Search results

  1. H

    Top five restaurants in Indonesia

    I would also recommend Mykonos Greek Taverna on Jl Laksamana. Great food, great service...only the place is rather small
  2. H

    Bali marriage...

    My cousin is a Christian and his wife is Buddhist and they got married without problem in Bali and got endorsed by a priest. In Surabaya or Jakarta, such thing would be nearly impossible :icon_wink:
  3. H

    Looking for good Private Schools in Bali

    Hi Krasse, I think there is a discussion on this forum. Might want to check out :icon_biggrin:
  4. H

    Getting married in September - need info

    My cousin is a Christian and his wife is Buddhist and they got married without problem in Bali. In Surabaya or Jakarta, such thing would be nearly impossible
  5. H

    Investing in East Bali - questions

    5 + 5 leasehold is extremely short. He might be looking for someone who has money to build something, then after 10 years, he is gonna sell the land plus building.
  6. H

    Searching for a good International School

    Do they charge registration or entry fee when you get it? I heard "uang pangkal" is ridiculous
  7. H

    looking to rent villa for three months from October to December in Ubud

    Try your luck at Craigslist Indonesia website. There are tons of villa to rent. :icon_biggrin:
  8. H

    Investment in Bali up by 31 per cent

    I wonder when they will start investing in the northern Bali :icon_biggrin:
  9. H

    Apartment for rent in South of Bali

    I would recommend you check Craigslist Indonesia. They have a few apartments for rent. Price range is from 8-13 million rupiah per month