
  1. balinews

    Expats leaving Indonesia in droves

    Foreign workers are leaving Indonesia at an increasing rate due to the slump in commodity prices that has forced resource companies to slash jobs at a time when the government has also introduced tighter regulations on expatriates in Southeast Asia's biggest economy. The number of temporary...
  2. balibule

    Bitcoin's nightmare scenario has come to pass

    Over the last year and a half a number of prominent voices in the Bitcoin community have been warning that the system needed to make fundamental changes to its core software code to avoid being overwhelmed by the continued growth of Bitcoin transactions. More on Bitcoin's nightmare scenario...
  3. balinews

    Indonesia to offer tax amnesty

    Indonesia plans to offer a tax amnesty soon to help coax money back into the country and boost dwindling state revenue, the Kontan newspaper reported, citing a draft of a law being discussed by the government and a parliamentary commission. The tax breaks would be offered to taxpayers with...
  4. balinews

    Organization in Bali protest fuel increase

    Mass organizations, united under the Anti-Fuel Price Hike People Alliance, held a peaceful rally to protest against the recent fuel price increase, during Car Free Day at the Bajra Sandhi monument in Denpasar, Bali, on Sunday. “We firmly reject the fuel-price increase policy of President Joko...
  5. balinews

    Rupiah at all time low

    The last time a dollar bought as many rupiah as it does now, Indonesian dictator Suharto had just been ousted and the government was paying 70 percent to borrow money for a month after an International Monetary Fund bailout. Sixteen years later, the country pays less than a 10th of that for...
  6. balinews

    Bali's cashew nut farmers

    If your mental image of Bali is of exotic beaches and luxury resorts, Ban village on the slope of the island's majestic Mount Agung feels a world apart from them. Most of its 9,000 villagers do not have high school diplomas. Many of the women did not finish primary school. Electricity only...
  7. spicyayam

    Bartering vs bargaining

    Why do so many people say bartering when I am sure they mean bargaining? Bartering: to exchange in trade, as one commodity for another; trade. Bargaining: an advantageous purchase, especially one acquired at less than the usual cost / an agreement between parties settling what each shall give...
  8. Rangi

    Sex workers’ clients reach 80,000 across Bali

    Sex workers? clients reach 80,000 across Bali | The Jakarta Post
  9. C

    It's finally arrived in Bali....

    I couldn't believe the size, weight and cost to get it here but confirmed all this morning. I've now got my first EMMY Award sitting proudly in my gallery. For excellence in the field of cinematography for my contributions as a cameraman to the National Geographic mega series 'Great Migrations'...
  10. SHoggard

    Nominee choice - what to I look for?

    I'm looking at a project: land, 4 guest room villa (HM) with the idea of having a a part-time commercial villa let - say 6-8 months a year as a Pondok Wisata. The question is this: I realise that choice of Nominee is important & I have a couple of people in mind (not Balinese, Javanese...
  11. ronb

    Time - needed for the magic of Bali?

    Bali's magic has something to do with time. In the west everyone believes it is a scarce commodity - so don't dare waste it. In Bali, it's not scarce, there is plenty of it, don't' stress. With plenty of time, books, movies and TV can be enjoyed. So, I have been watching American Idol...
  12. S

    Magic, unveiled, unspoliled, unknown places in Bali

    I remember 13 years ago, first time I arrived to Bali and stopped for some months, I had the chance to visit quite extensively the island and some places impressed me so much that I never forgot them; there was something unique, which belonged totally and exclusively to the island, and somehow...
  13. komank_wirya

    Any one have experience in Commodity Trading?

    I have plan to expand my Business on Commodity Trading. Both locally and overseas Trading. I am interested in Clove, Cocoa and Coconut. But there is a possibility in CPO and Coal too. So, if any one had experience, let me know about prospect, risk and all the thing about it. Your advice will be...