently developing a business is Australia and am looking for a range of Balinese goods? Unfortunately I'm not back in Bali until March but thought some of my forum friends might be able to suggest some artisans and craftsman for me to contact. I am particularly...
  3. naughty shorts!

    Good area's to rent in??

    Hello! I am planning on moving to Bali in July with my 2 year old girl in July. I run a small handmade clothing label called naughty shorts! and I am hoping to expand with a fair trade aspect employing a couple of local ladies to sew with me. I will be visiting in June very briefly and I am...
  4. B

    Environmentally friendly cotton

    I am looking for a supplier, anywhere in Indonesia but Bali would be good, who can supply cotton that has been produced in an environmentally conscious way, and who operate a fair trade/conditions policy for their workers.