
  1. J

    Finances in Bali

    Hiya, I am looking to emigrate to Bali but wondered if I should sort out my finances (pensions, savings) before I go there. If so does anyone a good resource for me to go and have a look? Cheers
  2. E

    Wedding photographer and priest on Bali?

    Hello. Does anyone know good wedding photographer on Bali? Please recommend. I'm a photographer myself so I hope there's some wedding photographer who are not worse than me :-) Please help! Perhaps someone can also recommend a christian priest for ceremony? Thank you!
  3. S

    baptism for marriage

    This topic came up a handful of times in the threads, but no clear answer for me. My fiancee and I are both Christian Protestants. She has her baptism cert, i dont have one. Is this a problem? She refuses to let me get baptized just for the sake of marriage, which I support. I am having a...
  4. S

    Indo wedding & religion

    I hope I am posting in the right section. Ok, here is my situation. I am a US citizen, with an Indo fiancee. We are trying to get married in the coming year. Indo law requires that marriages occur between same religion couples. She is a baptized Christian with all her papers and baptize letters...