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  1. V

    Pregnant in Bali, The Sad Sister of Dewi

    Bert, I think it is the best way to let Ayu raise her children, she has to learn to be more carefull and that it is not as easy as that to raise children. After I have kids, I learned more how to appreciate & love my parents, it is a big job to be pregnant, deliver the baby :cry: & yet to...
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    How much may my husband work???

    Dyah, Where would you stay in Bali? I would like to go to Bali before the school start. That's bout the same time with your visit... Bout the container... I think I know what you mean, there's student in Bielefeld also send their stuffs somewhere close to Düsseldorf she said. I guess it's the...
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    How much may my husband work???

    Thanks Roy! What I am wondering is... if my husband may 'really' work on field. My friend told me her father in law was working in Semarang and got a trouble just because the man from immigration found him helping to pack stuff! (it's a hand bag factory) One of his employee was sick and he...
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    How much may my husband work???

    :D I'll check the web, thanks... And again ... Dyah... or any of you who like to watch German TV, every Tuesday night (20.15) there's GOODBYE DEUTSCHLAND.... this time the story of a mix family (the husband from Holland, the wife is German) that moved to BALI! They bought a traditional boat and...
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    How much may my husband work???

    Hi Dyah & Patatje Thanks for the reply! That's one of the reason why we want to move to Ind... to have more time for the family & just be close to the relatives ( My husband's family is in Paraguay.). Yesterday my husband got home almost at 19.00! :( GUsh... along work day.... from 7.15 in the...
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    How much may my husband work???

    Hi... Right now I'm waiting for Indonesian Citizenship (dual) for my kids and then we'll be set to move to Indonesia.(My husband will come with social visa & then later will make KITAS). So far our plan is to move to Semarang, where I came from cause we have a house & furniture (all belongs to...
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    future for your chldren....

    Hi! Just want to know your thinking of the future of your children. I am an Indonesian, married to a German. I am in Germany now and would really like to move to Indonesia, especially Bali. I am so happy that finally my husband have a chance to get a staying permit without setting up any...
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    Legalities of staying in a local persons residence?

    Hi, Just wanna share.... My husband, was my boyfriend... stayed for 5 weeks in my parents house. 3 weeks before the wedding and 2 weeks after. But it is in Java. My step father make a report to the police office ( I guess it is the same whereever you stay in Indonesia) so they know that we...
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    Religion and Mystery in Bali

    Well, Bert... I am not in Bali but I guess I know that feeling. Everything that is new is always exciting but after a whille you'll got use to it. In about all TV program that I watched here in Germany that show the expat in 'paradise' (tropical)country, they always said that it is different...
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    Kaufen oder Mieten ?

    Halo, mein name ist Christine, bin ein Indonesisch. Mein Mann ist Deutche und wir sind noch 'stuck' hier im Bielefeld. Wir wollen auch mal nach IndonesiEN / Bali auswandern aber wir warten noch bis Ich mein mann nach Indonesien mit 'nehmen' kann ohne ein firma zu machen muss. Ja! Wieso...
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    chance for an electrician???

    Hi nightlord, Why don't you come to Bali and start the business with my husband??? U can set it up in my name! :-) I wasn't really sure that bungalows and villa will use the service, I always think they sure have their own maintenance team. Yes, the market is the most important thing. But If...
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    chance for an electrician???

    I mean how much you have to pay for a service..... Thanx!
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    chance for an electrician???

    Thanks for a good suport.... Our green light shine a little brighter now! :-) I have asked my friend who set up a CV for her husband in Malang and she said it is really easy. I guess we need to get some more information bout the cost for an electric service and see if we can really live with...
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    sad expat story?

    Hi, I just wondering if anybody would like to share a sad story of expat that you might know. I mean such a story like, giving up their dream to live in Bali, lost all that they have just because they're too sure they'll be sucess in Bali or just any story to learn from. I think that will be...
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    chance for an electrician???

    Thanx Bert, May be I can find it by sitting front of computer for couple hours. :-) At least I know that there's that kind of business. May be I'll start to figure out how to start business in Bali. And if any body knows that Dutch man that Bert means, please let me know... Thanks....
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    chance for an electrician???

    Halo Irma, I've been here for almost 5 years. It's not just the weather, the way of life and the people.... plus we don't have family here. My husband's family is in Paraguay and mine is in Indo. We met each other in USA. Feel home there actually but to go back, it's so difficult to get the...
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    chance for an electrician???

    Helli...hallo.... Thanks for welcoming! I know that kind of electricity... I had it also in my parent's house. And when we visited the house, my husband was a little amazed, how the switch just hanging on the cable, the screw??? Don't know where it runs away! :-) Thanks for the support to...
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    chance for an electrician???

    Hi! I'm new in this forum. That was not really easy to join the forum but, it is done! :-) I have a question or two... I am Indonesian, from Semarang, Central Java and my husband is a German. We live in Germany now and I just feel don't 'fit' in this cold weather. Is there actually a chance...