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  1. F

    Where to find.......???

    Hi, I am moving to Bali in January with my son and require a lawyer to draw up a simple (??) document outlining my agreement with his father in relation to custody etc. As Indonesia is not part of the Hague convention this needs to be done in situ so as to be legally binding. I also require it...
  2. F

    advice please

    Thanks Jimbo et al, much appreciated
  3. F

    advice please

    Thanks Leandra, it's very hard to gauge when I keep converting it to what is a reasonable salary in my country. I have been coming to Bali for the past 20yrs, but as a tourist, and as such you are not so conscious of the cost of living when you are on holiday!
  4. F

    advice please

    Thanks, that puts things in perspective!
  5. F

    advice please

    Thanks for all the invaluable info available on this forum! Is 30mill p.m a reasonable base salary for a management position in Bali? Thanks in advance