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  1. G


    Actually the 700Juta is owed to me .... someone else owes him that, another partner who sees everything as I do; who is also Balinese businessman, and high in the local Banjar. Maybe thats of some use to me. He wont deny having a contract with me; he has a reputation to protect (although who...
  2. G


    I am Bule (uk) and he is Indo (living here 20 years). He had a business already (diving) and this was to be the Sister business, cooperating and sharing assets (website etc). The old one doing all the Boat diving, and the new one (mine) doing courses and land-based trips so each feeding the...
  3. G


    Conflict simply to avoid conflict as far as possible, as in a fight, both people lose, one just loses more than the other. So I would rather "motivate" him into being fair.
  4. G


    Thankyou Gabriele, I will contact her if present negotiations break down. Of course if my "friend" and partner doesnt want to cooperate, the I guess I'm pretty much stuffed!
  5. G


    Hello Expats I find myself in a situation with my business partner, where we have a difference of interpretation of parts of our business agreements and contract; that is , he is not directly going against anything in the copntract, but the things he is doing (like taking customers and assets...
  6. G

    How to live in Bali short term on a budget?

    ps About the people - don't get me wrong, I'm a realist and know that they would love to have more money etc - but they don't get miserable hankering after it, and they are generally happy and glad to have the things that they do have. The children stay child-like, which is nice; I cam here...
  7. G

    How to live in Bali short term on a budget?

    Basic ..... hmmmm Hiya! Actually I got lucky - my house isn't basic at all, justa little run down, but it was standing empty for a year, the owner trying to sell, and I got it more to look after the place. But you can rent a good place for 6 or 7 million per year. Food up here is heap if you...
  8. G

    Article: New proposed import duty on personal belongings

    Thanks - actually I'm already here (errr, bali...) - these are in my mum's loft..... Still gathering info, though I reckon it will eventually end up as being whatever the customs man on the day thinks, and whether his wife needs a new dress.:icon_rolleyes:
  9. G

    Article: New proposed import duty on personal belongings

    I know it's a long-shot - anyone have experience with electronic items - I want to bring turntables, a computer, mixing desk - all mine, for my use and all very old. Also loads of records..... Any comments? Any sensible comments?
  10. G

    How to live in Bali short term on a budget?

    north bali..... Just a small note to add - I live in west bali, and I can definitely say that everything is cheaper here - and it's all much more trad. bali. There is however almost no tourist trade, so no getting jobs in bars or restaurants, except maybe in hotels (which we do have!) and you...