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    Reported oil spill at Padang padang beach

    I live here in Oz but my inlaws are from padang padang area .they did say it was leaking oil /fuel a couple of days ago .they said the day after the stranding , a lot of boats from kadonganan[jimbaran} turned up with jerry cans and took the fuel . the swell looked pretty big at uluwatu on" Bali...
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    bali beaches

    hi Sergio We have been married for 9 years we have a daughter she is 8 years old [in year 3 at school ] She loves bali , dancing ,surfing ,too . My wifes cousin also lives here in Australia they have a son 10 years old who loves surfing too. It could have been my mother inlaws sister you...
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    bali beaches

    yes I 'd say it was my mother inlaw! how long ago were you there ? She sells from the shop half way along the beach to .It is a small world incredible[/url]
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    bali beaches

    arrh padang padang my favourite !!! actually the real name of the beach is labuan sait.. I never minded the sellers /beach traders on the beach in fact I married one very pretty one !! so most of them are close family now .Can't wait to make my way down the cave and sit on the beach and...
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    Some Bali photos

    loved the photos kelpie their is even some photos of some of my wifes family in bali {the fisherman at Padang padang }..a little local trivia about "padang- padang" the real name of the beach is labuan sait .padang padang means grassy fields which is A fair way back from the beach . The...
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    the address of issue is still the same
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    yes In her Indonesian passport.. The stamp on the last page where the Indonesian address is .Is the one to be changed to the Australian address . when we leave bali we fill the fiskal exemption form at the normal fiscal counter at the airport .she still has to pay the normal departure tax but .
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    My wife is an Indonesian passport holder but a permanent resident in Australia . By changing the address, to her address here in Australia she does not pay fiscal [Bebas fiskal] still have to fill in forms for fiskal but! the address change can be made at the Indonesian embassy
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    Balinese: are we for real OR are we superficial?

    Me and my family went home to bali early this year for nyepi. The day we arrived a ceromony for melis was on at the beach. We did not get to partake in the ceromony as we were late, but got to see our whole village come up from the beach. The look on everybodies faces sheer joy, it was over...
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    Basa Bali lessons??

    Yes its great to be able to understand the jokes and village gossip the balinese have such a great sense of humour and fun and I would miss that with out basa bali.
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    Basa Bali lessons??

    One of my wifes cousins in bali married a fellow from central lombok he can speak balinese so well that out in every day bali no one can tell My wifes cousin can now speak a fair amount of bahasa sasak as well
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    Basa Bali lessons??

    I love my basa bali and the accceptance it gives me in some situations but maybe thats just my ego talking. If I did not take on learning basa bali My indonesian language skill could be much better now
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    Basa Bali lessons??

    Its my wifes we have had it since we met .I 'd like to get a new one too. About 3 years ago I saw a copy's for sale at super nova kuta up stairs in the book secton wish I'd got another then!!! :cry: :lol: :lol:
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    Basa Bali lessons??

    I can speak a fair bit of bahasa bali kasar I learned from my balinese wife. What was also of great help was my little bahasa bali kamus "BALINESE GRAMMAR DIGEST"by N.Shadeg My ones falling apart from constant use.Printed 1992 Sadly I did hear mr N Shadeg passed away early this year . if you can...
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    Hinduism in India translated into Balinese culture

    I can remember my wife's family sitting around the tv in bali singing along to indian hindu mantra's on vcd.
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    Learning Balinese

    Truth sayer my 8year old daughter does not speak much balinese in Australia me and my wife do a lot of the time but when we go home to bali to see the family. Playing with her cousins in bali the bahasa bali in her just comes on so strong.
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    Learning Balinese

    pak Roy As the father of a 8 year old daughter I too wonder what bali will be like in th future At the moment we do not live in bali but bali is with us all the time with the help of my wife.When in bali my daughter is like me At home!! what will the future hold for bali?
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    Learning Balinese

    Ilu when in bali just sit and listen to how words are sounded out and put together. At first it sounds like every one's talking so fast .Start learning a word or two every day then move on to sentences .Talking that was "so fast"starts to slow down when you understand more words.
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    Learning Balinese

    After 8 years married to a balinese lady I have learned alot of balinese but only low caste .I am only just now trying to catch up with my bahasa indonesia it is very confusing now as I some times mix the two together.I just learned what my wifes family speak at home :) :)
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    Bringing a infant to Bali

    Yes done the same but only in the village never on the bypass [but don"t tell my mum] :oops: