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  1. C

    Electricity costs

    Iain, yes, I'm looking forward to the eccentricities of living in Bali too!! Don't forget, of course, the information I have posted is this week's story! Things never stay the same - the picture changes on a daily basis and depending on the source. I believe my equipment has now been...
  2. C

    Electricity costs

    Almost there, iainsomers. If you look at my posting on page 2 of this thread it gives the bands, fixed costs and power provided. What is not there are the installation costs. For those bands, the installation costs are not unreasonable. For instance, Bisnis band 13,200VA totals...
  3. C

    Electricity costs

    We did think about solar power but it is expensive to purchase & maintain so discounted that. We were also going to install a generator but in the end the PLN installation cost was so high that we had to defer that. We do have a lot of electrical items but we have tried to do it in a way...
  4. C

    Electricity costs

    As the one who started this thread I thought I'd wade back in to give you an update on what we have achieved & to explain a few things that I have picked up during my research. Firstly, as I understand it, electricity in Bali is subsidised. There is also a dire shortage of electricity and...
  5. C

    Electricity costs

    Well, it has taken some time but I've now found out that the electricity costs I posted in late April are correct but they only apply to new applicants. So, beware anyone who is about to apply for a new supply - the costs are rediculous! Meanwhile, I'm beefing up the dynamo on my exercise bike!!
  6. C

    Electricity costs

    Hi Roy, thanks for the feedback. Tomorrow, I'm going to go back over all the posts on this thread to see how the various usages might tally with the charge rates I've been given. Unless I can get more power rating on a 'Regular' tarif, it looks like I will be on the Bisnis rating. And, on...
  7. C

    Electricity costs

    OK, edited the spreadsheet to take out the installation costs which leaves only the monthly charges. However, i still can't get it to post properly in columns. So, I have listed the headings split with []. You'll have to try to assess which figures go under which column. There are 6 columns...
  8. C

    Electricity costs

    I see that the posting I started is generating (no pun, again) plenty of interest! I have now received from my electrician the PLN rates for various levels of supply which I would like to post. Currently, they are in an Excel spreadsheet but when I tried to post them (by copying & pasting)...
  9. C

    Electricity costs

    Incidentally, presumably your fixed rates are charged on the supply rating from the PLN. This will presumably be something like 7.7kva or (around) 7700 Watts (say). But there will also be an additional charge for usage, which will be billed in something like kilowatt-hours or watt-hours...
  10. C

    Electricity costs

    Interesting reading - at least your experiences are making things look more positive. The big supply size was worked out on the anticipated peak need: full house, getting ready for a dinner in the house - thus all a/c's running; showers on, thus water heaters & pressure pump; dinner being...
  11. C

    Electricity costs

    The amount you have noted is around what we had expected, hence my scepticism of the figures given to me. My architect had put the point forward that because we were asking for a large supply (33kva) this was considered to be a commercial rate. Could that be a possibility? And, the rate...
  12. C

    Electricity costs

    I'm in the process of having a villa built in the Bukit. My architect has advised that in February 2006 the PLN intorduced a new charging structure for the supply of electricity. It was not fully clear to him, and thus to me, what the new regime was but it looked like I could be facing monthly...