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  1. C


    In all my time spent in Bali, I've never felt unsafe. I do avoid frequenting strictly Western-aimed places on busy nights. Also, both of the previous bombings in Bali occurred immediately following the end of Ramadan in those years (2002, 2005). The exact dates of Ramadan varies each year...
  2. C

    Coming in July for a year, advice needed

    I would love to have the opportunity to live in Bali for a year! What a great experience it will be for you both. I'm also an avid photographer (and also with a Mamiya medium-format camera, too) and I've found few places in my travels as photogenic as Bali. I am going for my 5th time in...
  3. C

    Mobile phones in Bali

    LOL, freogirl.. oh dear... I was misunderstood. I text ferociously here in the US, so I am very, VERY familiar with texting. What I didn't clarify was the dialing part of it when I travel in Indonesia. I'm not familiar enough with their "area codes," as it were. But thank you for the primer...
  4. C

    Mobile phones in Bali

    SIM cards are definitely inexpensive in Bali. I bought one there on my last visit. Definitely need to ensure your foreign phone isn't "locked," though, as has been mentioned. My confusion still lies in sending SMS locally, as well as to other parts of Indonesia. No clue. It's just such an...
  5. C

    A momentous occasion of Indonesian tolerance...

    Great stuff... here's another article about how Indonesia may be pivotal in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism, from the Christian Science Monitor:
  6. C

    Compact Flash to CD and 110-220 power converter in Ubud?

    If it turns out all she needs is a plug adapter, they can be found very cheap at the Bintang Supermarket near Campuhan.
  7. C

    Saddam Executed

    I just couldn't possibly agree with you any more, Roy, in your comments about King George. Historians are already grappling on whether he's THE worst president in U.S. history, or just ONE of the worst. I figure another couple of years in office will erase all doubt. And yes, I've read the...
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    accom with views of rice paddies

    Oops, forgot to mention their e-mail address: Rent a motorbike and head north on the Campuan road -- plenty of rice terrace shots can be found near Ubud. :)
  9. C

    accom with views of rice paddies

    The place Froggy is referring to is called Taman Indrakila. It's lovely, very nice and large rooms (each is its own little house) and a gorgeous pool. The landscaping is lush and varied and there's a nice view of Gunung Agung most mornings (early). I was just there less than two weeks ago. I...
  10. C

    To all who lost a loved one ..

    I remember being in Bali in Sept. 2003, on the 2nd anniversary of 9/11, less than a year after Bali suffered its own terrorist attack, and was so touched by the Balinese, who, upon learning I was American, became visibly moved and somber, and said, "Yes.. yes, today is great tragedy for you." I...
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    Taxi Fares & Travel Around Bali

    Well, I've been duly bashed into submission. I was just basing my comments off my own experiences, which apparently aren't worth much.
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    Taxi Fares & Travel Around Bali

    Good lord, the taxi staging area is nowhere NEAR 700-800 meters from the airport. At least not the one I was talking about. Crikey, I wouldn't advocate walking half a mile to save US$1!!
  13. C

    Disappointed with some of the pollution

    Curiously enough, even here in the U.S., where bottled water sales are booming, a huge percentage of brands offer nothing but reverse-osmosis filtered wastewater. Obviously, that sort of filtration is good enough to yield drinkable water, but you won't see it in their marketing campaigns...
  14. C

    dare to leave your comfort zone

    I heartily agree, Jimbo. The authors of the U.S. Declaration of Independence had it 100% right when they listed a person's "inalienable rights" as "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." In my mind, if, by exercising those rights, you don't infringe on another's ability to exercise the...
  15. C

    Taxi Fares & Travel Around Bali

    You can go to the taxi counter at the airport (right next to international arrivals) and pay a rather ridiculous fare (at least by Bali standards), or walk a short distance towards the "taxi corral" (very hard to miss) and haggle with the locals. From the airport to Sanur, I'd not pay more than...
  16. C

    Sentence Reduction for Bali Bombers ? ? ?

    Roy, you're quite intelligent enough to know that it's an (understandably) emotional reaction, not a pragmatic, well-reasoned one. I suspect that anyone, you or I included, would react similarly had we lost a child or spouse in those horrific bombings. My personal opinion is that the sentences...
  17. C

    Weather Stats

    Perhaps this would be a good place to start. :) It's not comprehensive by any means, but maybe it's of some use. ... =ID&refer=
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    Curiously enough, it's just been reported today in the U.S. media that the British and American governments had QUITE the dust-up concerning the timing of these arrests. To no one's surprise, the Brits wanted to wait, but the Yanks pressured them into doing it NOW NOW NOW. The politics of...
  19. C

    Moving to Bali?

    Oh dear god, NO! Don't eliminate the Scotch!! Are you quite sure ALL of your kids need to be educated? :lol:
  20. C

    2 weeks in august in Bali : please advise !

    HA! Yes, the one in the foreground is exactly who I was referring to. What a small, small world it is sometimes! That made my day here. :)